So, What Do You Know About Healing?

So, What Do You Know About Healing?

“So what do you know about healing?” I am often asked this. Well, not as much as some, but a little more than I did!

Our views and experiences on the subject have changed over the years, partly due to circumstances and necessity but predominantly because we heard the Gospel. We were Christians and had been for about 12 years, yet we had not heard the whole Gospel in all that time. How can you be a Christian without having heard the Gospel, you might ask?

We had received our salvation through belief in Jesus, but the Gospel is much more than just a ticket to heaven. It is the “Good News”. Romans 1:16 says, “The power of God unto salvation for all who believe.” This literally means that the Gospel is: the good news of God’s miracle-working, abundant, and mighty power to deliver, heal, save, forgive and protect from harm all those who trust in Jesus! Now that is good news!

Understanding this gave us a hunger to see more of the New Testament play out in our lives. After all, Jesus said that He came to give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). Why settle for just life when you are promised an abundant life?

Power of God

All Believers can and should experience the power of God demonstrated in their lives on a daily basis. This is the normal Christian life and it is not just confined to Bible times. Our lives are a testimony to how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary exploits. Healing has become a huge part of our lives. It’s not because we are so special or have a particular anointing in that area, but because we have come to see that it is for everyone. God’s will is for all of His creation to know Him and experience the power of His resurrection (Phil 3:10).

With this in mind, we become more aware of the power of God in us, to the point where it spills out and transforms those around us (Rom 12:1-2).

All that is left is for you to find some sick people to practice on!