Featured Ministry:

Freedom Christian Center

Freedom Ministries was born from the heart of Dr. Dean Melton from Charlotte, NC, as he found that he had a heart for pastors of small churches.  

In the last 30 years, he has put such ambition and energy into fellowshipping and strengthening fellow pastors and leadership. Freedom Christian Center grew from a single main church to a fellowship of several churches and Bible Colleges in the US, Mexico, Nicaragua and Jamaica.

Like-Minded Ministries

Throughout the years of Terradez Ministries, we have built solid relationships with the churches and ministries listed here. We can confidently state that not only do these organizations teach sound biblical doctrine, they also effectively perform the work of the ministry according to the specific assignments given to them by the Lord.


*Has multiple locations or campuses

United States


Life of Faith Church — http://www.lifeoffaith.church
Pastors Mark & Jennifer Machen. Birmingham, AL


Chino Valley Family Church azfamilychurch.com
Pastor Chad & Gina Nanke. Chino Valley, AZ

Vida Church — vidachurchaz.com
Pastors Ben & Kara Diaz. Mesa, AZ

Word Life Church — wordlife.church
Pastor Phreddie & Terrilyn Minnifield. Chandler, AZ


Deep Rooted Church — deeprooted.church
Pastors Matthew & Stephanie Ochoa. Visalia, CA

Faith Builders Family Church — faithbuildersfamilychurch.com
Pastors Dan & Nancy Thompson. Banning, CA


Charis Christian Centercharischristiancenter.com
Pastors Lawson & Barbara Perdue. Colorado Springs, CO

Legacy Chapellegacychapel.org
Pastors Brant & Abi Epperhart. Highlands Ranch, CO

Legacy Church – legacychurch.family
Pastors Jeremy and Sarah Pearsons. Green Mountain Falls, CO

Mountain Life Church – mountainlifechurch.net
Pastors Manny & Cheryl Dunlap. Cripple Creek, CO

Rocky Mountain Family Church – rmfchurch.org
Pastors Mike & Melody Davis. Pueblo, CO


Faith Churchfaithchurchnaples.com
Pastor Andre & Jenny Roebert. Naples, FL

Grace Chapel – gogracechapel.com
Pastors Bryan & Cynthia Rosenbarger. Loxahatchee, FL

Momentum Church – momentumchurchjax.com
Pastor Danon Winter. Jacksonville, FL

Nations Churchwearenations.church
Pastor Daniel Kolenda. Orlando, FL

New Harvest Church – newharvest.net
Pastors Chuck & Karen Pelham. Clewiston, FL


The Solid Rock of Atlanta – solidrockofatlanta.org
Pastors Van & Regina Smith. Atlanta, GA


Restore Church – restorechurchyorkville.com
Pastors Jordan & Melissa Gash. Yorkville, IL

Trinity Christian Fellowship – tcfc-chicago.org
Pastors Adam & Danielle Murrell. Chicago, IL


Discovery Church – discoverychurchfishers.org
Pastors Steve & Holly McIntosh. Fishers, IN

Whosoever Will Full Gospel – wwfg.church
Pastors Dan & Melanie Dyer. Duggar, IN


Charis Kingdom Church – chariskingdomchurch.com
Pastors Max & Molly Cornell. Olathe, KS

Word of Life Church – thewolc.org
Pastors Rick & Tami Beard. Garden City, KS


Christian Worship Center christianworshipcenter.com
Pastors Aaron & Erin-Cody Hankins. Alexandria, LA

Voice of the Covenant Church jdm.org/church
Pastor Cathy Duplantis. Destrehan, LA


*Zoo Church – http://www.zoo.church
Pastors Ed & Brenda Laquidara. Bolton, MA


Believers Christian Church – believerschristianchurch.com
Pastor Phil McKinney. Eagle, MI


*Overcomers Church Internationalovercomerschurchinternational.com
Pastors Kent & Liz Ward. Perryville, MO

North Carolina

Freedom Christian Center – fccministry.com
Pastors Dean & Georgia Melton. Charlotte, NC

Freedom Church – fcgastonia.com
Pastors BJ & Lisa Sullivan. Gastonia, NC

Grace Life Church – gracelifetriad.com
Pastors Brian & Ashley Clark. Kernersville, NC


The Wellthewellwinesburg.com
Pastors Lamar & Janet Troyer. Dundee, OH

Rhode Island

The Gathering Place Church – gatheringplaceri.com
Pastors Steve & Sandra Horridge. Tiverton, RI


Charis Christian Fellowship – (931) 607-4136
Pastors Deb & Mike Clingenpeel. Shelbyville, TN

Trinity Family Church – trinityfamilycolumbia.com
Pastor Don & Debbie Richey. Columbia, TN


Abundant Grace Fellowship – agf-blanco.com
Pastors J.D. & Krista Link. Blanco, TX

Abundant Life Church – alcandrewstx.org
Pastors Cody & Misty Hull. Andrews, TX

*Calvary Church – calvarychurch.cc
Pastors Ben & Kim Dailey. Irving, TX

Friendship Church – friendship.church
Pastors Warren & Julie Cook. San Antonio, TX

Redemptive Grace Ministries – redemptivegrace.org
Pastors Mike & Pam Foster. New Braunfels, TX

The Father’s House Church – fathershousechurch.live
Kevin & Melanie Casey. Decatur, TX


Life Harvest Church – lifeharvestchurch.org
Pastors Kevin & Melinda Gartzke. Verona, VA


World Changers Church Australia – fellowship.creflodollarministries.org
Pastors Kyle & Tina Self. Gold Coast, QLD


New Creation Church – newcreationchurch.ca
Pastors Moses and Jennifer Akingbade. Toronto, ON

Willowdale Life – willowdale.com
Pastors Paul & Wanna Koo. Toronto, ON

Impact Life Church – impactlife.ca
Pastors Joel & Jamie Huizing. Red Deer, Alberta

United Kingdom

Faith Life Church – faithlifechurch.org.uk
Pastors Mark & Sherryll Baines

*Tree of Life – tree.church
Pastors Ben & Amanda Conway

South Africa

*Faith Hill Churchfaithhillchurch.co.za
Pastors Tafara & Chipo Butayi. Johannesburg, South Africa

Faith Hill Durban Campus – faithhillchurch.co.za
Pastors Denzil & Viloshnee Chetty. Durban, South Africa

Faith Church – ourfaithchurch.com
Apostle Andre & Jenny Roebert. East London, South Africa

Glory of Christ Church – gloryofchristug.org
Bishop Herbert. Kawaala, Uganda

*Grace Life (Church Network) – gracelife.co
Pastors Shayne & Marna Holesgrove

GraceNest Church – facebook.com/GraceNestChurch
Pastors John & Grace Kimani. Nairobi, Kenya

Kingdom Light Church – kingdomlightchurch.co.za
Pastor Shawn Basson. Cape Town, South Africa


*Has multiple locations or campuses

Ambassadors to the Nations – ambassadorstothenations.com

Ambassadors to the Nations is best known for its highly accountable and thrifty Child Sponsorship Program. Founders and Pastors Darey & Karen also lead mission teams, build churches, schools, medical clinics and raise up Bible Colleges in Nicaragua, Mexico, Cuba and many other countries.

Andrew Wommack Ministries – http://www.awmi.net

Founded over 50 years ago, Andrew Wommack Ministries is a teaching ministry that focuses on God’s unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith. Ashley and Carlie were both employed by Andrew Wommack Ministries before being ordained by Andrew Wommack and launching Terradez Ministries.

*Charis Bible College – charisbiblecollege.org

Founded by Andrew Wommack, Charis focuses exclusively on the Bible as their main textbook. At their more than 40 global campuses, they cultivate disciples of Christ who will change the world through mastering cultural mountains. Ashley and Carlie Terradez are both Charis Bible College graduates.

Charlie & Jill LeBlanccharlieandjill.com

Serving the Lord together in music ministry for over 40 years, Charlie & Jill LeBlanc are all about encouraging people through their music and helping Christians step up to become the vessels God wants them to be. Their songs, their writings and their talks are all Bible based, endeavoring to reveal God as being bigger than life’s difficulties.

Christ For All Nationscfan.org

The ministry of Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Founder Reinhard Bonnke. A Christian non-profit organization with over 83 million recorded decisions for Christ. The purpose of Christ for all Nations is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by taking the message of salvation to all peoples of the world. Christ for all Nations is primarily known for it’s crusades in Africa and other third world countries. In addition, the ministry seeks to actively inspire and equip the body of Christ for evangelism through conferences, literature, videos and television. The ministry has one motto, “Hell empty and Heaven full!”

*Duane Sheriff Ministries – pastorduane.com

Duane Sheriff is an author and speaker who travels around the world speaking at conferences, churches, as well as Charis Bible College. Duane and Sue Sheriff are the Senior and Founding Pastors of Victory Life Church, a multi-campus church which is headquartered in Durant, Oklahoma.

Greg Fritz Ministries – gregfritz.org

Greg Fritz has been spreading the Good News of the gospel for over 35 years, traveling literally millions of miles in the United States and abroad. His travels include life-changing ministry in over 25 nations of the world, emphasizing grace, faith and revival!

Greg Mohr Ministries – gregmohr.com/

Greg Mohr Ministries is helping people discover their dreams, grow in Christlikeness, and change their world! Greg is the Director of Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado. He is also a conference speaker and author and served as Senior Pastor of River of Life Church in Decatur, Texas for 24 years.

Heart to Heart Counseling Center – drdougweiss.com/

Founded by Dr. Doug Weiss, Heart to Heart Counseling Center helps heal relationships dealing with sex addiction and intimacy anorexia, brings husbands and wives back together and helps couples find their intimacy again.

Javareg Ministries – javareg.net/

Javan and Dorareg Smith travel around the world pointing people to Jesus Christ. Their passion is to open the Word through teaching, so that people from every tribe and nation fully embrace the finished, redemptive work of Christ on the Cross.

Jesse Duplantis Ministries – jdm.org

Jesse Duplantis Ministries has one mission to share God’s message of salvation through Jesus Christ with the world. We want everyone to have an opportunity to know the real Jesus. Approachable, personable, compassionate, and full of joy, that’s the real Jesus that Jesse knows and loves. And it’s his mission in life to make sure everyone on every continent has an opportunity to know Jesus, too.

Joseph Z Ministries – Josephz.com

Joseph and Heather Z are an international prophetic voice that builds lives by the Word of God in the church, government, and marketplace.

Lawson Perdue Ministries – lawsonperdue.com

Pastors Lawson and Barbara Perdue leverage their television program Grace for Today to provide practical Bible teaching. This ministry focuses on grace and faith while emphasizing practical Godly teaching in the areas of faith and family.

Mark Hankins Ministries – markhankins.org

Mark and Trina Hankins travel nationally and internationally preaching the Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit. They have been in full-time ministry for over forty years. Mark is known widely for his unique anointing to minister on the subjects of faith and the believer’s identification in Christ.

Nichole Marbach Ministries – nicholemarbach.com

Nichole’s powerful testimony of overcoming bipolar disorder, PTSD, suicide attempts, panic attacks, alcoholism, self-injury, and other addictions, has given her a passion to minister to hurting people. She loves to teach people that Jesus paid the price for their healing and encourage them to never give up hope on the promises of God which are “Yes and Amen!” in Christ.

Pearsons Ministries – pearsonsministries.com

With a rich heritage of faith, Jeremy and Sarah Pearsons present the Word of God with sincerity, passion, and a deep-rooted revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ. Jeremy and Sarah travel full time throughout the world preaching Jesus, teaching the Word of God, and leading congregations in worship.

The Purim Trustthepurimtrust.org

Their hope is that the vulnerable and marginalised would come to know freedom and fulness of life through experiencing God’s unconditional love. They provide child sponsorship, church connection, aid/disaster relief, and ministry.

Tricord Global – tricordglobal.com

Tricord Global uses a “teach a man to fish” partnership approach to humanitarian aid. Through providing microcredit (small loans) to the poor in developing nations, they are empowered to move out of poverty and into productivity and prosperity. They effectively impact families, communities, and local churches.

Watersprings Ranch – waterspringsranch.org

Since 1989, Watersprings Ranch has been a homes that provides healing and restoration for children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. The ranch has six homes, each functions as a family unit, with Christian couples that serve as ministers and care for the children’s needs.

Ward Ministries – wardmin.org

Kent and Liz have a vision to see the gospel preached, hearts awakened, and nations reformed. Together, they planted Overcomers Church International and founded Ward Ministries. They want to see people transformed by passionately bringing the Gospel into every generation in every way possible.

Woodson Ministries – woodsonministries.net

Woodson Ministries is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. We lead our congregation in worship, deepening the connection to God, understanding the teachings of Christ, and ultimately to a vibrant faith. Our lead Pastors are Bernard & Dolores Woodson.Together they have over 40 years of experience in serving the Lord and His Church. Woodson Ministries is a Christian Organization focused on educating, training, teaching, and studying the Bible.