Bootcamp is a 12-week online discipleship training program that is designed to build your faith and your confidence in sharing the Gospel! Fill out your application below.

Rather than a one-way message each week, Bootcamp is an interactive time where your small group will learn, grow, build personal relationships, and encourage one another. You will go beyond head-knowledge of God’s Word as you participate in these intensive discipleship groups. Each group has one Terradez Ministries trained leader and up to 12 members. After graduating, you may also have opportunities to lead a Bootcamp group in the future. Bootcamps are conducted via Zoom online video chat. Apply below!

Weekly Bootcamp Workout

Healthy Diet: Feed on the Word of God daily by reading 3 chapters of the New Testament every day for 90 days.

Warm up exercises: Teaching on the weekly topic by the group leader.

Stretches: To stretch ourselves, we use discussion questions to discuss the material and what it means to us. Participation is important: be ready to be called upon.

Drills: The time where Bootcampers get the opportunity to teach class, or actively listen and learn from their classmates

Cool down: This is time for reflection, feedback, encouragement, and prayer.

Bootcamp Interest Form

Fill out the form below to be informed for when the next round of Bootcamp will be starting.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

A Mighty Network account on our Underground Community is required to join Bootcamp. You can join Underground now and take part in our Terradez community. A place where you can connect with other like-minded believers, share life moments, pray with one another, and get exclusive content from Ashley and Carlie Terradez.