Our New Headquarters

Phase One is completed and we have closed on our new property, and we are far into Phase Two – Construction Phase. Thank you so much to everyone who has given so far we are truly blessed and humbled by your response. Stay tuned for more updates to come as you go on this incredible journey with us! 

To date, we have raised our $1.1 million dollar goal. With the money that has come in, we have been able to close on this property without a loan and were able to pay cash. Now with the rest of the money, we have finished work on the buildings, and only have a few projects to finish before we are completely done!  Continued support for this piece of our ministry is always appreciated as we continue to make this property better suited for our ministry needs. 

Terradez Ministries called the Charis Christian Center building our home for over three years, and it has been an incredible blessing! However, the Lord led us to leave the nest, to find a permanent headquarters which would give the ministry even greater opportunities for growth.

The Lord brought to our minds the story of the children of Israel and the land He had promised them. He told them that this land would have, “…Large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig…” (Deuteronomy 6:10-11). Essentially, the Lord was telling them that He had a land for them that had already been prepared for everything they would need!In the same way, we were believing that God had the perfect place for Terradez Ministries, with an existing infrastructure that could simply be renovated and expanded. So, we started to look, with a few things in mind.

We always want to be careful to use wisdom and prudence with the funds generously given by our partners and friends, so rented spaces felt like a disturbing waste of resources. We also felt that ownership would allow us the freedom we need to unapologetically minister the Gospel without any oversight or censorship. We looked all over Colorado Springs, and even in other states, but nothing felt right.

Yet, God was the one who had led us on this mission to expand, and He was the one who had a perfect plan! One of our faithful partners owned a beautiful, 26-acre property in the mountains near Woodland Park, Colorado. Years ago, when visiting this property, we casually said to the owner, “If you ever want to sell the property, we would love to purchase it.” We thought this was very unlikely, as they had been there for 35 years. Yet, just as we were in the process of searching for our own property, they contacted us with an absolutely supernatural offer on their land. They had no idea we were even looking!

God's Perfect Plan

This property has been professionally valued at approximately $900,000, but our partner generously offered it to us for only $635,000! When we heard this offer, Carlie and I instantly knew in our hearts that this was a God-ordained deal for Terradez Ministries’ new permanent home. Since this is being offered to us at a price so much lower than market value, this is an incredible investment.

On the land are existing structures which have been easily converted into our ministry offices, accommodating all our USA staff and fulfillment department, plus another building for a fabulous new television and social media studio. This picturesque land has space for our current needs and also provides ample room to expand in the future.

The decision to purchase the property was made on a Tuesday, and it was immediately evident that God’s hand is working mightily to make it happen. Within a week, we had already raised $288,000! We were able to purchase this property outright, and now are just finishing the renovations on the property to make it a suitable workplace for our team.

This is a special piece of land. It has acres of woodlands, a pond, multiple scenic rock outcroppings, and a 2-mile walking trail that has been faithfully prayed over. This is a land that has been dedicated to the Gospel. Therefore, Terradez Ministries—along with our partners, friends, and those with whom we share the Gospel—will be inheriting the blessing. We are fully persuaded this is the land God has promised all of us!

Support This Project

We want you to have the opportunity to be part of taking this promised land and continuing to empower believers in the promises of God in greater ways! Thank you to everyone who has given so far and for your continued support.

If you would like to support this project, you can do so by giving on our website or by calling us at +1 719-600-3344.

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Get in touch with us at:
[email protected]
+1 (719) 600-3344

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