Cancer a piece of cake for Jesus

In November 2018 I was 5mths pregnant with our second daughter when an unexpected miscarriage took us by surprise. Having contracted a small cough then, a chest X-ray went on to reveal a large mass instead growing between my heart and lungs (approx. 13cmx10cm) which after a marathon of tests later was diagnosed as Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (a type of blood cancer).

Having been saved at the age of 15, I knew that God was in control and by Jesus stripes I was healed but if the manifestation of the healing was not immediate, God was sovereign and in His time He would make it happen for more of His glory to be revealed until then I must endure like a good soldier so few days later I began treatment.

First line treatment – chemotherapy and radiation – failed and cancer spread to a stage 4.
Second line treatment – immunotherapy and a bone marrow transplant – failed and cancer continued to spread.
Third line treatment – another set of immunotherapy drugs followed by another bone marrow transplant (with only a 30-35% success rate) is when I had “the wake up call” when one fine morning of June 2020 I woke up with difficulty to breath and walk and was wheeled into the ICU. Lying on that bed I asked the Lord what was going on because for 1 and a half yrs I prayed, I believed, I spoke the word, listened to the word preached and quoted a list of all the “good works” I had done but why was I not seeing the breakthrough. I heard one word, “surrender”. I realized in my pursuit to get healed my love for Jesus had grown cold and that night I took the stand to completely surrender my life again to Jesus and immediately it was as if the floodgates of heaven were opened on me. I was falling in love with Jesus all over again and during this time is when the Holy Spirit led me to Andrew Womack’s teachings and it was while watching the Healing is here conferences that Carlie stood out to me and I was lead to Terradez ministries. Your teachings on manifesting miracles, healed+whole, the confession card, and power academy. It was as if a million light bulbs were switching on on the inside of me literally setting me free like a bird being let out of a cage.

In July 2020 reports continued to show things were not looking good and if I failed to continue treatment I would have a maximum of 2yrs to live but thanks to all the word that Andrew shared which was truly life transforming, what Jesus did on the cross became more real to me than the doctor’s reports, the bodily symptoms and everything the world had to say. I was healed by grace, through faith and it had nothing to do with my so called “good works”. I told the doctor that I was done with all treatment and need no more because I know that I know that I know that Jesus healed me as confidently as I know my name.

Fast forward to Jan 2021 I caught the next flight out from India to Kuwait to be reunited with my husband and daughter after being separated for more than 2yrs by treatment. I stopped all mediation, never went back to the hospital and am feeling better than ever all glory to Jesus alone. Occasionally symptoms do come knocking but as learnt from all your teachings I have been taking my authority as a believer and speaking to those symptoms and reminding the enemy of his position that is defeated, stripped of every power and under my feet!.

My husband and I are ever so thankful to Terradez ministries are for all the free teaching that truly opened our eyes to the truth and set us free, teaching us to live by faith in the word of God alone and not be hung over by the need for the reports to show that I am healed. To live by sight, holding God’s word alone true and everything else a lie.

To Jesus be all the glory.