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Healed from knee pain and stomach pain

We overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by our testimony! Last year as I watched “The Cure”, I was healed from stomach and knee pain.
That month of April I started chemo and I’m having stomach pain, I don’t know if it’s hyper acidity or gastritic. But it’s one of those bad effects of chemo. My right knee also was in pain whenever I go up the stairs. But when Carlie ministered healing on “The Cure”. Both my knee and stomach were healed! And while praising and thanking God, I started crying and at the corner of my eyes, I saw feet with sandals and a white gown. I thought that must be Jesus standing beside me!
After a year, I’m still having this chemo therapy but I believe that God has already healed me and I believe what Carlie told me at Europe Abundant Tour that the enemy is so afraid of me and he is under my feet! Praise God!