The Truth Demolishes Every Lie

It is a full out praise dance complete with twirls and leaps here! The Power Academy folks have been agreeing with us in prayer over a young man and his wife who both have been believing the lies of the enemy about his gender. Last night the young man and his wife prayed to receive Christ as Lord! Whoop Whoop! The Word demolished every lie and the Truth of God’s Love brought two more precious young people to repentance! We are fully expecting the Lord to take care of that pesky nat “gender confusion” as we begin walking with this couple through “Who they are in Christ” an “Who God is” (Thanks Ashley and Carlie for that wonderful foundation in Power Academy). The enemy is running scared now and we are all doing a Jubilee Dance! Thank you Jesus that no one is too far in the enemies camp that they can not be rescued by Your Love. Dance with me now!