Toddler Raised from the Dead

My name is James Dimba from Lusaka, Zambia. I just want you to know that you are such a blessing to me and to the body of Christ.

I have been following the abundant life since last year. Earlier this year somewhere in March, I learnt how to pray in tongues through you. Through one of your broadcasts, I decided to be sure I’m baptized in the Holy Ghost by asking him to fill me as you guided. After that prayer, I didn’t speak in tongues immediately physically but I could here the words internally and I postponed the physical speaking to another time when I was home alone.

Thank God he gave me this privilege through some work I got to write a Mathematics book in Namibia. I went to stay at a guest house alone so as to work properly. As I was in my room, I decided to pray in tongues. It was a wonderful experience full of God’s peace. This was actually the same time Faith Television held their one week conference should be ‘Faith on Fire’ if I’m not mistaken. So during that whole week, you were not on air for the abundant life but thank God I was not lonely because you taught me to pray in tongues! Now I do it everyday any time I feel like.

But this is not all there is to testify. Please bear with me for the long email.

The greatest testimony I have in my life is through the Confession Card. I got it the same time in March after the work when returning back to Zambia. From that time, I have been confessing all of it daily.

So when day I went to South Africa to get a Visa from the Mexican Embassy to travel to Mexico for the World Amateur chess championship which I qualified for by winning the African Amateur Chess Championship. So as I was on my way back home to Zambia, after getting the Visa, I met with an accident. I was traveling by bus and while in Zimbabwe, not so far from the South African border, the bus turned and fell on one side. This is when some of the confessions came to my heart. Notably “No weapon formed against me can prosper”, “Angels encamp around me and the blessings of God go before me, encircle me and overtake me”. I came out of that accident with no scratch. In fact I felt shielded as the bus was falling and I new it was God’s protection.

As if that was not enough, God had a lot to show me that night. (It was actually around 01:00). When the bus had turned, I got up and when I saw people laying down. My immediate person next to me had her arm chopped off with blood all over her face and she cried bitterly. My heart was so full of compassion and I was so mad at the devil for being so evil. I almost cried but the Holy Spirit told me “this is not the time to cry; pray”. So i prayed that God may strengthen us all and that he may show us what to do and help us in that situation. Then all of a sudden I gained strength and i decided to start helping people. So I started pulling people who were badly trapped and couldn’t move. I started looking for survivors. Unfortunately one person had died. Her body was disfigured. But thank God the rest did not die.

After helping out the other people, God had just put it in my heart to continue helping people. So I moved around the scene looking for who to help and I found people praying for a baby (probably two or three years old). Someone prayed in tongues and others just prayed normal prayers. They were praying for her to live. My spirit caught this before my senses and I just felt the Holy Spirit move in me and in my mind he reminded me one of the confessions on the card that “I’m equipped with the whole armor of God, full of the Holy Spirit, with more than enough power inside of me to raise the dead, heal the sick and cast out devils”. At this point I moved without even thinking twice, went to the baby and touched her and said “Father, you are the resurrection and the life” and then I commanded the baby saying “in the name of Jesus Christ, arise”. And the baby immediately rose up. And the prayers for her to live immediately stopped.

It was the biggest experience of my life. It made me wonder what else I’m capable of doing through Christ. I have only shared this testimony with a few people, because I didn’t want to get unnecessary attention for people to come anyhow to me for miracles. But I don’t care anymore. If God decides to bless someone through me, let it be so. My heart told me to share this with you whom God used to teach me to pray in tongues and who showed me more of who i am in Christ.

I love you Pastor Ashley and Pastor Carlie. May God’s Grace increase even more on your lives.

Attached are some of the pictures from the scene of the accident taken the following day. The first picture is me at the Mexican embassy in South Africa, the second one is me with my two friends whom we went with to get the Visas, the third one is the baby who was raised from the dead and the others are for the bus after it was pulled up again.

Thank you for changing my life.