Trach removed

My son Bryce was attacked by the beast ADEM in January of 2020, at the time we were baby Christian’s without a revelation of grace through faith but throughout Bryce’s 202 day hospital stay and his recovery since he has been home the Holy Spirit moved us to stand in his healing. We were told 3 times he may not make it, he spiked a fever of 109 from an infection and were told he probably had some brain damage and loss of sight, he had to be intubated and trached and were told he would have it for life or need reconstructive surgery if his windpipe to have it removed, every piece of paperwork filled out by doctors has said he will be disabled for life. We refused to accept any of those diagnosis or facts and have never stopped doubting in his complete recovery. About a year and a half ago my husband started listening to Andrew Womack and I could see the difference that the revelation of grace was having on him but my heart was hardened at that time because I started listening to religion and blaming God for Bryce’s healing not being where I thought it should be and the stress of being a full time caregiver to my adult son on top of our jobs was starting to overtake me and I couldn’t t understand how He could allow all this pain and suffering and the guilt and shame I was feeling because I thought my past sins and even us being born again had caused this to happen to my boys (my oldest son took his life at 21 years old in 2014). Finally one day about a year ago when my husband was leaving for work he asked me for the umpteenth time to at least check out some healing testimonies from Gospel Truth and Praise the Lord my heart softened and I did watch, for 2 1/2 hours I watched all sorts of testimonies and then I sobbed in relief and joy and humility for what seemed like days. I knew the grace of God had broken me open and there was no turning back.
It didn’t take long after starting to listen to Andrew and explore Gospel Truth that we were blessed to hear Hannah’s healing testimony which led us to Abundant life Tv and at last, Terradez Ministries. We have been abundantly blessed by every teaching, live, book and of course the confession cards that my husband hands to anyone searching for the Truth so we wanted to share with you that Bryce’s trach was pulled two weeks ago!! Glory to God!! So, thank you Terredez ministries for standing with us and never letting us doubt in the goodness of God!! We will continue to stand in Bryce walking again and that the anti gad antibody that causes the stiffness in his right side is healed and gone! We love you guys and love being partners with you!! God bless!!

I am attatching the video of Bryce getting his trach pull. Please forgive my husbands slip on words due to his excitement.