Your sermon just spoke to my heart

Dear Ashley and Carlie,

I want to thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit. It is really amazing to see how Jesus can use ANYTHING to speak to one’s heart and build faith in our lives.

I was busy working and as I work, I listen to the live broadcasts on DSTV (TBN Africa). The episode that was on, was Part 3 of your Manifesting Miracles Series.

To give you some background: My husband and I celebrated our 20 year Anniversary in February. We have a teenage son (16) and a tweenie girl (12). Almost every marriage around is failing and we have reached a slump in our marriage. The cracks in our marriage have been amplified the last few years and we have reached a stage of becoming part of the statistics. I have been feeling very depressed lately as this is not what I imagined our love story to be like. Yesterday I told my husband that my son said that our marriage is definitely not one that he looks up to and it made me sad. We both said that maybe we should face the truth that we will grow old and have no love left and we basically destroyed the seed.

Your message this morning really spoke to my heart. I have in the past truly experienced the effect of speaking life into situations, praying Word over people and it manifesting. I also have personally experienced the power of having a thankful heart – trusting Father for something (as Jesus did) even if I cannot see the evidence of it yet. The part where you explained the difference between how the disciples reacted and how Jesus reacted really spoke to me. Jesus saw into the spirit where the disciples looked at their resources.

You really encouraged me to envisage what I trust Father for for my marriage and what it should look like and to not curse the seed but to rather bless the seed. Father is the third party in our union and who are we to curse which Father has blessed.

Yes, there might be divorces going on around us, but we don’t have to part of the statistics.

Yes, our love might be dead, but He is the God of the impossible and I will trust Him for a miracle.

Thank you again for truly a word in season.
