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Everyday Faith Part 4

Join Ashley and Carlie in Everyday Faith Part 4. Faith is a fruit of your relationship with Jesus! In this series Ashley and Carlie explain how as you get to know Jesus more, you will begin to manifest His character and see His promises at work more and more in your life.

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Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
Did you know that faith is a fruit of our relationship with Jesus? That’s right. The more we hang out with Jesus, the more we start to sound like him, look like him, and see the promise of God operating in our life.

Speaker 2: Everyday Faith Part 4
Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life? Welcome to the Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Hello, and welcome to Abundant Life. We’re so glad you’ve joined us today. Praise God. We’re in the middle of a series. We’re talking about faith and about the power of faith, praise God, and about how faith is how we access the promises of God, how we receive everything that God has provided for us by grace, so we’re so glad you’ve joined us. Praise God. Here at Terradez Ministries we are empowering believers in the promises of God, so that’s why we’re so glad you’re with us today because we have some teachings for you today from the word of God.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Amen. Where are we picking up from today?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
We’ve covered a lot of ground in this series. If you’re just joining us we’re right in the middle of our teaching series called Everyday Faith. We’ve talked about how faith is our ability to trust God. It is our trust and confidence, not in our own ability but in what God has already done, already provided for us. We started out this whole series talking about Ephesians 2:8, and how we’ve already received everything that grace has provided for us, but we access those great and precious promises of God through faith, through trust and confidence. The very word faith means to be fully persuaded to trust or to commit unto.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
There’s many different aspects of faith, but number one is it’s not complicated.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
It’s not complicated.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
It’s not complicated.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
That’s why we called this series Everyday Faith because we believe it’s something that we can do every day. In fact, we should be living by faith. The just shall live by faith. That’s what we’re meant to do as believers. We’re meant to be living by faith. Praise God. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, Paul puts it this way, “Now we walk by faith, not by sight.” You know the great thing is that God’s already done it. Grace has already provided it. Our response to what God’s already done is to believe it by faith.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
When we do that, praise God, you can go back and get the product or watch previous episodes you’ll see that it’s easy to do that. It’s a simple thing. I shouldn’t say it’s easy in terms of it’s easy to make the decision to do it.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
It’s not always easy to walk it out. Some times we fight the good fight of faith.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
And sometimes it’s a fight to basically it’s a labor to enter into his rest, to realize he’s already done it, and we don’t have to strive anymore. Praise God. God’s already done it. You by faith… We use the illustration of a Christmas present. I love Christmas. If someone gave you a Christmas present with your name on it, you took that Christmas present but never opened it, that Christmas present has been provided for you. The price has been paid. That present has been bought for you, but if you don’t unwrap it, you’re not going to experience it, and you’re not going to get the benefits of it.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Grace has provided us everything we need.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Salvation, healing, provision, peace of mind, forgiveness of sins, eternal life. It’s been provided for us through Jesus. Our part, by faith, is to unwrap that present-

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
It’s a response.

To receive it and a positive response, what God’s already done.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
So, faith has a response. It has evidence, and it’s released by words. We studied our last session talking about the power of our spoken words. Well, today I want to look at how faith is a fruit of our relationship and how it actually works. How does faith actually work?

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
The neat thing is as well, how faith works is awesome. The neat thing as well is that everything, God is a relation of God. His original intention for mankind was to dwell with them, to live with them, and to have an intimate relationship with them, and nothing’s changed. God still wants an intimate relationship with us. He want’s that communion with us. He wants that relationship. He wants to indwell us, and God is a loving God. He is love. God is love, and that’s why it’s so cool to look at these things that faith works by love.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Faith works by understanding how much God loves us. Faith works by understanding how good God is and how much he loves us. When we really understand those things, we can look at the word faith, and say faith is this mystical thing. No, faith is having an understanding of how much God loves us, how much he’s done for us, and being able to trust in him because He loves us so much.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
Right. Amen. The fact is the more that we hang out with Jesus, the more we’re going to start emulating him.

How do you hang out with Jesus?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
Hang out with Jesus. How do you hang out with anyone?

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
You hang out.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Spend time with them.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
You spend time with them. You talk to them.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Quality or quantity?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Both. Quality and quantity time.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
I remember back in the day when I was religious, and I was legalistic, I heard this preacher stand up and said that the way that he spends time with Jesus is to wake up one hour early every day and spend an hour in prayer with Jesus, so I went home from this conference with my little legalistic, zealous self.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
He had a prayer shed at the bottom of the garden.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
I had a prayer shed. It had windows. I would get up an hour early, and I’m telling you, sometimes I’d fall asleep in that shed. It was so bad.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
It was freezing cold, actually.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
I think even God dreaded those times we had together because it was so painful. It was like, “Oh I’ve got to pray for an hour.” I dreaded it. I loved reading the word. I loved being open with God and having a two way conversation just like friends. I loved even worshiping God and reading the word and praying to the Holy Ghost, but when it comes to sitting and praying interceding, I used to hate it. I realized it was because I was doing it legalistically to check a box, to say that I did this one hour a day, and in fact I heard from that preacher, his wife said, I told him I saw him the next year at this conference I said, “I’ve been doing that thing every morning. I’ve been getting up every morning and spending a whole hour with God.” And his wife said, “Oh was that the time you started getting up early?” She said, “Oh yeah, he did it for like a week, and that was it.” And I was like, “I’ve been doing it for a year!”

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
My point being it doesn’t have to be this religious thing like you have to have this time. No, it’s good. Now I get up early and spend time with God because I want to, and it’s part of my daily routine. I want to. It’s not a check box I’m trying to do anymore. I’m not doing it out of obligation. I’m not doing it to try and please God. I’m not doing it out of religion. I’m doing it because I want to. It’s just a fruit of it. It’s good to have those set times when we spend time with God, but you can spend time with God all the time. It’s a little bit like a marriage relationship.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Sometimes me and Carlie go out on dates.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
We’ll go out for dinner, and we’ll go out on a date, and we’ll do something like that or grab some coffee, and we’ll spend some one on one time where we’ve got each other’s undivided attention, but the rest of the time we’ll be hanging out when we’re in the car together. We’ll be hanging out when we’re shopping together. We’ll be buying clothes together. All those sort of things, we’re hanging out, we’re having fellowship, we’re communing, we’re hanging out together, but we’re not necessarily having a set time together.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
I think those different times with God, we need them all. We need the quality, and we need the quantity times with God. God really likes you. He likes you to spend time with Him. He loves it when you take time to fellowship with him and acknowledge Him. The neat thing is because God’s everywhere, you can fellowship whatever you’re doing. I know people that take Jesus shopping with them, and he shows him where the bargains are. I know people that small talk with Jesus all the time.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
We have the ability to even practice God’s presence in our minds and our thinking because there’s a part of us that we can do a normal job, a daily job, and still be thinking about other things. That’s where worry comes from. You could be doing your daily routine and your job and have a worry going on in the back of your mind. That area we use for worry, God’s designed that for meditation. We’re meant to meditate on the things with God. We’re meant to meditate on how good God is and being in fellowship with God during those times.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
So, we can fellowship with God all the time is what I’m saying. We can hang out with Jesus all the time, and we need to have set times, but it’s a not a religious thing. It’s not like we have to do it, but it’s good to do it, and we can hang out with God in the small talk and things like that.

That’s really important because relationship based on obligation will be fruitless.

Yeah. In fact you can get to the point where it becomes negative.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
It becomes negative, and it can be resentful. Relationships based on love is full of faith. It has the evidence of faith, and it has the evidence or the promises of God manifesting. Not ever obligation or duty but based in love. This is the kind of relationship that we want to be talking about today because this is where our faith is manifest. This is where it comes from. Amen. Galatians 5:6 is a key scripture for us. It says that faith works. Faith works-

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
By love.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
That’s good right there. Faith works.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4
Faith works.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
Faith works by love.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 4

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 4
So, the more time that we spend understanding and meditating as Ashley was saying on the love of God, how much he loves us and how much he’s deposited on the inside of us, our faith starts to become effective. One of my favorite scriptures is Philemon 1:6, and it says, “Your faith becomes effective.” How many of you want effective faith?

I want effective faith.

I want effective faith. Right? “It becomes effective by the acknowledgement of every good thing that’s in you in Christ Jesus.” In other words, you have faith. You have the faith of Jesus, “Like precious faith” is what it says in the scriptures, you have the measure of faith. We’re not short in the faith department, but we do need to start using what we have, and if we want the faith that’s in us to become effective, no one wants to have ineffective faith after all, it comes by meditating on and acknowledging and giving thanks for every good thing that Christ has deposited in us.

Like Ashley was saying, I don’t know if it was this time or last time, but you were talking about the scripture Philippians 4:8.


About meditation. We need to meditate on anything that’s good, that’s righteous, that’s noble, that’s holy, that’s of good report, of virtue. Meditate on these things. When we start to give thanks for everything that’s going good in our life, everything that’s in us is the God part of us. Rather than looking at… Here’s the temptation especially when you’re going through a trial, is to only focus on everything that’s bad because that’s taking up your mind with worry, right? But, when we start to focus on things that are good, our faith starts to become effective.

And, actually we are accessing the promises of God through that faith, through our thankfulness. This is a powerful thing.


Let’s look at this in the scripture here for a minute.

I was going to say as well-

Acts 13.

Acts 13. While you’re looking that up, whatever you focus on is going to get magnified in your life.

It is.

So, if you focus on the issues or you focus on the negative, they’re just going to get bigger. If you focus on God. If you focus on his goodness for you, his love for you, that’s going to get big in your life, so whatever you focus on is going to get magnified. Be careful what you’re focusing on. Be diligent with your thoughts. Jesus says take every thought captive. Be thinking about your thoughts.

Be conscious of your thoughts.

Yeah, be conscious about your thoughts because if you’re thinking on things that are negative, you’re thinking on things that are not positive, that are not Godly then they’re going to get bigger, but when you focus on God’s love for you, I’m telling you focusing on God’s love for you and meditating on God’s love for you is so powerful. It’s going to start getting bigger. You’re going to experience it more. It’s going to start getting bigger for you, and what’s going to happen is God’s love doesn’t get any bigger. It can’t be.

God’s love for you is complete, but your experience of it or your receiving of it, you’re going to be able to receive more of it. What’s going to happen is, I’m telling you, it’s going to make these other things fade away. These other issues and stuff are going to fade away in comparison to God’s love for you. Compared to how much God loves you, whatever you’re going through is going to seem small. I want to encourage you. Focus on how much God loves you. Praise God. Because he loves you. Whatever you are, whatever you’re doing, where ever you’ve been, it doesn’t matter. He loves you because when he looks at you, He sees Jesus. Praise God. He loves you with ever lasting love. Amen?


Good. So what we looking at? Acts what?

This is Acts 4 verse 13. This is the story of Peter and John. They’ve been brought before the Sanhedrin, right? They’re in trouble.

They’re in trouble.

They’re in trouble.

They’re in trouble.

And it says in verse 13, “When they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were illiterate and uneducated men, they marveled.” I like this. It says, “And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”

It’s fun. This is the same Peter who denied Jesus three times, who is a coward if you like in that instance. Now he’s bold, and they said they saw his boldness. It was recognizable. He was so bold, and they realized that they’d been with Jesus. It was evident that Peter, here, that Peter and John had been with Jesus.

When we hang out with Jesus, it makes us bold.


It makes us courageous, and this is one of the characteristics of faith that it is bold. That it is confident. That it’s full of trust. That it’s full of trusting confidence, and where there is faith there is peace.


And, you can see that this is a characteristic. When Jesus calmed the storm, it’s very interesting, this is all through the gospels, when Jesus called the storm it was peace that he spoke to the storm. I don’t know if you have that scripture there. I think it’s in Mark 4 or 5, but when Jesus spoke to the storm he could have said lots of different things.

Mark 4:39. Mark 4:39 says, “When he arose he rebuked with wind, and said to the sea, “Peace be still.” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” A little side note here, is some people think they can do this anytime they want. So, they’re having a picnic, I’m just going to speak to the rain and tell the rain to stop or my son’s having a soccer game, so I’m going to command the wind to stop. Me, personally, I think we do this when it’s an attack of the enemy, when something’s coming against them. This storm came against them to actually sink their boat and to take them out, basically. That’s why Jesus had the authority to tell the wind and the waves, “Peace. Be still.”

If you keep telling the rain to stop, we’re going to have droughts. Don’t do that. So, anyway, he spoke peace to the sea and the storm. He said, “Peace. Be still.”

And that word peace there is actually in the Greek is eirini, and it means to stop from talking.


Eirini with an E.

Eirini, okay.

To silence the noise, to stop from talking, to put at rest again, to reset to how something was before.


To be at peace, to be at rest, and that is so important because where there is peace there is rest. One of the things that people ask is how do I know that I’m in faith? Well, are you in peace? You see when we are fully trusting and confident that God’s got this, whatever this situation is, whatever this trial this tribulation that we’re going through is, when we are fully confident, fully persuaded that God has this, that he is our deliverer, that’s he our healer, that he’s our provider, we’re not going to run around like chicken’s with their heads cut off.


Phoning a friend and being all frantic. We’re going to be a peace. Isiah 26:3 says, “He who keeps his mind staid upon the Lord, is kept in perfect peace.” Also, in that word Eirini to stop from talking, to silence the noise, sometimes part of being in faith is the ability to silence the noise in our own head.

Our own anxiousness and things like that.


I like the next verse talking about when Jesus calmed the storm. This is Mark 4:40, and the next verse after Jesus calmed the storm, the next verse he turned to the disciples, and he said to them, this is Mark 4 verse 40, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” Now, if you study this out, Jesus isn’t saying that you have no faith. He’s saying why are you so full of unbelief? Why are you not believing? And he says, “Why are you so fearful?” Well, the reason we’re so fearful, Jesus, is because our boat’s about to sink, and we’re all going to die.

You’d think that’s a reason to be fearful, but the word of God was, Jesus told them, so this was the word of God if you like for their life was we’re going to cross over to the other side. So, even though the natural circumstances looked like they were falling apart, they could have had faith. They could have had peace in that situation. Jesus will never ask you to do something you’re not able to do. So, when he says, “Do not fear.” It’s because you have the ability to not fear even if the natural surroundings seem crazy, even if you have this issue, relational issue, even if you have lacking in life, even if you have a problem in your physical body, even if you have a bad report. You can have anxiety going on, but Jesus said, “You can choose not to fear and you can choose to be in faith rather than fear.” You can choose to have peace, and that is one definite sign whatever the outward circumstances are, we can choose to be at peace. We can choose to have faith instead of fear.

It’s supernatural. It takes a trusting God. It takes a supernatural ability. We need the Holy Spirit to help us with this, but I’m telling you whatever your circumstances today, you can have peace in that circumstance. However bad it looks. However in the natural it looks like there’s no hope. I know there’s someone watching today or you’re listening today, right now, and you’re saying, “Ashley, you don’t understand. There’s no way out of this situation.” Think about Moses. He had the Egyptians coming down one side. He had the Red Sea in front of him, and he had the cliffs to the other side. There was no escape. There was seemingly no escape, but I’ll have you know he lifted up his world and those waves parted.

God’s going to make a way in your life where there seems to be no way.


Whatever that issue is. Whether that’s a medical issue. Whether that’s a financial issue. Whether that’s a relationship issue. Whatever that issue is, God’s going to make a way in your life. Mark my words. Where there seems to be no way. God always promises to make a way of escape. He’s going to show you a way out. He’s going to show you a way of doing this you didn’t even think of, but if you’re in fear, if you’re in turmoil, and you’re in anxiety, you’re not going to be able to hear his voice. You’re not going to be able to trust in him, so you need to force yourself to stop thinking on those bad reports, meditating, and focusing, and magnifying the bad report, and choose to think on the good report. Choose to be thankful even if all your thankful for is, “God, thank you that I’m breathing. God, thank you that I’m going to heaven if I die.”

Let’s start right there, and start thanking God, and start focusing on the positive. Start focusing on these good things. You start doing that, you’re gonna start bringing about peace. Peace comes with thankfulness. We thank God and rejoice. The Apostle Paul tells us that leads into peace because apostle Paul understands, and start being thankful. Start focusing on God, the answer instead of the problem. Praise God. You watch, God’s going to make a way where there seems to be no way. You’re going to have a testament. You’re going to come out of this test, and it’s going to be a testimony.

What the devil meant for bad for you, you’re going to come out victorious, and you’re going to stand on top of that tombstone and declare it. Praise God. It’s going to be a great testimony. So, whoever you are, when that happens email us. Let us know. We want to hear about it or call us. Praise God. God is going to make a way where there seems to be no way. Amen?

Amen. Amen. When those disciples are in the middle of that storm it seemed like everything was lost. It seemed like that they were going down with the ship, and one of the things that Jesus said to them was, “How is it that you have no faith?” Really what he could have said was, “Do you not understand, dudes, I’m with you? I’m in your boat. You think I’m going down with the boat?” I need to tell someone today that Jesus is in your boat. You can not sink when Jesus is in your boat.

You’re not going down with the ship. God’s with you. He’s got you. Amen. He’s in the middle of the storm with you, and he’s bringing you to the other side. You’ve got a promise from God to stand on that you’re going across to the other side. Man, we need to remember who’s in our boat. In 1st John 4, this is super powerful, 1st John 4 verse 17, it says, “In this way, God’s love is perfected in us so that we may have boldness.” There’s that word boldness again like Peter and John. “We may have boldness on the day of judgment because as He is…” That’s talking about Jesus. “As Jesus is, so are we in this world.”


Why is that? That’s because we have Jesus in us. Amen. We have his DNA. We have his name. We have his authority. We have his power living, his life, on the inside of us. In verse 18, it says, “There is no fear…” Not some fear, a little bit of fear, occasionally fear, if it’s really bad we can have some fear. No, it says there is no fear, absolutely none, in love. That perfect love casts out fear because fear has to do with punishment. Whoever fears is not perfect in love. There is no fear in love.

Faith and fear are polar opposites, and the more time we spend hanging out with Jesus, recognizing that he’s in our boat even though we might have a storm that we’ve been given a word to go through the other side, that this storm this too shall come to pass. The more that spend acknowledging the goodness of God on the inside of us and giving thanks and meditating on things that are right, you know what happens is faith has to leave because the love of God-

Fear has to leave.

Thank you.

Fear has to leave.

Fear has to leave because the love of God is magnified on the inside of us and faith starts to become effective, and it drives fear out.

Amen. It really does. You back up a few verses, verse 16. It says, “God is love.” That’s why when we spend time with God, we spend time with Jesus, we’re spending time with love, and then later on in verse 19 it says, “We love him. We love Jesus because he first loved us.” The mistake I made when I started to read these scriptures at first I didn’t have a revelation on this. I thought, “I just have to love God more. If I love God more-”

So, now you’re trying to love God more. How did that work for you?

If I love Jesus more, if I love God more, well we can’t. Can we? We don’t even have the ability to love God, so I’m trying to love God more, it becomes work, so it becomes about me, and I’m even more frustrated. I’m even more anxious because I’m not loving God enough. If you read this right here in first John four verse 19, “We love him because he first loved us.” The key to it is we have to receive God’s love for us. That’s what we talked about in Galatians 5:6 faith works by love.

When we understand how much God loves us, and that takes time. That takes some reading the word. That takes some listening to some good teachings about God’s love. When you realize the unconditional love of God, when you realize he has covered you, when you realize he has provided for you, when you realize he loves you, praise God, that’s what’s going to make faith effective. That’s what’s going to put you in peace. You’re going to be at peace when you realize how much God loves you.

Amen. This was a real turning point for us. I remember, we’ve mentioned some of our daughter’s testimony before, but she was three years old, she’s a teenager today, and she’s perfectly healthy, but when she was three years old she was sent home from the hospital to die with maybe a week to live, and during the couple of weeks leading up to that point she was at death’s door. She was dying, but we had a revelation of the love of God.

Through the word of God.

Through the word of God.

Through good teachings.

Through good faith filled teaching that we hadn’t heard before. That God loved us. That he was crazy about us, and you know what happened? When we started to understand how much God loved us, and we started to actually allow our hearts to receive that, not based upon our performance or whether we had prayed enough, spent enough time in the prayer shed, repented enough. No, we just recognized God loved us because he loved us because God is love, and that’s what love does.

We started to let the unconditional love of God break off of us all of that performance mentality. We started to realize that we could not be good enough for God, but it didn’t matter because he was good.


He was good enough for all of us.


And what happened was, Galatians 5:6 started to burst forth in our heart. Our faith, faith for healing, faith for healing for our daughter started to become alive on the inside of us, and even though we’d prayed for Hannah many times in the past, and we’d seen nothing, we hadn’t actually been in the place of faith. We’d been in the place of fear, but the perfect love of God started to manifest in our heart, and fear started to leave, and faith started to be activated by the love of God.

In fact the circumstances hadn’t changed yet.

Before the circumstances changed. We had our daughter prayed for. She was miraculously healed. Praise God. We got this teaching two weeks before that, and it was a teaching by Andrew Womack. In fact we have that original teaching as a free download on our website. You can get it right there. Hopefully the instructions are on the screen.

The New Identity in Christ.

You’re New Identity in Christ is no longer available. It’s discontinued.

Except on our website.

It’s discontinued at Andrew Womack ministries, but we’ve got the original cassette tape. We uploaded it as a digital download, and you can get that free of charge on our website, but that teaching showed us who we was in Christ, showed us these truths, showed us the goodness of God, showed us the love of God, and that started to change our life, and we started to meditate on the love of God for us, and before we saw our daughter healed we started to receive joy. We started to have peace. We were at a bible study just a few days before she was healed-

She was at her worst in that moment.

She was at her worst. Terrible state. She was three years old, and she was wearing the size of a nine month old baby clothes. Her hair thinned out and fell out. She had translucent skin. She was back in a stroller. She was in diapers. She was in a terrible state, and at that point we had joy, and we had peace because we were in faith. That was before she was healed. Then, just a few days later we took her to a conference. She was prayed for, and she was healed.

So, I’m telling you, whatever your natural circumstances look like God can give you a peace. You can receive that peace by believing how much he loves you. By putting your focus on how much God loves you. When you realize how much God loves you, the disciple John he’s called the disciple that Jesus loved. Well, Jesus loved all the disciples the same. Why was John the one that Jesus loved?

And, he wrote that.

I know, right? And John was the one who ran to Jesus first. John was the one who laid his head on Jesus’s chest when they ate the last supper. John was the one, if you read the gospel of John, it talks so much about God’s love, and then you read the three letters of John. They talk so much about God’s love. Why was John the disciple that Jesus loved? Because John understood how much God loved him. John was able to receive the love of Jesus. Jesus loved everyone exactly the same, but john was the one who could actually receive God’s love for him. He believed that Jesus loved him that much. He believed it. Just like it says in the verse we just read 1 John 4:19, “We love Jesus because he first loved us.” When you realize how much God loves you, I’m telling you what, when you realize that unconditional love everything else will be just a fruit.

You’re relationship with God, what you do, everything else is going to be a fruit, but the root is God loves you, and he’s not going to stop loving you. Amen?


Praise God. We’re out of time for this program. I want to pray for you before we let you go. Father God, thank you for everyone watching and listening today. Father, I thank you that you love them. I thank that your love for them is unconditional. I thank Lord, you proved your love for us when you came down as a man and died in our place, and I thank Lord you rose again, and I thank you Lord you are victorious now. I thank you Lord that your love for us is unconditional, is unmerited. We don’t deserve it, Lord, but you give it to us, and Lord we receive that love you have for us in Jesus’s name. I believe there’s people watching and listening that have never received the unconditional love of God, and you receive it by faith. Just start thanking God.

Say, “God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for being my savior. I make you my Lord.” Right now, say those words and you can receive God’s love, and you can receive his salvation today. Wherever you are, wherever you’ve been you can receive God’s salvation and God’s love for you today. In Jesus name. Amen?


Amen. We’ll be back real soon. Until next time remember, you could be living the abundant life.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website Terredezministries.com or call us at 7196003344.

Hey, we’ve been teaching on faith and especially about how much God loves us. Galatians 5:6 says, “Faith works by love.” When we realize how much God loves us, his unconditional love for us, it’ll make our faith effective. It’ll make our faith work. Praise God. What me and Carlie are talking about on these programs, we have a limited amount of time, so that’s why I want to encourage you. Get the full series. It’s available on your screen right now. We got into more depth. We got into more detail. You’ll be blessed, so go ahead and get the series Every Day Faith, today. Order your copy, and you can see your faith become effective in every area of your life.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching visit our website Terredezministries.com or call us at 7196003344. Visit our website Terredezministries.com anytime to order teaching products, share your testimony, find upcoming events, donate, and much more. That’s terredezministries.com.

Speaker 2:
Colorado, are you ready to live an abundant life?

Speaker 4:
I had chronic pain in my shoulder. I can’t sleep at night. I’m healed. I can hear better. Praise God.

Speaker 5:
Thank you, Lord!

Speaker 4:
Praise God!

Speaker 2:
Ashley and Carlie Terredez will be joined by special guest prophet Joseph Z and Pastor Lawson Purdue at their free Abundant Life event.

Jesus came not just to give us life, but life more abundantly.

Amen. God’s got provision for everyone to live an abundant life.

Speaker 2:
Abundant Life event, Colorado Springs, 2019. Saturday, April 27th at Charis Christian Center.