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Healed and Whole Part 3

Join Ashley and Carlie in Healed and Whole Part 3. Healing is always God’s will! In this series Ashley and Carlie explain how to discover truth from the Word of God regarding God’s will to heal and that His will is not a mystery to His children!

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Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
Did you know that sickness and disease is a curse that you’ve been redeemed from? That’s right. Jesus paid the price for us to be redeemed from sickness and disease. Stay tuned to find out more.

Narrator: Healed and Whole Part 3
Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life? Welcome to the Abundant Life Program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3
Hello and welcome to Abundant Life. My name is Ashley Terradez and this is my wife Carlie, and we’re so glad you’ve joined us today. We’ve got an exciting program for you today. We’ll talk about healing and about how it’s God’s will for you to be well. Amen?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
Amen. This is exciting. Healing is one of my favorite subjects to teach on just because we’ve experienced so much healing in our own life. It’s very personal to us. In previous episodes we’ve been talking about different testimonies that have come up, the healing that’s manifest in our family. I’ve been healed supernaturally of epilepsy after having seizures for over a decade, haven’t had another seizure since I was healed 14 years ago. Amen. It’s God’s Word. You know, God sent his Word and healed us. Amen. Psalm 107:20, “God sent his Word and healed us.” When we start to look into the word of God, we find out that God had a plan for healing from the very beginning of time, that healing was always his will for our life.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
And today, we’re going to be looking at how healing came into play for us when Jesus rose from the dead. In fact, at the same time that we received salvation, we received the healer. Amen. Jesus is the healer. So when we receive Jesus, we receive the healer. That means we receive a healing into our spirit when we receive salvation.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3
Amen. Same package.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
Same package. It was the original package deal.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
That’s good news.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3
Jesus paid for it all.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
It is. In Deuteronomy, sickness and disease is… in Deuteronomy 28, sickness and disease is listed as one of the curses. Right? So sickness and disease was never supposed to be a blessing. It’s not from God. It’s Satan that is the author of sickness and disease, but listed under the blessings in that same chapter is healing and health and prosperity and abundance in every area. Well, if you look into the New Testament, because I know some of you are already thinking, “Well, that’s just an Old Testament scripture. I’m a New Testament believer, praise God.” If you look in Galatians 3:13, it says that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
So sickness and disease was part of the curses listed and under the law, a consequence of disobedience. But under the New Testament, because of Jesus, he fulfilled the law. That means that he wiped out all of the handwriting of accusation and requirements that the law presented to us. He fulfilled the law for us and redeemed us from the curse of the law. He also redeemed us from sickness and disease.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
So I’m just thinking in 1 Peter 2:24 it says, “By his stripes,” by Jesus’ stripes, “We have been healed.” We were healed. It’s past testament. Jesus paid for it. We’re going to get into this in more detail.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3
The great exchange-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 3
It is.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 3
… is Jesus went to the cross and he became sin on the cross and took our sin and we get his righteousness. He took our poverty and we get his prosperity, his riches. 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, and then he took stripes on his back. He took pain in his physical body, 1 Peter 2:24, so that we can get health and healing. So Jesus took all the bad stuff to the cross and we get all the good stuff. It’s the great exchange. Praise God. It’s the Gospel. Jesus paid for it. Jesus was grace personified, and grace has provided everything we need to live the Christian life. Grace has provide everything to make us conquerors, to make us victorious. Our response by faith is to say, “Yes, Lord, I receive it.” It’s as simple as that. It’s the almost too good to be true news, is the Gospel, praise God.

Amen. You know, sometimes people struggle to receive healing because they feel like the sickness or disease in their body is a result of something they’ve done. It’s self-inflicted. It could be even something as simple as a sports injury or maybe it’s abuse of a substance or a negative-

I blew my knee out once and it was… I was playing soccer on the church soccer team and I was on the other side and the senior pastor was coming one way and the associate pastor’s coming the other way and I was coming down the middle of them. I thought, “I can get there. I can get there.” You know? It’s football, we call it soccer, but in America I guess it’s soccer.


Anyway, and I knew as I went for the tackle this ain’t going to end well, that I guess pride and anything else, I couldn’t have these two men-

Oh yeah pride comes before a fall before a fall, literally.

Literally that’s what happened. So I went into the tackle, slid, and I’m pleased to say I got the ball, I beat the pastor, I beat the associate pastor, but my knee… no more. I was injured badly. And I remember struggling to receive healing for my knee because it was self-inflicted. I did it myself.

And it can play on your mind.

And that stuff is a silly example, but you know maybe, I know there’s people here that may be through lifestyle choices, through things you’ve done, you’ve created sickness in your body. You’ve created ailments in your body. You know what? Your healing isn’t dependent on what you’ve done or haven’t done.

So good news.

That’s the good news right there. So forgive yourself. God’s already forgiven you. Forgive yourself if you’ve not treated your body right or put substances in your body that’s caused sickness. You know, don’t do it anymore. It’d be weird to not do it anymore, but certainly God is not holding that against you. God’s healing you because he’s good.

Amen. I remember one time I met an elderly gentleman at a conference and he was in a wheelchair and he was struggling with a lung condition with emphysema, and he said to me, “I just don’t feel like I’m a candidate for healing because I was a musician in bars and lounges, and just smoked all of my life, and the lung condition that I have now as a result of abusing cigarettes and nicotine. And so that damage, it’s self-inflicted, I’ve caused this problem upon myself. I’m 80 years old now. Just don’t feel like, you know, why should God heal me?”

And that’s logical if you think about it. Self-inflicted, that’s logical.

Right. When I started ministering to him, some of the very things that Ashley was just saying, that you didn’t receive your salvation somehow based on your goodness, on your performance, because you are such a stellar person. You’ve just done everything perfectly. You know, salvation is a gift and healing comes in the same package as salvation. So healing likewise is a gift. It’s not based on whether we deserve it or not, or whether we’ve done everything right, or whether we’ve even caused the condition to manifest in our body in the first place. God is not beyond healing somebody, regardless of the situation. Healing is still for you and it has always been God’s will and it’s God’s will just as much today as it has ever been. When I started ministering the truth to him, it’s the truth of God’s Word that sets us free. Right? He sent his Word and healed us. This man had a big smile across his face and said, “Well, in that case you can pray for me.”

So as we prayed for this gentleman, I mean he just started to get strength in his body. He took his oxygen off, he started to take deep breaths, and then he started to stand up out of his wheelchair. He started to get excited as he could feel the healing power of God manifest in his body. He started walking up and down the auditorium. And it was then I noticed that his pants were a little short, like several inches too short. And I didn’t notice before because he was in the wheelchair. So obviously people are getting excited because his lungs are healed. He’s able to get up and walk around and he starts crying. And we are asking, “Well, why are you crying? This is a happy thing that’s happening to you, right?” He says, “You don’t understand. My spine has also been healed.” He had grown.

He was several inches shorter. His pants fit when he came. Right? But he had some sort of scoliosis, some sort of damage to his spine. Not only did the power of God heal his lungs, it also straightened his spine, healed his spine. That’s why his pants were too short. Amen. But you know, it was such a powerful miracle to witness, but it all started with the love and the truth of God’s Word.


And I know you’ve got a scripture here in Hebrews that really kind of puts this together nicely, because sometimes we kind of distance ourselves from God, especially if we feel like we somehow deserve it or we’re not worthy.

We’re not worthy.

We’ll actually won’t go and get the help that God wants us to have.

Amen. And then put a quick disclaimer in here before I read this first. We’re not condoning, you know, condoning people to go and live any way they want. You know? We have to look after our tempers. We’re not just meant to go and abuse our bodies or anything like that. What we’re saying is, if you have done that in the past, you know, God will heal you not based on what you’ve done in the past. So forgive yourself in that. But I don’t want people to think, “Oh, Ashley and Carlie said-

Don’t go live crazy. Look after your body.

… You can go smoking and drinking and eating as much as you want and you don’t have to worry about it.” Okay, no we’re not saying that. There’s wisdom obviously, and you’ve got to take care of your temple.

But don’t live in condemnation.

Don’t live in condemnation. If that has been you… all of us of have not lived how we should have lived. Let’s just face it. None of us are deserving salvation. None of us are deserving healing. So we need to take it by grace, that’s how it works. We take it by grace because, you know, we need God’s grace. God loves us and heals us and saves us despite of us, not because of us. And anyone who thinks, you know, God better heal me because I’ve got it all together, that’s pride. And they’re the ones that struggle to receive their healing. The ones that say, “You know what? I’m not worthy. I’ve messed up.” They’re the ones that receive much easier. So you know, I just want to put that disclaimer there because there’s always people that write us and say, “My friend started smoking because you said it’s okay.”

Don’t write us… Don’t make a doctrine out of every little thing.

So this is a Hebrews 4, I love this verse, Hebrews 4 verse 16. It says, Hebrews 4 verse 16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” When we have a need, we should go boldly to God’s throne. We should go boldly into God’s presence because that’s everything we need. That God has everything we need for our healing, for our salvation, whatever it is, God has it for us and we need to come boldly. And sometimes when we’re sick, or maybe we’re struggling with with a sin in our life, sometimes we run away from God and we don’t actually go to God for the help.

I love it how the Passion translation puts it. The Passion translation puts it this way. It says, “So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned.” I like that, where love is enthroned, “To receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.” When we’re weak, we need God’s grace.


When we’re weak we need his strength, and that’s the best time to run into his presence and run to his throne.

Amen. And you know, we’ve spent the past few episodes talking about the importance of understanding God’s will, because if we don’t understand that God’s will is yes and amen, and he’s only good, and he only has good things for us, and healing is from him, we’ll shy away from him. We won’t run boldly into the throne room, into where love and grace is that we so desperately need in our time of need. So that’s a really important point. But let’s look at this. This is in our Romans Chapter 10 and verse 13, and it says, “For everyone,” that means everyone by the way, right, no exclusion, “who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” And you might think, well what does that got to do with healing? That’s a salvation verse.

There are many times in the scriptures that healing and salvation are put together in the same scripture, and the very word saved in the original text, in the Greek in which it was written, is the word soteria. And I wrote down the definition here. It means to save a suffering one from perishing; to make well; to heal; to restore to health; to save; to keep safe and sound; to rescue; deliver from danger, destruction, or peril. All of those things are in that word “saved”. When you see the word saved through the New Testament, it means more than just that ticket to heaven. Amen. And I think there are a lot of streaking Christians out there.

Streaking Christians?

A lot of streaking Christians.

You’re going to have to explain that one Carlie, what’s a streaking Christian?

You’ve put on the helmet of salvation, but you haven’t put on all of the armor of God that he has provided for us. He’s given us all kinds of things at our disposal, all kinds of benefits. We don’t just have a ticket to heaven, a helmet of salvation when we make Jesus the Lord of our life. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we receive healing. We receive safety and favor and prosperity and forgiveness and deliverance. All of these things. All of these things, protection, all of these things are part of the salvation package that Jesus paid for for us. Healing is one of those original benefit package deals, right?

And healing came at the point of salvation. Now it’s in our spirit man, okay, one third of us is Holy Spirit. That’s the God part of us that becomes alive when we get born again. We also have flesh, our body, our flesh suit there, our Holy Spirit temple if you like, that you were talking about, that we have to look after by the way. It’s our flesh that gets weak if we start to abuse it through drink or drugs or different things, a negative lifestyle. But then we have the third part of us, and that is how mind, will and emotions, our soul-ish realm, okay? So we’re actually three. We’re not just one person. We’ve got three parts to us.

Well to me it’s a picture of God. So we’re spirit, soul and body. And the good news is in your spirit, you know, 1 John 4:17, “As he is, so are we in this world.” And your spirit, when you got born again, your spirit became… you became one spirit with the Lord. You became like Jesus on your spirit. So in your spirit you become one spirit of the Lord. As I said, as Jesus is so are you in this world, not just when you get to heaven, but right now your spirit is perfect. Ephesians talks about your spirit being sealed with the Holy Spirit. So your spirit, you’ve got it going on in your spirit. In your spirit you’ve got healing, you’ve got prosperity, you’ve got peace of mind, you’ve got everything you need. You’ve got joy continuous in your spirit.

But the issue is we also have a soul, like Carlie said, which is our mind, will and emotions. And then we have a flesh. The good news is we can choose what we do with our soul. So if we renew our minds, that’s why we need to renew our minds. That’s why people are, you know, they could be saved and yet still don’t live a victorious life. Sometimes people can be saved, but don’t live the abundant life, that John 10:10 life that Jesus came to provide. Why is that? Is it because they got half of salvation? No, it’s because they’re saved in their spirit and they have everything in their spirit, but they’re not releasing it through their soul.

They’re not living it out in the flesh.

They’re not living it out. And what Romans 12 talks about is renewing our minds. We have to renew our minds to the promises of God. We have to renew our minds, so we have to find out what God’s word says about us. You know, we look in an actual mirror to see what we look like in the flesh. If we want to see what our flesh looks like, if our hair’s in place-

Some of it looks better than others.

Some pleasures better than others. Sometimes you know I’ve seen women look in their rear view mirror and all that to see-

As their driving doing their make-up.

That’s right. You look in the mirror to see what your flesh looks like. We have to look in the mirror of the Word of God to see who we are in the spirit. We don’t understand who we are in the spirit until we look in the Word of God. So when we look into the Word of God, find out who we are, that’s when our mind gets renewed to our spirit, to the truth.

That’s when the transformation happens.

That’s when the transformation happens. That’s how we can renew our mind. So it’s our choice to renew our mind. It’s our choice where our soul goes. And if our soul goes the way of the spirit, our soul goes with the truth, then our flesh will have to join in. Our flesh, it’s two against one, and our flesh will have to line up and our physical aliments we’ll have to go eventually.

I mean man, yeah. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “If any man is in Christ, in Jesus, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.” Well, what part of us has become new? It’s the spirit part of us that’s become new. You know, when we got born again, we didn’t look different. We didn’t suddenly change appearance. We didn’t become smarter or fatter or thinner or anything else, right? And nothing on the outside changed to be an outward appearance, but on the inside something very significant happened. We received the savior, we received Jesus, the healer. So now healing resides on the inside of us, in the person of Jesus. You know, sometimes I ask people this question because I think, well if that’s true, I don’t feel very healed. I don’t look very healed. Nothing seems to have changed on the outside. That’s because it’s the spirit part of us that contains the healing power of God. But you know, I asked them this question, “When you got saved, did you look any different? You didn’t, did you? You can’t see salvation.”

Now sometimes people will look… you can tell they’ve got a weight lifted off them wherever they can see-

Right, but they didn’t change anything in the natural flesh.

Their physical appearance, no, no. Their eyes might sparkle a bit or something like that but nothing’s changed in their physical appearance.

We had to receive our salvation based on something we couldn’t see. We had to receive salvation by faith. Right? It’s the same way we receive healing. We access the promises of God that grace is provided through faith. In other words, putting just a trust and confidence more on what the Word of God says then how we feel about it. And so you know, in the same way that we can’t be a little bit saved, we can’t actually be a little bit healed. Right? The spirit part of us has all of the healing power that it’s ever going to need, but it’s right down on the inside of us in the person of Jesus.

So rather than start at the point of I’m sick and I’m trying to get healing, healing is out there and I’m trying to get it.

We think it’s out here in the atmosphere somewhere.

Yeah, we’re trying to acquire healing. I might not get it. Even if you believe it’s God’s will, which is the truth, even if you’re convinced it’s God’s, by now you should be convinced it’s God’s will for you to be healed. If healing is out there and you’re trying to get it, there’s a chance you might not get there.

You might miss it.

You might not receive it. You might do something wrong-

The conditions might not be just perfect.

Exactly. Instead, really the truth is, you are the healed. You’re already healed of the Lord. In your spirit, you’re 100% healed.

That’s what the scripture says. You’re the healed of the Lord.

And you’re fighting off sickness. That’s the very difference. It’s a lot easier to defend the position than trying to take your position. You can defend a position very easily. So basically you’re already healed. You’ve already won the victory. Jesus already paid the price for you in this area. It’s a done deal. Now you’re just defending that victory rather than trying to go in and getting the victory. That’s a big difference. You know?

It’s a huge difference.

It’s like a rigged game. If there was a game and it was rigged and you knew you won anyway, all you have to show up and you win. Well sometimes as Christians we don’t even show up sometimes. We don’t even believe the game’s on, but the game’s on, but it’s a fixed match. I’ve read the book, I’ve read the Bible, I’ve read the back of the book. We win.


The only way we won’t win is if we quit and we stop believing. So as long as you keep believing, as long as you put your faith in God and keep trusting God, you’re going to win. It doesn’t matter what the circumstance is, what’s going on in your life. God knows exactly what’s going on and he’s given you everything you need to be victorious. You’ve already got it on the inside. So don’t quit. The right just get up one more time. Don’t quit. Keep believing, your victory is very close.

Amen. Amen. [inaudible 00:18:02] is awesome. In Isaiah 53, let’s go back there because we, a moment ago we mentioned 1 Peter 2:24. Well that’s after the cross, and this is before the cross. It’s actually the same scripture. We’re going to start in the beginning of Isaiah 53. It says, “Who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” Well the arm of the Lord is talking about Jesus before Jesus was even born. But I love the way it says, “Who has believed our prayer?”

You have to believe it. We have to choose to believe it.

You have to put faith in it. Belief is to just put faith in something. Right? “Who has believed our report?” It’s like we’re reading in Romans there, who has believed… Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Whoever believes that report.

In the Amplified it says, “Whoever has believed, trusted in and relied on, and clung to the message that was revealed to us.”

Amen. So this Word that we’re teaching today about healing, this might be the first time that you’ve ever realized or ever heard that healing is even an option, that it’s even available. You know? And putting the way that we access that truth and see it manifest in our flesh, which is where the sickness resides, right? It’s in our flesh. It means that we have to put trust and confidence in that. And that means to choose to put the word of God, this report, above even how we feel, even the doctor’s report. Right? So as Isaiah 53, skip one down here to verse three it says he was, this is talking about Jesus, it’s all the prophecy of Jesus, “He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” Those word sorrows and grief, they mean more than just to be sad. Right? More than just to have a heartache.

This is talking about, in the original text, it means pain, grief, affliction, sickness and disease. All of those things is wrapped up into those few words there. And so he was acquainted with our sickness and with our disease and with our pain. And it says, “And we hid, as it were, our faces from him.” He was despised. We did not esteem him. “Surely,” here it is again, “He has borne our grief and carried our sorrows.” In other words, surely that word grief and sorrows is talking about sickness and disease. Surely he has borne our sickness and disease.

He’s taken it, right. It says, “We esteemed him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions, our sins and bruised for our inequities. And the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed.” So that was a prophecy of Jesus before Jesus even walked the face of the earth. It was talking about how he would die on a cross, how he would be whipped, how he’d take stripes on his back that would pay the price for the healing of our sickness and our disease. God put his healing power… he made provision for us to be well before we even had the sickness in the first place.

Isn’t that amazing?

That’s powerful.

I’ve heard it put this way. You know all our problems, basically any sickness, the root of it is ultimately the devil. So the devil is the root of all sickness ultimately, and God is the answer to everything ultimately. You know, God is good and the devil is bad. We already covered this. And God has been around long before the devil. So really your answer was around before your problem even showed up. In fact, I’ve got news for you. Whatever your problem is today, whether it’s sickness, whether it’s piece of mind, anxiety, whether it’s financial, whatever your problem is, whatever you’re experiencing today, maybe it’s an addiction, maybe it’s sin, whatever it is, the answer, the solution to that problem has been there way before your problem even turned out. There’s always been a solution there. It’s God, and God has a way of getting that to you, praise God.

If you’ll believe it, grace has already provided it, and you can see your breakthrough today. Praise God. Read Isaiah 53, that’s really going to bless you. That’s the truth. As you know, Jesus already paid the price for all these things. He paid the price for your peace of mind. He paid the price for your physical healing. He paid the price for your salvation. Total package. It’s the almost too good to be true news. And if you’re born again today, it’s yours. It’s yours to take by faith and say thank you Jesus, and you’re going to receive it. And you might not, like Carlie said, you may not see anything physically happen right away, but you watch. Those circumstances are going to have to change. Those situations are going to have to change. You’re going to have to align up with the good report.

Amen. You know, sometimes we spend too much time looking at our outward circumstances. We’ve already mentioned that we are three parts to our being. We’re a spirit, soul and a body. Right? And sickness resides in the place that we call flesh. Okay? And but we are spirit first that happens to have a body, and the spirit part of us is what became alive when we received Jesus. And our soul, that’s our mind, our will and our emotions, that’s how we think about it. And then, you know, we only need to have a majority vote to see healing manifest in our flesh. If you can just get your thinking, your mind, will and emotions, your soul, in agreement with what’s already happened in your spirit, the flesh is just going to follow suit.

What we do is we end up doing it the other way around, right? If our flesh gives us a pain, or our flesh communicates to us, then we’ll line up our emotions and our thoughts of our flesh. I’m hungry, I’m tired, you know, I’m in pain, and we’ll actually agree… our mind, will and emotions will actually agree with our flesh instead of agreeing with the spirit, and we’ll go with that and we’ll actually be driven by our emotions. I think sometimes we do spend too much time on our emotions. Emotions aren’t necessarily a bad thing, but they shouldn’t be leading the deal. We should be leading with truth. We should be leading by the Word of God and our emotions will follow. And sometimes emotionally, you know, I heard one preacher put it this way, they said, “How are you today?”

He said, “I don’t ask myself how I feel. I tell myself how I feel. I tell myself I’m healed. I tell myself I’m strong.” And that’s a good way of putting it. You know? Another way of putting is the Apostle Paul put it this way in 2 Corinthians 5:7. 2 Corinthians Chapter Five verse seven he puts it this way, it says, “For we walk by faith and not by sight.” You have to walk by faith. You have to put the things of God, the word of God, put it in front of you, make it more real to you than what your emotions and what your flesh is telling you.

That’s why in Isaiah 53 he started out with, “Who’s going to believe this report?” Which report are we placing more value on? Are we placing the report of our flesh about how we feel about the symptoms are in our body? Maybe what the doctor’s report says, maybe think circumstances in the natural, whatever it feels like, above what the word of God says about our situation. You know, we found this with our daughter Hannah, and many of you who’ve heard our testimony, if you haven’t seen that, we actually have a documentary video available on our website. You can now watch that for free on there. I encourage you to go there. It’s like about a 20 minute documentary.

But with Hannah, she was sent home from the hospital to die at three years old. You know, that’s not a report that any parent wants to get. But we had to choose to put the word of God, God’s report, what God says about that condition, more highly place it above, put more value to it than how we felt about it as parents or even what we could see or experience with our natural eyes. And when we started to do that, and we started to speak out over Hannah what the word of God said about her situation, her situation, her physical situation started to change.

We started to see the word of God become manifest in Hannah’s body. That very healing power that lives on the inside of us was released into Hannah’s little body at three years old. And today she’s 15 years old. She’s healthy, she’s strong, and she’s never suffered with that sickness another day in her life. But that happened because we started to believe the word of God. God’s report above the doctor’s report. And you know, if it worked for us, it’s going to work for anybody.

Amen. God’s not respective to a person. So what he did for us, he’ll do for you. And he longs for you to be healed. He longs for you to be whole, and he wants you to receive the promises he has for you. And that’s why our ministry, Terradez Ministries, you know, we say we’re empowering believers in the promises of God. Whatever promise it is, it’s a yes for you. You can receive it by faith.

Yes, amen.

Praise God. Amen. God is so good. So believe God’s report today. He’s got a good report for you.

Amen. It’s a good report. Now I know that many people are watching and thinking, “Well I still have sickness in my body. I still have pain in my body.” Well we have good news for you today. The healing power of God is yes and amen and it’s here for you today. So we’d like to take a short while just praying for you and we believe that you’re going to receive your healing. It’s going to manifest in your body as we pray. Amen.

Amen. So right now wherever you are, receive the healing power of God. Father God, I thank you for everyone listening and watching today, and I thank you that they are receiving your healing power. I thank you. They are choosing to believe your report, your good report, and whatever’s ailing them, and whatever problem or symptoms they have, they’re going right now in Jesus’ name.

Right, amen.

And they’re experiencing full abundant life in Jesus’ name.

Right now, we take all authority over sickness and disease. We command it to leave. We command the spirit of infirmity to leave the hearts and minds and bodies of these believers, and we believe and we receive these things. We receive your healing power, Lord, in Jesus’ name.

Amen. Amen. Receive today, wherever you are, God’s power is right there with you. Amen. Praise God. Well, thanks for being with us today. We’ll be back real soon with another program. Remember until next time, don’t just settle for living a normal life when you could be living the abundant life.

Speaker 1:
To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website, TerradezMinistries.com or call us at (719) 600-3344.

Hey, thanks for joining us today. We’ve been talking about healing and about the good report. God’s good report for you. As you know, these TV programs are very short. We’re limited on time, so we would love you to take advantage of the resources we have available. They’re on your screen right now. They’re going to go into much more detail about what we was teaching today, as well as other things regarding healing and about how you can receive your healing. Maybe you have loved ones that need this. Get it for them, but use the details on the screen. Go ahead and order your copy. You’re going to be blessed. We’re going to get deeper into the word of God and you’re going to be able to experience even more of God’s promises today.

Speaker 1:
To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website, Terradezministries.com or call us at (719) 600-3344. We want to thank the friends and partners of Terradez Ministries. Your faithful financial support enables us to produce the Abundant Life program and spread the good news of God’s love around the world. If you have been blessed by this program, we invite you to donate and partner with Terradez Ministries. Visit our website, TerradezMinisteries.com and become a partner today. Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life? Join us next time for the Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.