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Healed and Whole Part 7

Join Ashley and Carlie in Healed and Whole Part 7. What are the characteristics of faith? In this series Ashley and Carlie explain that faith is victorious, faith takes action, and faith is spoken!

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Complete Episode Transcription of Healed and Whole Part 7

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Did you know that you have a say in what you see? That’s right. Your confession is important. What are you saying about what you’re believing? Stay tuned for more.

Narrator: Healed and Whole Part 7
Why live a normal life when you could be living The Abundant Life. Welcome to The Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Hello and welcome to Abundant Life. We’re so glad you’ve joined us today. My name is Ashley Terradez, and this is my wife Carlie, and we’ve got an exciting program for you today. We’re talking about our confession. What you say can affect what you see, what you say can affect how you receive, and we’re excited to get right in the word of God today.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Amen. This kind of reminds me of a game show that I used to watch when I was a kid and I think it’s called Catch Phrase and they’d have this picture up and they’d say you buzz in if, can you see what it is yet?

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Was it like Pictionary where you’re drawing a picture?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Yeah, and the game show –

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Catch Phrase.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
…. host would say, “Can you see what it is yet? You can buzz in,” and he’d say, “Say what you see.”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Say what you see.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Say what you see in this.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
When we play Pictionary, I just use the cheat. I used to shout out random words continually.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
And hope that one sticks.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
And hope one of them sticks. Yeah.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Confession isn’t quite like that.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
It worked sometimes.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Sometimes. You know, the words of our mouth are powerful. The world itself was spoken into creation. Jesus’s birth was the fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies. Every time a child is born or something manifests is because somewhere along the lines there was something that was spoken first. And manifestation of healing is no different. Manifestation is basically the manifestation of our confession. Right? And in Proverbs it says that life and death are in the power of our tongue and just like the world was created by the words of God, we too have the power to create life or death with our tongue. It says in Isaiah that God’s words in our mouth are just as powerful in our mouth as if He’d spoken them himself. That’s how powerful God’s words spoken through our mouth. Is we have the power to build up or to tear down. That’s quite the responsibility.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
So the thing they used to say at school sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That’s how they used to say it right?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Yeah. That’s stupid.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words never hurt me. Yeah. First of all, I never had sticks or stones break my bones-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Well lucky you.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
They just hurt. They just gave me bruises. But anyway, but if they did, but words will never hurt me. So we’ve been told that words aren’t important. I didn’t mean it. I was just saying that. And words aren’t important. Now there’s the other extreme. We want to make sure we’re not on the other side of the ditch where it’s like, name it, claim it, blab it, grab it, and just-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
The confession police.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
… confess wherever you want, and You can just have it. Okay, no we’re talking about agreeing with the word of God. We’re talking about agreeing with the promises of God by believing it and by speaking out. We’re not talking about I want a new car, I’m just going to blab a new car. I want whatever, I’m just going to blab it out. We’re not talking about name it, claim it, blab it, grab it. I think there’s two sides of the ditch there.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
On the confession side, you can get to the point where we’ve been there where people start become confession police and they say like, “Oh my feet are killing me.” “Don’t speak it out. Because in your sleep your feet will down and start strangling you.” Or you know, “My back’s killing me.” “Don’t speak it out.” That’s extreme. We’re not talking about that. We’re talking about what are you saying? What do you believe in your heart and what are you speaking out? What are you confessing? And it’s the words we speak out that we believe are powerful.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
They are.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
And a lot of times this can be self talk. You could be self talking, and you don’t even realize it you’re self talking. “Well you’ll never get ahead or you will always be sick or you’ll never-”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
You start repeating lies that have been planted in you.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
The devil gives us lies or our flesh gives us lies. We start repeating them. So we need to be agreeing with the word of God. How can two walk together unless they agree? It says in Amos.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
That’s right.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
So what does God say about us? We need to agree with what God says about us. And ultimately words, like Carlie said, God created the world through words, through His spoken word. He spoke. He said, “Let there be light,” and light was. He just said it, and it happened.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Amen. And His word does not return to Him void.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Amen. That’s right. That’s true. So we need to watch what we say, and we need to start saying the right things. Be intentional with our speech, and not just throw things out there.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Exactly. Otherwise we can be in danger of just confessing all of our feelings, all of our emotions, whether good or bad, everything’s just coming out of our mouth. And you’ve probably been around some negative people in your life at some point. And it’s almost toxic. You don’t really want to spend a whole lot of time around people that are constantly negative because it just makes you feel yuck.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
I remember we had a couple of people, we spent a lot of time for a season and one was very young. He was just a teenager and one was an older lady, an elderly lady, I should say. And she would be talking a lot about how-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
They were lodging with us.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Yeah, well, I wasn’t going to say that because now they’re not going to work out-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
We’ve had several people.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
They might be able to workout who that is. I was trying to change the names to protect the innocent.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
They weren’t innocent.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Anyway, they weren’t innocent.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
But we had these two people staying with us for a period of time when we was at Bible school and the older lady was saying, “Oh, it’s this time of year, I’m going going to get sick.” “Oh, it’s flu season. I’m going to get sick again.” “Oh, I think I’ve got cold coming up.” “Oh, at my age I’ve got to expect this,” and “I’m going to get this.” “I’m going to get that.” And all she kept doing was speaking out sickness, sickness, sickness, sickness, and the young guy, he’d just been like, “Well I can’t afford this.” “Can’t afford that,” “The gas prices have gone up,” “This has gone up,” “Can’t afford this.” And he’s caught about lack all the time. And in the end I remember pulling up into the garage and they were in the car with me and I stopped the car and I said, “Guys-”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Actually he pulled up in on the driveway in front of the garage and before he press the button to open the garage, he says, “Let’s just settle this right now before we go into the house.”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Before we cross the threshold of my house, this is my house.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
I’m going to law down the law right now.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Law down the rules. In my house. It’s quite, quite liberating when it’s your house. I remember it’s like…

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Anyway, carry on.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Anyway, so we had our parents stay with us, it was like, “You’re in my house now. You will be home before midnight.” It’s me telling my parents “Be home before midnight.” Anyway, so I said to them, “Before we go into my house,” I said, “Listen, there’s two things. In this family and this house, we don’t talk lack and we don’t talk sickness. So we’re not going to keep giving a voice to sickness, and we’re not going to give a voice to lack and poverty. So change your confession. It’s really affected them actually.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
It did. In a positive way.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Actually while they stayed with us for those few months-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
They prospered.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
They started to see things change in their life.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
So I’m a real believer in be careful what you say. Don’t just speak out what you see. If you see something, you just it speak out. If you feel something, just speak it out, guard your tongue. James talks a lot about this, about we’ve got to be careful of our tongue because we can start a fire with our tongue. So guard your tongue and only speak what you, what you hear the word of God speak. Agree with God.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
And on the other side of this sometimes people think that, “Oh, if I,” they’ll come from ministry and they don’t want to speak out what they’re dealing with. Like they’re going to scare away the Holy Spirit or something. What we talking about here is not faking it until you make it. Right? It’s not like denying, “I don’t have cancer,” when the doctor’s report says you do have cancer. What it’s saying is “I’m not going to allow the doctor’s report to have the highest precedent in my life. I’m going to put this report, God’s report above the natural report.” We are not denying the natural report. We’re not denying the doctor’s done tests and these are the results that have come back. We’re not denying that we have symptoms in our body, but we’re not allowing those symptoms, that report to have a voice in our life, and that’s the difference.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
There’s nothing wrong with saying what the report is or what you’ve been told, but then you trump it with the truth. The good report.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
And just the other day there was a couple that were going on a mission trip and I said, “How’s them finances coming in for that mission trip?” They’re raising a few thousand dollars for this mission trip. “Oh, we’ve got everything we need in Jesus name. All that money’s coming in Jesus’ name.” And I said, “Well, praise God brother.”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
You didn’t realize it was a faith statement.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
That was their faith statement. And they were just saying that. They wouldn’t speak lack. They were saying. So they wouldn’t say that they still needed $500. They’d just get all the money’s come in. So I found out after they didn’t get to go. I said, “Why didn’t you get to go?” They said, “The money didn’t come in.” I said, “you told me the money had come in.” He said, “Well, that was a faith statement.” I said, “Well, if you’d told me-”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Need be clearer next time.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
“You could have said this. You could have said, “You know what, with $500 short, but praise God, we know the word of God and all that money’s coming in.” Then I would’ve got my checkbook out and given you that $500 but because I thought all the money had come in, I never gave you that money. So you shorted yourself out there.”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
So we can say things like, “I have pain in my body. The doctor says I’ve got this. The doctor says I’ve got that. I’ve got pain in my body. But I believe in the word of God. I’m standing the word of God. The word of God said I am healed. The word of God says by his stripes I am healed. The word of God says I’ll live and not die.” That’s the difference. It’s not just completely ignoring something, but it’s also not giving it a voice. Not just keep speaking out, repeating it. So what’s your dominant? So what are you meditating on? And that’s really important. So make sure you meditate on the truth and make sure you’re speaking the truth and make sure you confess in the truth of your situation. Amen

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Yeah. At the end of the day, our confession comes into where we put our but, right? We need to have a Holly but. We need to make sure our but is in the right place.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
You need to explain that. You’re going to have to explain that now.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
That little word but is a conjunction. It negates everything that went before it. If you studied grammar, and so what people say to us sometimes is, “I know the word of God says I’m healed. I know it says I’m healed, but I’ve got sickness in my body, but the doctor says I’m going to die.” Well, the problem is you’ve negated because you put the word but in there. Everything that you said before the word but is negated, right? You’ve put you’ve a higher importance on everything you said after that word. We need to turn that round and move our but into the right place.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
That would be saying, “I’ve got sickness in my body. The doctor says I’m going to die. It’s not looking good, but God says I am the [inaudible 00:09:08] but God says, I can do all things through Christ. It strengthens me, but God says I have the victory. I’m a world overcomer through faith.” Man, that’s a whole different take on things. We can take any negative situation and measure up to the word of God. Let’s look here in-

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 7
Turn it around. So where’s your but? Put your but in the right place.

Where’s your but? Put your but in the right place.

Yeah, that’s good advice right there.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 7
Amen. Thank you, darling. This is the healing of the Centurion servants. So the Centurion, I’m looking in Luke chapter seven. This is also in Matthew 8 and John 4 but I like Luke’s account. This is this a Centurion. He comes to Jesus, and basically the Centurion says to Jesus, “If you just say the word, my servant’s going to be healed.” Let’s look at this and find out what he says in verse six. “Jesus went with him. When he was not far off from the house, the Centurion sent friends to him saying, “Lord, do not travel yourself for I’m not worthy to have you come under my roof.””

So Jesus was basically on the way to the house to lay hands on the Centurion’s servant.

He was humble. He was being humble. He was saying, “I’m not even worthy to be in my house.”

That’s right.

That’s right.

That’s right. “Lord, do not trouble yourself for I am not worthy to have you come onto my roof. Likewise, I do not think myself worthy to come to you, but say the word, just say the word and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me, I say to one go, and the other goes and to another come and he comes and to my servant do this and he does that. Now when Jesus heard these words, he marveled at him and turned and said to the people who followed him, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” Then those who were sent, returning the house found the servant well, who had been sick.”

And the thing that really impresses me here is the servant understood the power of words. He understood. If Jesus just said the word, you see in the scriptures in Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent His word and healed us.” So the Centurion understood the power of Jesus and the power of His word. “If you just say the word, Jesus, you don’t even need to come to my house.”


Now. Jesus went a little way along the way there and he ended up at Jairus’s house, right? Now Jairus, he approached Jesus quite differently. He said, “Jesus, if you just come to my house and lay hand on my daughter, she’ll be made well.” What Jesus doesn’t do, and what we see sometimes in the church is condemnation. People believing that they should be somewhere else in their point of faith. The good thing about Jesus is He meets us at our point of faith in our time of need. He doesn’t say to this to Jairus rather, “Why can’t you just believe like the Centurion? Why do you want to drag me out to your house, you lazy man.” But he met him at his point of faith. Jairus says, “If you come lay hands on my daughter, she’ll be made well.” The Centurion, he had a greater faith and Jesus marveled at it because He understood the power of His words.

And this is really where we want to camp a little bit today because sometimes we meet people that have been traveling all over. Now we do healing conferences all over the country, and we love ministering to people, but that means people have to travel a long way to come to those, sometimes from different countries. Now, if we can really get a grip on understanding that the power of God’s word in us and through us, we wouldn’t have to travel anywhere again to get something.

We’re doing ourselves out of a conference, really.


Really, really, you shouldn’t have to come to our conferences. You could just be healed at home.

Amen. I mean that’s true, but you know what? Jesus meets us in that point of faith, and as we can understand this especially we traveled to a conference, our daughter who was sent home from the hospital with a week to live at three years old was healed at a conference because we said in our heart, “If we go here and we have somebody pray for her, she’s going to receive a healing in that place there.”

That’s how we believed it.

That’s how we believed. Now we’ve realized that we have authority in Jesus in in our own words, and we could have prayed for Hannah at home in our living room. We didn’t have to travel anywhere, but Jesus is so gracious. He meets you in your time of need. But faith is spoken, and our confession is important. Actually, we have a confession card for people that need some positive confessions, right?

Yeah. There’s a confession card, and it’s got all scriptures about who you are in Christ. And I use it regularly. You put your name at the top and it says things like, “I’m a party waiting to happen,” “I’m the the righteousness of Christ,” and things like, “I have everything I need. I lack no good thing. I’m above and not beneath.” And you can actually get that, the details are on your screen, you can get that. We’ll give that as a free gift to you if you want one of those.


But that would really help you because it’s gets you started in confession. You start confessing those truths of the word of God over your life. And the more you confess them, the more you believe them. And I tell you they get on the inside of you, then you start seeing yourself as God sees you.

I do these regularly. I have confessions I speak over myself, over our ministry, over our family regularly. I do this pretty much every morning. I’ll pray and during my prayer times, I’ll have things written down that I’ll confess and it’s not some superstitious thing or anything. I’m agreeing with the word of God and I’m making my soul, David said in Psalm 103 “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” It was like he was telling himself to bless the load. I tell myself “Believe these things, this is the truth about who you are in your spirit. Believe them.” And we have to get our mind renewed to these things. And one of the ways we do that is we speak it out. So I speak out things, and I’ve seen the things I speak out come to pass. It’s amazing how when we believe something, and we understand these truths and start speaking them out, we will see them come to pass.


And the reverse, the opposite is true as well. The opposite is true as well. People, they start speaking things out about how “This is going to happen,” “Oh, this is going to happen to me,” and “That’s going to happen to me and I’ll never get ahead,” and “I’ll never get a promotion,” and “I always get sick this time of year.” And sure enough, it happens. It’s almost like that faith is working in reverse.

Well, we call that unbelief in biblical terms. And it’s interesting because Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” If we hear the word of God, faith comes right. Well, unbelief comes the same way too. And so what comes out of our mouth is usually the fruit of whatever we have roots in. So if we’ve spent our time watching all kinds of stuff on TV or just not really being in the word or the word of God doesn’t really have a value in our life, then what’s going to come out of our mouth in a time of a crisis is going to be the fruit of whatever we’ve been absorbing in other areas. Just like a sponge. We’re like sponges.

We’re like tea bags.

Okay. Anyway-

We’re like tea bags.

I’m not even going to go there.

No, no. A teabag when you squeeze it, whatever’s inside comes out. So if we fill ourselves with the word of God and the truth and the promise of God, and we meditate on these things, Philippians 4:8, “Meditate on these things, whether it’s true, noble, good report” [crosstalk 00:15:45].

Of good report. Yep.

All those things. If we spend our time meditating on those things, then when we’re under pressure and we get squeezed-

When we squeeze the teabag.

When we get into hot water-

Because we’re English.

When we get into hot water like a teabag-

When we get into trouble.

… the word of God will come out.

Oh, man, [crosstalk 00:15:58].

But if we fill ourselves with lies and watching movies about this, that, and the other and things aren’t good and fill ourselves with fear instead of faith. Then when we we’re squeezed, that will come out.

I was thinking of a sponge because if you take a sponge, a dry sponge, and you place it in a tray of liquid, it’s going to soak up wherever it’s planted, right? And you know what that the sponge has been sitting in because when it squeezed, it’s going to come out.

Stuff comes out.

Same idea.

I can see what you’re saying. I prefer the tea bag analogy myself.

You don’t even drink tea.

I’m more of a tea bag man. I know. I like coffee. But anyway.

Anyway, so what we say is important, but what we’re saying comes out of what we are believing. And Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:13 “We believe and therefore we speak.” We’re not speaking in order to make ourselves believe something. This isn’t abracadabra, right?


We find that our words become effective when we start speaking out what we’re really believing. And sometimes people get unstuck here because they’re saying things, but there’s really no belief behind them. They just say them to try and convince themselves. Well, there’s value to that too. Sometimes we have to brainwash ourselves with the truth of God’s word. And I really do mean brainwash. Because we are in a world, we are of the world, but we are in the world, and we are constantly surrounded by influences. And oftentimes those can be negative whether that’s symptoms in your body, whether that’s people around you, whether it’s just the environment that you are in.


Yeah. All kinds of stuff in the media, whatever it is, is vying for your attention. And so if we’re not careful, we can get sucked into that. But when we start speaking out what we’re believing, we’ll start to see some results. Let’s look at this because faith needs to be spoken. When we believe it, we are going to speak it.

And this is how the power of God is released, right? We’ve already mentioned in Proverbs it talks about life and death are in the power of the tongue. Well, I want you to imagine that your words, when they leave your mouth, they’re like seeds. They’re like little containers of power that go and they bear fruit where ever they’re planted.

Let’s look at this in Mark 11. You’re probably familiar with this. Mark 11:22 “Jesus answered them saying, “Have faith in God, for truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be removed and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that whatever he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. Therefore, I say to you, whatever thing that you ask when you pray, believe and you will receive them and you will have them.””

In my Bible, I’ve underlined every time that it’s got the word says in there because there’s a whole lot more speaking than there is even believing. Many times people don’t have a problem believing. They know what the word of God says, but they’re not speaking it and it says here we need to speak to our mountain. Maybe your mountain has a name, maybe it’s a sickness or a disease or maybe it’s poverty. Maybe it’s a broken relationship. Whatever it is. Some people like to see the miss giants or mountains. Whatever it is, it’s going to be moved when we start speaking the word at it.


Because our words are going to bear fruit and the word or bear fruit wherever it’s planted. It reminds me one time we had our dryer air stop working. Our clothes dryer stopped working. And Ashley took the back of the dryer off, and he found that there was an, was it an acorn seed?

I think it was an acorn. The kids had been little.

Acorn seeds make oak trees, right?

Yeah, I think so. When they were little, they were putting acorn seeds in their pockets of their pants, their clothes, and then they went in the wash and then in the dryer-

Went in the dryer.

And one of those acorn seeds, are they seeds or nuts? I guess seeds.

I think they’re seeds.

Acorn seeds went into-

You can tell we’re really into horticulture and agriculture.

… went into the back of the dryer and then it sat there where it was moist and warm and it started to grow-

In the right conditions, it started to bear fruit.

And then sure enough there was like a probably, I don’t know, a six-inch acorn tree started to grow in the back of our dryer, and it stopped it working. So it was just quite, really impressive really. The fact that it’s in there growing, sprouting away there.

Amen. And you know, it didn’t look like there was much going on with that seed. We’d had plenty of acorn seeds that we’ve had sitting on the window sills and different things, and the kids would play with them, make games out of them and stuff, but they didn’t look like there’s a whole lot going on. But there’s life in the seed. Sometimes we find that we’ll speak to a situation and it looks like nothing is changing and this I think is one of the reasons why people sometimes stopped speaking to situations. They’re several different reasons. But what if I speak to a situation and nothing changes? What happens or I feel silly. That’s another barrier sometimes. I feel silly speaking things out. I remember our son Joshua one time, he was probably seven or eight years old and he started to have a real nausea and I kept praying for him and every time I prayed for him, the nausea would subside.

Well, eventually it got to the point where me praying for him, my mom’s prayers weren’t working anymore. I said, “Joshua, I think you need to start speaking, you’re a big boy now. I think you need to start speaking to this sick feeling in your stomach yourself.” And he said to me, “Well mommy, I feel silly speaking things out like that.” I mean, isn’t that just the devil, right? He comes to attack us in our thoughts. He doesn’t want us to speak because he knows how powerful our words are. So I said, “Well, Joshua, you don’t have to speak things out in front of me.” I said, “You can go in the bathroom and close the door if you feel more comfortable, but you need to speak to your stomach. You need to speak to that mountain and cast it into the sea. You need to tell that pain and that nausea, that sick feeling your tummy to leave you in Jesus name.”

He said, “Okay, I can do that.” So he goes into the bathroom and I’m in the lounge. I can hear him. He goes into the bathroom, and he starts speaking to that sickness and commanding it to leave his body in Jesus’s name. Well, a couple of seconds later and I hear this… I’m like-

How’s it go? How’d it go.


One more time-


I think some of the viewers didn’t get that.

I’m done. I’m done.

Tell me, what noise did he make?

Well anyway, I’m just like, “Lord, please, please let that be in the toilet. Please let it not be on the floor.” And so he comes out and I said, “Well, how do you feel now?” Joshua goes, “It was great. I spoke to it and it came right out.”

It came out.

Came right out.

That’s funny, but you’re right though. Sometimes if we don’t see something in the natural, I think it’s 2 Corinthians 5:7 talks about how we walk by faith and not by sight and when we use words and speak words over things, sometimes we don’t see anything happen in the natural. There’s a great example of this in Mark 4. In Mark 4 and verse 26. Mark 4 it talks a lot about seeds and Carlie’s talking about our words being like seeds. In Mark 4 verse 26 it talks about a parable of a man scattering seeds. It says “The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed on the ground.” It says “He should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, but he himself does not know how.”

So we speak these words. You say actually, “Has it worked? I don’t understand how it works.” You don’t have to understand how it works. You just have to believe it. You of believe. When you agree with the word of God and when you speak the word of God over a situation, you have to believe it works. It says here this farmer went to bed at night and got up by day. He didn’t know how it worked, but the seed sprouted itself. So I believe when you speak the word of God over a situation, you’re releasing those seeds and those seeds will grow, but you just don’t have to, don’t dig them up, so it didn’t work. Didn’t speak something like “I didn’t work.” No, just speak them in faith. And remember you’re speaking the word of God. You’re not just speaking random things like why “I’m speaking out. I’m going to have $1 million in my bank,” or “I’m speaking out. I’m going to have a brand new car.”

You’re speaking in agreement with the promises of God.

And you’re speaking in agreement with the promises of God. Amen. That makes all the difference.

If you back up just a little bit in Mark 11 it’s continuing to talk about the fig tree actually, and there’s two accounts of this same instance. There’s another one in Mark 21, in Matthew 21 rather. But backing up to verse 20 in Mark 11 it says “In the morning as they passed by, they saw the fig tree withered up from the roots.” Now previously to that, Jesus had spoken, this is in verse 14, he’d spoken to the fig tree because he found no figs on it, and He said, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And the disciples heard it.

He was mad at that fig tree.

He was made. It was a fake fig tree.

It was giving of leaves, so it looked like it should have fruit.

It was a fraud. It was an imposter.

And they believed that the fruit that Adam and Eve ate would have been figs because they used fig leaves for coverings.

They did.

So the forbidden fruit, so the tree was figs. So it was a fig they ate that caused the fall. So that’s why Jesus was double mad at the fig tree.

He had that fig tree on his mind.

He had a fig tree vengeance going on.

He had a festering fig tree-


… vengeance right there. But it says “In the morning as they passed by, they saw the fig tree withered up from the roots.” In the account in Matthew, it says immediately the fig tree withered up from the roots. Now you might think, “Well, that’s a contradiction there.” Well, the fact is Jesus wasn’t concerned. He didn’t speak to the fig tree and think, “Oh my goodness, nothing has happened. There really isn’t any power in my words, because obviously there’s no immediate effect on that fig tree. Am I really the son of God? Oh, followers, you probably need to find a different Messiah.” Right? “I’ve scuffled your plans. My words aren’t powerful.”

Sometimes we do that, don’t we? We speak to things, and we get all panicky if we don’t see a result immediately. Jesus didn’t get upset because He knew that yes, the word of God that He had spoken had gone to work immediately, but it’d gone to work where they couldn’t see it yet. Right at the roots. So both accounts of that are absolutely correct. Immediately the word went to work, but there was a short period of time before they saw that fruit of that word.

So immediately the fig tree withered up, if you like, from the roots. But they didn’t see it until 24 hours later. So in the unseen if you like, it was done instantly. But in the seeing world, it wasn’t done until the next day because it took that long from the roots to the branches.

Yeah. And we need to come to the place where we believe the word of God. We have more trust in the word of God, where the word of God it is more real to us than what we feel in our five senses because otherwise we’ll be just like that the disciples with that fig tree. We’ll start to think, “Oh my goodness, nothing’s going on.”

Now when we speak the word of God, we can have absolute confidence that when we take the promises go and when we speak them out, we are speaking words of power that go immediately to the root cause of whatever that problem is. And there is life in the seeds that you speak. So have confidence today. Speak to that sickness, cast that mountain into the sea and stand firm in your faith knowing that it will produce. Amen. Your healing is manifesting on the inside. Now, there may be a short period of time before you start to see it but the word of God is working mightily in you who believe it.

Amen. That’s good word. Praise God.


We’re at time this time. We’re going to pray for you real quick before we let you go. Father God, I thank you for everyone listening. I thank you for everyone watching today. I thank you Lord, they are speaking words of life over their situations and I thank you Lord, those words of life are change in their situations. They’re withering up the roots from the root. They’re seeing things change in their circumstances. We speak healing, prosperity, wholeness, whatever they need, Lord. I thank you. You’ve paid the price for them to receive in Jesus name.

Amen. Thank you, Lord.

Amen. Praise God. Well, thanks for being with us. We’ll be back real soon and until next time, remember, don’t just live a normal life when you could be The Abundant Life.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website, terradez.com or call us at 719-600-3344.

Hey, today we’ve been talking about your spoken word, how you speaking the word of God over your situation can make all the difference. This is part of a healing series. We’ve got it available for you. I’d really encourage you to go ahead and order this product. During these short TV programs we can only share a little bit, but when you get this resource, you’re going to find out so much more. We go into more depth in our teaching, and it’s really going to help you receive the promises of God, especially in the area of healing. So go ahead and order today. You’ll be blessed.

Speaker 2:
Call us at 719-600-3344. Coming up next on the abundant life program.

So you as a born again believer now actually have an advantage over the original 12 disciples. You actually have more, you have more equipment, you have the Holy spirit, you have your spiritual gifts. You have the word of God completely. You have all this stuff and they didn’t have that. That’s why Jesus said it’s better for me to go away for the Holy Spirit to come. So we are even more equipped than the disciples, so we should be doing at least what the disciples did and more.

In fact, Jesus said these works you’ll do also and greater works and we can debate whether that means more quantity because there’s more people or or actual greater works, whatever. Either way, I don’t know why we’re debating it. Let’s just at least do what Jesus did.

Right. Bare minimum.

And then once you do what Jesus did, the bare minimum and then we can debate about what the greater works are. But basically we have everything. We’re equipped with everything we need to do what we saw the disciples and what Jesus did against sickness, against poverty, against all these things. Oppression against the devil, against fear. We have those things really. We can exercise that authority because that’s our God given right.