
Announcer: Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life. Welcome to the abundant life program with Ashley and Carlie Tarrdez.

Ashley: Hello and welcome to abundant life. We’re so glad you’ve joined us. We have an exciting program for you today. We’re talking about how to attack lack in your life. We’re talking about attacking lack. We’re talking about if you have lack in your finances, how to overcome that. Because the truth is God’s provided for your needs. God has given you the chance to be prosperous. He’s paid for it.

Second Corinthians eight and nine, Jesus became poor, that as through his poverty might become rich. It’s a done deal. God has already provided for our prosperity. We are already prosperous. If you’re born again today, you’re already prosperous in your spirit. And I know people say, well, that could be talking about prosperous in our spiritual lives or in our relationships. But that verse is second Corinthians eight and nine, is actually right in the middle of a financial passage, that whole chapter is talking about finances and Paul is talking about money here. So that is a financial verse. You are prosperous just like you are righteous. Jesus made you righteous. Just like Jesus gave you healing. Jesus also gave you prosperity in your finances.

So whatever your situation is, you can receive the prosperity of the Lord. You’ve already got it in the spirit. You’ve already got it on the inside. Now it’s time to see it manifest all around you. And that’s what we’re talking about in this series. We’re talking about how to attack lack. And if we have lack in our lives, and you might say, “Well, how do you define lack?” Well, second Corinthians 9:8 said, “That all grace is able to abound towards us, that we have in all sufficiency in all things.”

That means our own needs taken care of. We’ll also have an abundance for every good work. So really what we should be believing for is our own needs met. So our own needs are met and we have an abundance, we have extra for every good work. Every time we see a good ministry, every time we receive something from a ministry, every time we see a missionary going out, every time we see a building project want to be involved in every time we see a sponsored child opportunity, we’ll be able to have an abundance to give to those things and use our finances for the glory of God. So that’s where we’re at in this series, that we’ve looked at a number of different things. We looked at the work of your hand. We looked at stewardship, we looked at your giving. We’ve looked at all these things and how you can put your faith to what God’s already provided.

Grace has provided it, now by faith you can receive it. And we want to look at an example here in the Bible of someone who walked in prosperity, someone who actually put these things together that we’ve been teaching and actually show you how this can actually be walked out. And this is a story in the Bible and this is going to probably take some of our viewers by surprise. Because if you talk about the greatest entrepreneurs in the Bible, you might be thinking about Jacob, he sewed in a time of famine and reaped, a hundred fold. You might talk about Abraham, he grew and was very rich in, in silver and gold and herds. [crosstalk] He was a very rich person. Or Solomon, the richest man to ever live, who had so much riches. Or king David, you go on and on. You could be talking about these people who were rich and were prosperous in the old Testament,

But the person I want to talk about is actually probably my favorite entrepreneur. And I’ve got to be careful how I say this, my favorite biblical entrepreneur is who we’re going to be talking about today. Already I’m sure viewers are shouting out names. Could it be this person? Could you be that person? But do you know who it is?

Carlie: I do. Because I have the notes.

Ashley: [crosstalk] You know who it is. This is my favorite entrepreneur in the Bible. And she, yes she, can be found in Proverbs 31. [crosstalk] Amen. And this is the virtuous wife. This is David’s mother.

Carlie: This is just written about me.

Ashley: [crosstalk] This is the Solomon’s mother. So this is Solomon’s mother. This is the virtuous wife. This reading, in fact, in my book, I actually put there that in the dedication, in my book, it says your virtue is true.

Carlie: So sweet.

Ashley: It’s true. [crosstalk]

Carlie: Carry on. You’re embarrassing me.

Ashley: Acknowledgement. This is my book. I wasn’t planning to do this. Can you tell? So I sit here. I put here right here. Hang on. I’ll find it.

Carlie: Now you’re under pressure.

Ashley: I’m under pressure now.

Carlie: This is a good book, by the way.

Ashley: Okay, here we go. Carlie, this is dedication. This is my book, Thorns, Barns & Oil Jars, and on the dedication it says, “I’d like to dedicate this book to my amazing wife, Carlie and my awesome three children, Zachary, Joshua, and Hannah. Carlie, you are the most amazing human being I’ve ever met. You have mirrored God’s pure, unconditional love and acceptance to me ever since we met all those years ago. If you’ve not met, this in parentheses, if you’ve not met and had the privilege of meeting my wife yet, you can find a full description of her in Proverbs 31:10-31. Carlie you are truly a virtuous wife. Thank you for being you. And in Proverbs 18:22 in the amplified, it says, “He who finds a true wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” And then Zachary, Joshua and Hannah. I’m so privileged and thankful to be your dad. You all love Jesus in your own special way. You along with mom have become my best friends. I have four crazy friends that are adventurous for Jesus. How great is that? Should I read the whole book? [crosstalk]

Carlie: You can stop now.

Ashley: It’s not cool. You get a Kleenex out now. [crosstalk] Anyway, that was off, we were off script here guys. But anyways, not that he’s ever a script, but I’m just saying. We’re going to look at the virtuous wife. And this is really good because we’re going to pull out of here some of the things that this lady did, she’s not named, but this lady did to actually show how these things come together. The work of your hand, your stewardship of your resources and giving and all these things. How you can receive the prosperity of the Lord and actually walk it out and actually receive that. [crosstalk] So we’re just going to go through this.

Carlie: This is another airport sign. When you get to heaven isn’t it?

Ashley: I want to find the virtuous wife. Definitely. I going to have a sign, the virtuous wife. I want to find the widow woman and the two mites to find out what happened to her and I want to find the virtuous wife to see what was going on here. But this woman is a great example and this passage really encapsulates [crosstalk] what we’re talking about here with the prosperity message and the fact that God wants you prosperous, and God wants you to walk out this prosperity day in, day out. This is a way of life. This should be a way of life. So we’re going to read some of this and hopefully you can follow along with us. If you’ve got your Bibles, then this is Proverbs 31.

And on a side note, I actually, one of the habits I formed in my life and I’m not always perfect at it. But in one of the habits I formed is read a proverb a day. There’s 31 Proverbs, and a lot of the months have 31 days in them. [crosstalk] So just whatever the day of the month is, read that proverb and not just get into a little habit, the book of Proverbs, has so much wisdom in it. But the virtuous wife, you only get to read it, what is it? Six times or seven times a year, because some months only have 30 days. But anyway, this is Proverbs 31. And we’re going to start here in verse 10. And in verse 10, it says, “Therefore, who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.” So her worth is far above any treasures, any money. This is verse 11, “The heart of her husband safely trusts in her.” Okay? So her husband trusts his wife because she’s virtuous because she does these things. He can trust her.

And I’ve got here, one of the ways of looking at this, and on a side note, this is a side thing, but you can look at this as, this is also a picture of the body of Christ, because the body of Christ is the bride of Christ. And this is a picture of the church and what the church should be doing, how the church should be. So this is pretty neat. So as we read this, this isn’t just talking about one woman. This can also be talking about the body of Christ and what we should be doing with the bride of Christ and Jesus coming back for his bride, for his perfect bride. And this is a picture of the bride of Christ here.

So verse 11, “So he will have no lack of gain.” Because he can trust his wife, he’ll have no lack of gain and we’ll see the thing she does here, that means he won’t have any lack of gain. I’ve put here, in my note, is because of her diligence and work ethic, and we’re going to read about her work ethic and her diligence in a minute, her husband is blessed and does not experience any lack. I mean, we’re talking about attacking lack. The faithful steward made his master five more talents. The story when Jesus told about the parable of the talents. The faithful steward took those five talents, made five more. The other steward took two talents, made two more, but the one with one talent didn’t do anything with them. So this is an example of someone who’s a faithful steward. And, in Genesis, I think it’s 39, Joseph. His master could rest in him and trust in him because everything he did prospered.

Carlie: Right.

Ashley: So we’re talking about someone who’s diligent, who’s prospering and therefore their husband or their master can trust in them. So in this case, it’s a husband. In Luke 16: 12, Luke sixteen verse twelve, it says, “If you’ve been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?” And a lot of the time, it’s important for us to be faithful in someone else’s. Maybe serve someone else’s ministry, maybe serve someone else’s business, maybe before you just go out on your own, maybe serve someone else. And then the person you’re serving can trust you because they’ve seen how you work and how diligent you are.

Verse 12, it says, “She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” So spouses, this is a little marriage thing here, but it spouses don’t speak negatively about your spouse. Don’t speak negatively about your husband. Don’t speak negatively about your wife, even in private. Don’t do that because it’s giving you a negative picture of that person. And especially in public. I’ve been around people that sometimes people will talk badly about their wives or talk badly about their husbands. That’s really bad. Don’t do that. Even if it’s justified. I’ve been in prayer meetings where people have prayed, “Lord, I pray for my husband.”

Carlie: Just fix him by Friday.

Ashley: [crosstalk] Yeah, exactly, “fix him by Friday. You know he’s a no good, low rotten [crosstalk]” Don’t do that. Don’t speak negatively about your spouse. Speak those things that be not as if they are. Romans 14, make sure you actually speaking positive about, find something to be positive about your spouse and however bad your spouse is, you can find something positive to talk to them about it.

Carlie: You know, it’s really interesting. This reminds me actually, many of you have received our confession card and it’s just, I think you probably have one there don’t you. You can get these on our website and you sign up on our website, and we’ll send you on completely free. But this confession card here, this is actually a Spanish one. I’m not going to read that one cause I don’t read Spanish. But anyway, [crosstalk] this is the Spanish version.

Ashley: Here’s the English version.

Carlie: I want to look at that.

Ashley: Upside down, there you go.

Carlie: We’re multi-lingual here. This came about, honestly, because we’d, I think we’d argued about something and I can’t remember it was, but I’d really gone to the Lord. And I was just whining and complaining and bellyaching and just telling the Lord, “that man you gave me, that man.” Right? And just wanted to really rag on him. And I was a victim.

Ashley: This was many years ago. [crosstalk].

Carlie: [crosstalk] And I honestly can’t even remember what we thought about, but I really wanted the Lord to just decide with me. And in fact he wouldn’t even talk about Ashley to me. He wouldn’t speak one bad thing about Ashley to me.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: Because obviously you’re so perfect. [crosstalk]

Ashley: That’s my God.

Carlie: Obviously, But instead he said, “You know what? Let’s just, I want to talk to you about you. I want to talk about your heart between me and you and how I think about you.” And so for the next half an hour, he just downloaded to me all of these things. And I put them in this confession card here. These are all scriptures of who we are in Christ. He started to talk to me about how he saw me, but he wouldn’t talk to me about how he saw Ashley at all. And I come to realize, we have our independent relationships with the Lord, but part of love, part of a character of love, obviously God is love, is love is not rude. It is not self-seeking it does not seek its own. This is four Corinthians chapter 13. It’s not puffed up. It always thinks the best of every person.

Ashley: First Corinthians.

Carlie: Yeah.

Ashley: I thought you said four Corinthians.

Carlie: First.

Ashley: [crosstalk] First Corinthians.

Carlie: And we need to be like this about our spouse.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: We don’t always get out of bed on the right side, right? We’re not always perfect in all of our glory, but in fact, most of the time we’re not, right? And we’re just like anybody else, we have our days where we just haven’t had enough sleep or we’re hangry, or there’s some concerns that are bugging us. Or we’re just grumpy, right? And sometimes we’re niggly with each other. But one of the things that’s really helped in our relationship and finances is a big issue in relationships as well.

Ashley: The number one reason for divorce in America is financial issues.

Carlie: It is, but we have committed to always thinking the best about each other and speaking the best about each other. And this really rings true in this scripture here about the virtuous wife. “She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” That’s not just saying good things. That’s doing good things. That’s thinking good things. That’s committing to, even when Ashley’s a so-and-so, right? And he’s just acting [crosstalk] like a hangry toddler.

Ashley: [crosstalk] Hangry, hungry and angry.

Carlie: I’m still going to commit to seeing him in his best light.

Ashley: Amen. [crosstalk] That’s good.

Carlie: [crosstalk] Anyway, you didn’t think you were going to get marriage you advice, but there you go. That was for free.

Ashley: That was really good. Second Corinthians, First Corinthians 13 actually, in the amplified is also, it talks about love and that’s great passage to read. First Corinthians 13:4 in the amplified says, “Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. Love is not conceited, it’s not arrogant. It’s not inflated with pride. Is not rude, unmannerly, and does not act unbecomingly. God’s love in us does not insist on its own rights or its own way. And it is not self-seeking. God’s love in us is not touchy or fretful. It takes no account of the evil done for it. It pays no attention to a suffered wrong.” Now some spouses store up the wrongs that their spouse have done to use them against them later on. Don’t add up the wrongs that have done. [crosstalk]

Carlie: You don’t want that kind of storehouse. [crosstalk] There’s not a blessing in that storehouse.

Ashley: It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when truth and love prevail. Love bears up under everything and anything and is ever ready. This is verse seven, ever ready to believe the best of every person. Isn’t that neat? [crosstalk] Love is ever ready to believe the best of every person. So be ready to believe the best about your spouse. In fact, I actually have a list in my journal of things I’m thankful for about you. All the things, all your characteristics, all the things I’m thankful for.

Carlie: [crosstalk] He’s quite sweet really.

Ashley: And I read them out and it’s important. And sometimes when I don’t see the manifest, I read them out. [crosstalk].

Carlie: Because that’s not very often obviously [crosstalk].

Ashley: By faith, by faith. [crosstalk] So by faith, I read them out. So anyway, they’ve got that on camera. You hitting me. [crosstalk] Verse 11. This is [crosstalk] Proverbs 31 verse 11. We’re talking about the virtuous wife here. Sorry verse 12, “She does seem good and not evil all the days of her life.” In the amplified that actually says, “She only gives him comfort and encouragement.” She only gives him comfort and encouragement. Isn’t that neat, in the amplified. So that’s a really big deal right there. We’re one flesh. So it’s important. Verse 13, “She seeks wool and flax.” In the message translation, it says, “She shops around for the best materials for her business.” How about that? She shops around for the best materials. She investigates, she research and compares prices. This woman’s an entrepreneur. We’re going to see this as we go on down, she shops around for the best materials. She’s diligent. She researches.

Carlie: [crosstalk] She’s a savvy shopper.

Ashley: She’s a savvy shopper. And willingly works with her hands. She willingly works with her hands. Have you ever been talking about the works of your hands, about how God has redeemed you from the curse of unfulfilled work. And now the works through our hands are blessed. Proverbs 1:3, “whatever you do prospers.” And Colossians 3:17, “Do everything as unto the Lord with Thanksgiving,” she willingly works with her hands. She’s not looking for someone to do the work for her. She’s not looking for handouts for free. She willingly puts her hands to work and it’s amazing. She finds these raw materials, it’s like a lady in Kenya. Friend of mine gave a microloan to a lady in Kenya and she makes, oh Uganda, and she makes clothes and she’s a seamstress. She makes clothes. And now with these microloan, she’s making clothes and they go literally around the world, they go to Paris. [crosstalk] The fashion Capitol of the world, clothes made in a third world, in a poor village in Uganda being sent to Paris because this lady is putting her hands to something.

So right here, the virtuous woman, she’s putting her hands to something. You know, it reminds me of Deuteronomy 28:8, says, the blessing, “The Lord will command a blessing. And in all to which you set your hand.” So put your hand to something. We already talked about this, but put your hand to something. When you put your hand at something, you’re giving God something to bless. Genesis 39:3 says, it talks about Joseph, “The Lord was with him and the Lord made all that he did to prosper.” The Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand.

So it’s important we put our hands to something. The virtuous woman put her hands to something. She was willing to work with our hands. We have to put our hands to something for in order to God to bless it. [crosstalk] No putting her hand to anything, no blessing in that arena, in our finances. And what it’s basically saying is a hundred fold of zero is zero. So give God something to work with, whatever that may be. Verse 14, “She is like the merchant ships. She brings her food from afar.” And I’ve got here she has to go and get food. It doesn’t land on her lap. She’s not, this isn’t like a handout situation. She has to go and get food. So she brings her food from afar. So she, I don’t know what the situation was here in these days, but she had to go and get the food.

It probably wasn’t as easy as driving down to the local Superstore. [crosstalk].

Carlie: I’m pretty sure they didn’t have Costco.

Ashley: And they probably didn’t have delivery. They probably didn’t have delivery, she had to go and get it. But God has given us the power to get wealth, remember. Verse 15, “She also rises while it is yet night.” How about this? She rises before it’s even, before the day even breaks.

Carlie: She’s up at dark 30.

Ashley: She’s up at dark 30 as the farmers say. That’s how selfless she is. You know, she’s not selfish. She’s getting up before she has to. And she’s getting up before her family are even awake. I’ve heard people say, “Well, I haven’t got time to do anything. I haven’t got extra time.” Well, if you’re serious about prospering, if you’re serious about putting your hand to something. You’re serious about doing something outside of your normal day to day work, then maybe get up a little earlier. Go to bed a little early, get up a little earlier. [crosstalk] Maybe get up and spend that half an hour in the morning or an hour in the morning before anyone else gets up.

I heard someone put it this way. They want it to start their own business online. And they were still working a full-time job. So they were getting up at five instead of six. And they were spending five till six in the morning, working on their business. And they said they were being selfish between five to six. They’re working on their own stuff. And then six o’clock when all the family got up, they were helping getting the family ready and stuff, but they say it’s amazing. Their spouse never got mad at them for being selfish at 5:00 AM in the morning. Because it wasn’t 5:00 PM at night or 8:00 PM at night. It was 5:00 AM in the morning. Everyone else was asleep.

Carlie: Right.

Ashley: So if you can find time to do extra things, that’s a good time to do it early in the morning. You can get up, spend time with the Lord, spend time on your business and things like that. So it says here, “She rose before it was even light and provides food for our household.” So she was getting up early in the morning to provide food for her household. And this just shows you her selflessness.

In first Timothy 5:8 it says this, this is Paul talking. It says this in first Timothy chapter five verse eight, and this was the verse that used to bother me until the Lord gave me revelation on it. First Timothy 5:8 says, “but if anyone does not provide for his own and especially those of his own household, he has denied the faith and he’s worse than an unbeliever.” That to me, how could that be? If you don’t provide for your own household, you’re worse than an unbeliever. I didn’t understand that. The amplified puts it this way, “If anyone fails to provide for his own family, he has disowned the faith by failing to accompany it with fruits and is worse than an unbeliever who performs his obligation in these matters.”

You see this is the way the Lord showed me this verse. A non-believer, they don’t have God to rely on.

Carlie: Right.

Ashley: And sometimes especially us grace and faith Christians, we believe God provides all our needs. Philippians 4:19, he’s going to provide our needs. And he’s the God who gives us all things. Sometimes we get lazy and we just pass the buck to God and say, “God, you can provide for our needs.” And I know fit young men, I’ve worked with them, who have been able to work, but instead of working they just say, “Well, God’s going to provide for us. God’s going to provide our needs.” And their kids are going without. [crosstalk].

And this is what the Lord showed me. A heathen, somebody doesn’t believe in God, they haven’t got a God to trust in. They haven’t got a God to rely on and any person, unless they’re mentally ill or unless they’ve got an addiction, any person doesn’t matter what they believe, if they’re an atheist or anything, if they have a baby, they have a child, they have that internal parental instinct or maternal instinct. And they’re going to provide for that child. They’ll go and do something. They’ll rob a bank if they have to, but they’ll go and do something to provide for that child because they haven’t got a God to pass the buck on to. They haven’t got a God to just be lazy and say, “God’s going to provide,” so they’ll provide for their child.

Carlie: This isn’t going to be very popular, but it’s one of these things that has kind of gotten more popular recently and that’s go fund me pages. [crosstalk] And there’s lots of different types of things out there. But I have noticed that these things have become more and more popular and there’s a lot of genuine need and it’s a great platform for raising funds for a genuine need. But I do see a lot of people on there that are just raising funds for something and I feel like saying, “Well, what are you doing?” “Pay for our plane tickets back to whatever country to see our family.” So basically you’re asking me to pay for your vacation, or you’re asking me to pay for your college fund. Well, we have kids that are going to college and we’ve told them you’re going to have to get a job, right? So there is [inaudible]

Ashley: I’ve seen ones where it’s just like “Pay for me. I need to a newer car, pay for me to get a new car.” [crosstalk] I’ve seen ones. “I need a new MacBook for work.” [crosstalk].

Carlie: Isn’t it easier to ask somebody else for money then to actually work.

Ashley: Put your hand to something. [crosstalk] Work is a four-letter word, Carlie.

Carlie: I’m sorry [crosstalk].

Ashley: But it’s a good four-letter word. It’s godly. So this is not condemnation. We’re not picking on anyone. If you’re feeling condemned, then that’s not us doing it to you, that’s your own heart. [crosstalk] But we’re not trying to condemn you or anything. God loves you. This is, we’re talking about how to attack lack. We’re talking about how you can receive the prosperity of the Lord in your life day to day. And we’re just saying right here, this lady, she’s a great example. And she got up early and she provided for our own household. And I’m telling you if you’re a parent, then know the responsibility of providing for your children is on you. Now, praise God. God’s going to give you supernatural blessing. He’s going to bless the work of your hands and things like that. But you read Proverbs all the way through Proverbs. It talks about the diligent. The diligent, you need to be diligent, not be lazy. Don’t make excuses, be diligent and put your hand to something.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: We’re not putting you under the law or anything. We’re just saying, go out and say, “Thank you God for providing for my needs. Now where’s the opportunities. Thank you God, for providing for my needs. As I flip burgers in a fast food restaurant. Thank you God, for providing for my needs. As I go out driving, picking up people.”

Whatever it is your job is, your work you’re doing, your extra work. Thank God for that, but also put your hands to it and you’ll see the benefits of that. So provide for your own household, she provided for her own household and a portion to her maid servants. It’s interesting. So not only did she provide for our household, she also provided for a maid servant. She provided for a staff. I’ve got she’s a servant leader. This lady is a servant leader. She’s a loving leader. She treats her staff well. In Colossians 1:4 and Ephesians 6:9 it talks about treating your servants well. It actually talking about slaves. Back in Paul’s day here, they had slaves and masters. We don’t have that now, but back in them days, they had slaves and masters. It says, treat your slaves well. And then slaves honor your masters. Or now we could, I guess we could translate this to say, employers treat your employees well and employees honor your employer. Honor your boss. [crosstalk].

Carlie: It goes both ways [crosstalk].

Ashley: You can do that. And she was honoring to her staff and her staff were honoring to her. Verse 16, “She considers a field and buys it.” I love this. “She considers a field and buys it.” She considers it, she works it out. I tell people if you’re going to go into any type of business, if you’re going to go buying real estate, or if you’re going to buy things to sell, whatever that is, make sure you do research. Research, research, research. Look into it. If you study this out, considers a field, that she weighed up her options. She was wise, she was wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove. She worked out. Sometimes as Christians, we just run into things and say, “Oh, it’ll be okay.” No do due diligence.

Make sure you do some research. God’s given you a brain for a reason. God’s given us the internet. We can look it up, it wasn’t our goal. It was a God given gift, the internet. We can go on there and do research and we could find out things before we make an investment. So before she bought the field, she obviously didn’t go and Google it because they didn’t have Google then, I think in her day, they only had Yahoo. [crosstalk] Google wasn’t printed yet, but she considered the field. She researched the field and you can research things before you get into them. She verified them. She seeked them. And this field turns out profitable. It says, “From her profits, she plants a vineyard.” This is verse 16. So we know this field, she bought, she sold and it made money. So it wasn’t just luck that she made money.

No, she actually planned it. She actually considered it and she actually did something. And that’s how she ended up making money because she considered it. So she had the money to buy this field. So she must’ve had to save money to buy this field. Then she bought this field and then this field became profitable. Now the profits of the field, she went and bought a bunch of new dresses and a bunch of shoes and a bunch of handbags and a new car. Is that what it says? No. It says, “From the profits of the field, she planted the vineyard.” So she took the profits of the fields she sold… [crosstalk].

Carlie: She’s investing.

Ashley: And then invested it into a vineyard. So she used her extra money into assets, which is huge. You know what? We don’t want to consume all our money. When our money comes in, if we just consume it all on things that are liabilities, on things that are going to take away our money, that’s not good. We want to take some of that money and put it into assets, put into things that can produce wealth.

Carlie: And here’s the thing with this progression here. She started where she was at. She started back there in verse 13, with wool and flax and working with her hands. She didn’t just have the money to go out and buy a vineyard. She started with the little thing. She started by doing what she could do.

Ashley: That’s right. She put her hand to something, whatever she could do right there. And then here, the profits of the field, she plants a vineyard. She takes and profits, she put it into the vineyard and before you know it, she started creating more. It would be like the parable of the talents. The guy with the five talents went and traded with them and made five more talents, [crosstalk] two talents, trade with them and my two more talents. So anyway, we are nearly out of time now. So we’re going to finish up with the virtuous woman on our next episode. And we’re going to finish up this story. You wait, this gets really interesting with the virtuous woman. Some of the things she did, we can take this as an example. We can do some of things she did, and we will defeat lack in our life.

We’ll attack, lack in our life and see the prosperity of the load. So join us next time. Because next time we’re going to finish off, what did the virtuous woman do to receive abundance? And you can do the same things to praise God.

But, let me pray for you before we go, Father God, I thank you for everyone listening. I thank you, Lord, that you’ve made us prosperous. I thank that whatever we put our hands to is blessed. And I thank you Lord, for anyone watching now, you’re going to give them hope that they can put their hands to things and they can see your prosperity. They can see your increase. I thank you, Lord. I thank you Lord for married couples listening today. I thank you that their spouses are blessed. They’re going to start thanking you for their spouse instead of complaining. They’re going to change their prayer life. And they’re going to start thanking and declaring good things over their spouse in Jesus name. Amen.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: Praise God. Well, thanks for joining us today. We’ll see you real soon with the second half of this. And until next time, remember, don’t just settle for living a normal life. When you could be living the abundant life, we’ll see you next time

Announcer: To order your copy of the book featured in our program, visit our website, Coming up next on the abundant life program.

Ashley: The time when you least feel like praising God, is the most powerful time you can praise God. When your flesh doesn’t want to do it [inaudible] when your soul doesn’t want to do it because of what the circumstances, maybe you’re going through a hard time. Even if it’s through gritted teeth, start praising God, and we’ve done it so many times in our life. When we’ve gone through challenges, we’ve started thanking God and even though the circumstances in the natural doesn’t change your attitude towards it can change. I’m telling you, you can come out the other side of that victorious by thanking God and praising God. Not thanking God for the problem, because the problem didn’t come from God, God only has good for us, but God can get you out of that problem. And he could even turn that problem around for you.

Announcer: Join us next time for the abundant life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.