Be the Light Challenge Sign Up!
Spend 30 days pouring God’s Word into your heart and speaking it out in power. Sign up for the Be the Light Kit, then challenge a friend!
Be The Light - Free Digital Kit
Receive the Be The Light Challenge Digital Kit and challenge your friends!

Daily Email Devotionals
Receive an empowering daily devotional email for 30 days! Be encouraged then complete the challenge.
Mobile Wallpapers
Save a Be the Light wallpaper as the background on your phone or tablet as a reminder during the day.
39 Reasons Booklet PDF
Receive a free download of the 39 Reasons You Were Healed booklet.
Confession Card PDF
Receive a free download of the “Who Do You Think You Are?” Confession Card.

How It Works
- Step one
Sign up and challenge your friends at the top of this page. You will instantly receive the free digital kit including a daily devo and challenge email for 30 days. - Step two
Take pictures or videos to show how you completed each day’s challenge and post them on your favorite social media channel with “#BTLchallenge” in your post. - Step three
Shine the love of Jesus Christ to friends and family who react to your posts. Plus receive special prizes and merch as the Terradez Team picks their favorite posts.
let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 (KJV)
Shine the Love of Jesus Christ
As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are the light of the world. That light should never be hidden. One of the greatest ways to let your line shine is to speak God’s Word.
The Be the Light challenge is an easy way to form a powerful habit: Put God’s Word in your heart then speak it each day. As you complete this challenge, Not only will you reach other people in a profound way, you will be encouraged, emboldened, healed, comforted and prospered.