Blessed Partner

Ever since I became one of your last Foundation Partners on 4/1/2020, I have been so blessed, financially. Money keeps coming from unexpected sources, and even our eBay business that has always struggled, is prospering. We had been “stuck” in Jamaica for 3 months, and when we were finally able to come home on Jun 13, we came home to a disaster in our finished basement. The water heater had leaked a lot of water which sat there for months and grew mold over everything. Everything we owned down there was a total loss. It was devastating! But God turned it all around for our good. The insurance covered it all, gave us more money for the contents than we could have imagined, and we are getting a brand new basement out of it. I wondered if I loved this beautiful house He gave us too much, but He told me that it wasn’t good enough; He wanted to make it even better! So now we can tithe off the money received and bless others. Thank you so much for praying for increase for your partners! God is so good!