Seizures Stopped!

Hi! Praise Jesus yesterday Josh & Carlie you had a word of knowledge about my baby, Serena’s, brain! She had been having seizures every hour for the past few days and about once a week for 8-9 months, after having a 5 month seizure free period. We have been standing for her complete healing of diagnosis (we reject) of tuberous sclerosis, seizures and multiple brain tubers and a heart tuber.
We have seen her thrive in development and defy dr’s odds, and we’ve seen symptoms disappear by standing in authority and on the Word, so it’s been an up and down battle. Yesterday I had not mentioned in the comments about seizures or large lumps on both sides of her head that we are standing against. Josh commanded perfect brain health brainwaves & activity and declared her healed and there’s nothin wrong with that baby, and Carlie started prophesying seizures to stop, and perfect shape of her brain on both sides! We had been speaking and believing for the exact same thing! Since that prayer yesterday her seizures stopped! And I am checking both sides of her head and expecting them to flatten and come back to normal! I feel like overnight the lumps have gotten smaller! Praise Jesus our miracle maker and thank you Josh & Carlie for obeying the Holy Spirit! We are expectant for a totally clear medical report labeled “PERFECT” just like Hannah Terradez’s!!!! AMEN!