Safe Arrival of Kennadee

Carlie, About 6 weeks ago i texted you about our granddaughter giving birth to our first great granddaughter. Doctors said that she would probably be born early and of low birth weight. You prayed about her weight, being full term, and her being whole and healthy. And that she would come when she was ready . Well she came today! Three days after her due date, weighing in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. 19 1/2 inches. And with a head of dark hair. Our GOD IS SO AWSOME. We have a grandson in the marines in California, who was due to have a son the same day, July 25. He came today too.
So we have a great grandson born at 1:30 a.m. And a great granddaughter born at 7:03 p.m.. Our God knows how to multiply our blessings. Thanks for your ministry, and for standing with us in faith. We are growing stronger because of your ministry. God bless, Love
Kathy Price