brain blood vessel healing

about 3 plus yrs ago I got real depressed and down and was so overwhelmed by situation and the horrible constant onslaught of symptoms of autism wearing me physically,mentally, and emotionally down that secretly inside my heart I started praying for God to kill me… ( I know it’s wrong but I felt hopeless and over it and wanted to be done)… and right after that I got real angry and yelled and I felt something over my left temple raise up and pop really hard in my head… it hurt and 3 days later I went to doctor and they gave me strongest anti-swelling shot and said if it gets worse they’re gonna do brain scans…it didn’t get worse but it didn’t get better either…for 4 plus months after that daily I got severe migraines and my head started shaking like a pariksons patient or granny whenever I tried to sit still for 6 months… each day I spoke to it to go and for healing…it got better and eventually the debilitating migraines stopped and so did the shaking…only once in blue moon under severe stress my head would stop sake a few times and pressure would build over that temple…i couldn’t bend over or it felt like my head would explode…i couldn’t push or use too much force or get too angry or laugh hard without fearing another brain bleed…my eye in pictures had turned slighty as well since the bleed…i have been in great prayer over this and for forgiveness for being foolish…the Lord spoke to me after this telling me firmly never to pray for death ever again becuz he wont give it to me but the enemy will accommodate me… and today carlie was preaching about a revelation I’ve never heard…the word exploded inside of me…about the man of 38 yrs. of problem…and Jesus said go and don’t have this way of thinking anymore so this doesn’t come on you again…and I thought Lord that’s for me over my brain…im sorry for this plz I won’t think this way again…and them didn’t think anything of it….then when carlie prayed she mentioned not being able to bend over becuz of pain in head…well I claimed that and then she called me out and agreed with me and said put my hands on my head,…i did and felt instantly the power if God…she spoke by word of knowledge that it was from a traumatic event and it was occluded like damage and that God was rearranging my blood vessels and fixing the problem and healing me back to normal…i claimed it…and my head felt weird…like…draining or light again… and right now I feel no pressure for first time since incident yrs. ago…i believe God has forgiven me and washed away my foolish sin and healed me of something that was my fault as if it had never happened…i am so thankful for his forgiveness and grace in my stupidity…he srill healed me even though it was my fault…it makes me love him so much more for his goodness… and helps renew my faith for my kids healings…praise Jesus