Exercising authority

I’ve been watching T-time and Power Hour and all the Youtubes/ Facebook lives from Terradez Ministries. I’m learning how to walk out my authority in Christ like never before. My 6 yr old son suffers from growing pains in his knees every once in a while. I usually give him pain medicine to help him. Well now that I’m getting into my heart all that Christ accomplished and the price He paid, I am determined to walk in what He purchased for me. My son came to me telling me his knees hurt. This time I told him “I can pray for you and the pain will leave.” So I prayed and rebuked the pain. I asked him how he felt. He said “the same, its still there.” Then something rose in my heart, like NO, my Jesus bore this pain, it HAS to go! So I said out loud just what was in my heart, “oh I don’t think so, Jesus bore this pain, so it HAS to go.” So I prayed again and said “pain leave NOW in Jesus name” and it left! A smile grew across his face and he starts rejoicing, “its gone!” PRAISE JESUS! Then a couple days later, every time he would yawn, his jaw joint on the left side would pop out and it hurt him so bad. After a couple yawns I remembered, wait I can pray. So I laid my hands on him and commanded his muscles in his jaw to be relaxed and not cause his jaw joint to pop. And his pain was gone and NEVER popped again. A few days later he comes to me and says “Mom remembered when you prayed for my face? It’s still working!” HAHA! Carlie said one time on Power Hour that to slay a giant, try killing a couple lions and bears first. I am so thrilled to be learning who I am in Christ and seeing Gods power at work within my heart , wow. Jesus is so good, so rich , so full, so loving, never failing. His Word is true and forever settled in Heaven. It never returns void but ALWAYS accomplishes what its sent for and ALWAYS produces fruit. Your series “Manifesting Miracles” has helped me so much understanding the Word of God like a seed. The seed (the Word) is always incorruptible. So let us put our hands to the plow and NEVER LOOK BACK!