Hannah and the Beanstalk

To date I have given away six copies of Hannah and the Beanstalk. On Tuesday of this week I was at the coffee shop that our church runs (More+) and there was a grandmother with her two grandchildren. I had a copy of Hannah and the beanstalk with me and, wanted to give it to the grandchildren. I asked the grandmother if it was her first time visiting More+ and she replied that she had been a couple of times before. She told me that her grandchildren lived locally but that she, lived in a village about 18 miles away. The village that the lady lived in was the Village where I became born again. This started a conversation about this village and the grandmother told me that she was a warden at the Parish Church. I was then able to ask her if she would allow me to give the beanstalk book to her Grandchildren. She was more than happy for me to give them the book and they were excited and very grateful. As a bonus I had a copy of Miracles and Healing made easy with me and was able to give this away to the Grandmother!!. I have just had a delivery of three more copies of Hannah and the Beanstalk delivered by Amazon and have already prayed a prayer of blessing over each book as I believe that God has already got these books in mind for particular individuals/families.