
Hello Terradez Ministries. I wanted to share a testimony of victory. In 2019, my heart went into irregular rhythm (atrial fibullation) as a result of chemotherapy treatments (another victory story!). The cardiologist chose to try medication to restore regular rhythm. After 14 months, nothing had changed. The cardiologist said that many people live normal lives with afib and was not pushing to try further treatment involving electric shock (cardioversion). Throughout, I’d been holding to God’s Word and believing that irregular heartbeat is NOT God’s will for me. By Jesus’ stripes I was healed from afib. Having covered this with prayer and with the cardiologist’s agreement, I chose to go forward with the cardioversion.

I am thrilled to be able to testify that, on Friday April 23, Jesus healed the afib and restored regular rhythm in my heart. I don’t think that the cardiologists were expecting the cardioversion to work because my heart had been arrhythmic for so long. But God is so good and He loves me so much and His will is for me to be healed and whole.

I’m writing this to say thank you and to speak blessing over your ministry. I have received so much from your videos, written material, and Power Academy. Carlie has called out heart arrhythmia several times during Power Hour and I’ve grabbed it for myself each time.

Thank you again Terradez Ministries! May God continue to richly bless you and keep you always.