Healing of Drop foot

On the 21st of October I was listening to Carlie live on youtube and towards the end of the session, she prayed for people’s requests and at some point she said “someone has a drop foot” and God is healing that foot in Jesus Name. Well, my mother had a stroke 4-years ago (due to medical negligence under surgery). The left side of her body was paralyzed, her speech and cognitive skills were also affected. God has been with her on this healing journey she is doing so well, everyday improving. The drop foot is a big hinderance and prevents her from walking. She received many words from people that God is going to heal her completely and that she will walk again. Two weeks ago, an orthopedic surgeon told my mom about a recently development in the medical field and that her foot can be “fixed” by way of a procedure where some tendons and muscles will be transferred to needed areas on the foot. Praise God! The procedure is taking place on the 27th of November, we believe that within the next two months my mom will be walking again. Thank you Lord Jesus!