Land and more…

It was a Saturday afternoon and the Lord had shown us that He would bless us with a land through Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. At first I (Rahul) thought that the Lord was going to bring us to a new place in our careers, ministry and calling (as we had just moved from California to attend Charis Bible College). As usual I shared this with my wife (Van) and told her – the Lord’s taking us somewhere.

After a couple of months on just meditating and dwelling on this verse I slowly started to think this could be something physical – maybe a piece of property or investment opportunity and in the meanwhile my wife kept looking at bigger homes and models for sale. See, the Lord blessed us with a wonderful home to own in the Springs when we moved for school but in our hearts we just knew that this wasn’t it for us. We were growing as a family; Eden our second boy was just born and we had the desire to create a home that would suit our lifestyle and business needs. After looking for a while and realizing that nothing met our specific desires (and dreams) we opted to pray for a place we could build in a few years. The amazing part about this entire experience is that we had no money or even sufficient credit to finance any of our desires (lol)!!

After a few divine miraculous connections we found a piece of land we loved in January of 2021. I clearly recall both of us trying to figure out how the Lord was going to do this – as we clearly understood that our financial situation could not afford this $310k piece of land. By now Genesis 12:1 was becoming more real to both of us. We had a meeting with the sellers of the land to meet and close the deal and I asked the Lord – “Lord what do you want me to say?” and the Lord’s response was “Give them my Word – you will have the money by March”. I couldn’t figure out how but what was more awkward was – how do I tell these sellers that I have a word from the Lord. Well, I did as the Lord said in the meeting and one of the sellers without blinking asked me – “How did you end up in Colorado Springs”? Van and I shared our testimony on how the Lord moved us from California to Co. Springs miraculously to attend Charis. Then what? They put the land on hold on God’s word (reiterated by us)!

Well March came and we had no idea how this would get paid. We were scrambling for answers. I (Rahul) started to panic and call banks to see if we could finance the land. Well that didn’t come to fruition – we already have a couple of properties, a lot of student debt and recently started our own business. In the meanwhile we were honest with the sellers and they removed the hold on the land we loved (so we thought – the loving of the land part). Nothing had changed in our finances, jobs or situation except my mom (Rahul’s mom) had visited Colorado and stayed with us for a few weeks. In a small conversation with Van, myself and my mom we told her that she’s more than welcome to move here if she wants to be closer with the grandkids; maybe a year or two from now – we left it up to her. Van and I prayed about this as we knew it could get difficult with mom moving here as she is not a believer, especially if she chooses to live with us and not on her own. Well mom left back to Sacramento, CA and soon after the same sellers of the land called us and told us that they had another piece of land -it was larger in size, suited more of what we desired, was in a larger community and was cheaper than the last one we saw. We decided to go look and we loved it – We loved this one more and as I (Rahul) stepped on the land the Lord said “Let’s’ build our home” and I saw a vision of Jesus standing on the land. This was it! “But Lord how do we pay for this?” I thought the first was a miraculous land loan and second would be us waiting (March was almost over).
The Lord told put in my heart to plant a seed in Terradez ministries and we did. The next church service at Charis Christian Center we gave Ashley a check and he prayed with me (Rahul) for provision and a direction on how to move forward on this land and Ashley heard the Lord say “There’s a third way to move forward”.

Three days after mom had gone back to California – she calls us and said “I sold my house and I need to move to your home”. We were shocked because we were hoping this would happen a year or so from now. And then she said I am giving you the proceeds of the sale – and guess what – The proceeds was enough for us to buy the land cash!! Since then we have purchased the land and have already started the initial phase of any construction project – without a loan or the finances in our bank!!!! It’s all the Lord’s doing and He is showing us more and more of what’s to come. We hope this encourages you – I (Rahul) don’t do everything the way the Lord asks me to do but He is way more faithful than we can imagine or think!