Received with Great full and Thank fullness :)

Hi my name is janelle … My testimony starts from April 15 2015 when i was saved in my action of taking my life , I believe i was saved by my cry out to God before wrapping a chain around my neck , the hook broke that i was leashed to. Soon after i was hospitalized and put on 5 `7 medications , i want to thank Carly for her boldness caring the word of God .. She had brought boldness and devotion with her to the Hope Center which is owned by Nichole Marbach a former Charis student and a laborer in my path , After Carly spoke i know longer had to take my medication i heard God speak to my heart declaring the medication could be stopped from being clinically depressed .. Id like to thank Ashley for sharing his quick read Thorns,Barns and oil jars on finances , Its given me such a turn around in my life … You both inspire and make a huge impact in the Kingdom!