Mountaintop Miracles

Hi there!

I just wanted to reach out and share my testimony of what God has done in my life after I attended the Cure conference a few months ago! I have a very very rare stage 4 non-smoking lung cancer. After attending The Cure, I had a scan done a month after. That scan came back to show that two tumors had completely dissipated – They could not be detected!!!! Whew -This is the biggest miracle up to this point that I have ever experienced. I had been praying for this day to come for SO long! I am in awe of His supernatural presence working in and through me every single day. He is SO good to carry His children and deliver His promises. & He truly does it when we pour our everything in to truly get to know Him – not to just be for Him but to KNOW Him and to be WITH Him – Many are for Him but few are truly with Him! I get to experience being with Him every day & I love Him DEEPLY! The enemy was not happy at the report above, so at the same time I got that good news, I also got news that one lymph node in my axilla was trying to grow while all others were shrinking. I went home and started to boost my homeopathic treatments more than I ever had, but I ultimately took authority through the Word daily, allowing it to manifest, as well as my prayers (and prayer from others who are anointed). In the past, boosting homeopathic treatments may have helped things not to spread as rapidly, but it never has REVERSED growth. This time, HIS POWER reversed the GROWTH. I realize that it was the power of God manifesting as I believed without wavering. I also have 5 brain tumors. There have been moments when pressure and headaches have come on me where I know the enemy was attacking me. So I simply prayed and the symptoms completely go away every time. At each time the lymph node tries to hurt or grow again, my prayers reverse it every time! My heart is in AWE of Him as I see miracles of pain and symptoms from the chemo dissipate daily almost. The Word manifests in my life every single day and the miracles just keep getting stronger as steady pressure breaks the yolk. I believe getting around like-minded believers in healing, going to these conferences and putting in time to be in genuine relationship with Him has catapulted miracles in my life on a whole different level. It is absolutely beautiful & INCREDIBLE to witness his tangible presence daily – I keep a journal and have a long, long list of miracles He has done in my life so that one day, I may write a book on them. <3 Thank you for allowing me to share this with you! <3

Blessings & Shalom,
