Stomach Healed

I have the most wonderful praise Report!

Firstly, thank you for the free resources made available to me.

After contacting you, asking for prayer for my stomach, you sent me a link to the wonderful teaching, ” Healed and Whole”
At the end of session four, Carl had a word of knowledge…
EVERYTHING was covered concerning my problems !!!!
Prolapse, scar tissue, IBS, Diverticulitis, pain, inflammation, diarrhoea, sickness. Food intolerance.
I was so excited and took it and received the word for myself….

It was awesome ! My stomach was filled with the most wonderful, I can only describe it, as PEACE.

This was 6 days ago and I feel completely different. I have had a miracle !!!
On Sunday, I had a roast dinner and deliberately ate Colliflower ( high fodmap food), with cheese sauce on top ( made with gluten)…..
Nothing . No pain, bloating, sickness, diarrhoea. Nothing. Perfect peace.
Since then I have had biscuits ( oats)
Also fried onions ( high fodmaps)
I am PERFECTLY well and healed.

I have been ill for YEARS with my stomach and it was getting worse

Diagnosed with IBS, food intolerance, and Diverticulitis.

(I had a prolapse op and mesh put under my bladder) too, but prolapse is back, so believing for that to be healed too!)


Thank you for your Faithfulness and wonderful ministry. ❤️

We have moved to Spain and I have prayed for part time work.
As soon as I get work, I will be partnering with your ministry.

Forever Thankful,

Deborah Gabriel 😇 xxx