God’s Power flows through previous teachings and prayers

This Thursday, July 27, 2023, I was listening to Carlie praying for needs on her Dispatching Angels Part 2 teaching as I was packing for a trip. At one point my attention was quickened by the Holy Spirit when Carlie spoke about someone having an issue with the skin on their ear and she declared healing of it. Feeling excited I claimed that healing for my own ear that had the same condition! Just then she went on to call out psoriasis and eczema that someone had on their arm! Again I had that very same condition and I claimed this healing too! Her teaching and prayers were from two or three years ago, but they are still alive in the Spirit giving life to us when we believe! My ear skin became smooth and my arm is healed! The plaques and scales have faded so much the skin is the clearest it has been in 3 years! God is so faithful to His Word !