Everyday Faith Part 6

Join Ashley and Carlie in Everyday Faith Part 6. Doubt says, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but faith says, “I know it’s mine, I’m taking it!” In this series Ashley and Carlie explain how to operate in faith to receive from God.

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Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
Doubt says, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but faith says, “I know it’s mine. I’m taking it.” So stay tuned to find out more about faith and how to use it.

Speaker: Everyday Faith Part 6
Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life? Welcome to The Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Hello and welcome to Abundant Life! We’re so glad you’ve joined us today. We’ve got a great program for you with teaching about faith, and about the power of faith, and about how you have faith to receive the promises of God. We’re calling this everyday faith,, and it’s been really fun, isn’t it?

Carlie2: Everyday Faith Part 6

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
We’re coming to the end of the series. We’ve looked at a lot of different things. I don’t take that whole program up doing a summary of the previous programs, but some of the highlights definitely are that grace has already provided it. So, God’s already provided everything we need through grace. Through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. We already have it.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Faith is our positive response to that, and that’s how we receive things from God. So, if you know grace is like a be present, God’s given it to us. Now faith is us unwrapping that present to receive it.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
We also looked at that faith works by love.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
Yeah, faith works by love. That faith has a … It’s a response that has an evidence associated with it. That we can see faith in the way that people speak, in the actions that they take, in the way that they see their future or don’t see their future.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
And we talked about the fact that we don’t have defective faith. If you’re watching this today, let me encourage you by saying you have all the that faith you need if you’ve received Jesus. Amen.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
Faith is potent stuff. It’s the vehicle. It says in 1 John, “By which we have overcome the world.” This is the victory that’s overcome the world. Even our faith, faith the size of a mustard seed, it’ll move a mountain. It is potent stuff, and you have it in abundance in the person of Jesus. So, you don’t have to worry thinking that you don’t have enough faith. You’ve been given the measure of faith. According to Romans 12:3, “You are not lacking in any department.”

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
What we are going to be talking about today is that, “Where does unbelief come in?” How do we overcome our doubt and unbelief and walk in faith, even in the face of adversity? So I think everybody in this world has challenges, right?

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Oh, yeah.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
Everyone’s had the opportunity to overcome, at some point-

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Opportunity to overcome something.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
You know, we even have a promise to stand on, right? Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation,” and it’s not the type of verse that we put on the greeting cards, or on the fridge magnet, or on our mugs, you know?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
In this world, you will have tribulation.”

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
I think we could do that. We could get a mug range where, as she says like, “In this world you will have tribulation.” [crosstalk 00:02:32]

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
But what does the end of the verse say?

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
But, “You have overcome.”

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
Cheer up!

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Cheer up. “You have overcome the world.”

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
I’ve overcome the world. Amen, amen.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
So we’re going to have tribulations, and they’re not from God. Let me just start by saying this: God is not the author of your problems. God is not the one causing these problems. God isn’t the one giving you these storms, putting sickness on you, giving you poverty. God is a good God, and he only has good for his children.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
So it’s because we live in a fallen world. There’s an enemy out there. There’s still an enemy out there, even though he’s been defeated. There’s still an enemy out there. He roams around like a roaring lion, and he’ll try and deceive us, get us into thinking the wrong way.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Like I said, this is a fallen world. There’s other people. Other people can be crazy and do bad things to us, but God-

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
There’s other crazy people in the world?

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
There’s other crazy people. Not just us.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
There’s other crazy people that can do things. So, people do this.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Really, how things come, bad things happen to us, is irrelevant. The answer is Jesus. God’s going to show us a way of escape. God’s going to make us victorious. But the fact is, is that there is going to be times, because we live in this world, we live in a fallen world, there’s going to be times when we have trial and tribulation.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
And the good news is, praise God, that our faith, your faith, overcomes these things. Your faith overcomes the world. And as Carlie says, you don’t have a deficiency in faith. Now, you might have lazy faith. You might not be using the faith you have. It’s very important to use the faith we have. You might not be exercising it. You may not be, you know … We’ve looked at this at previous previous lessons, but you might be thinking on the wrong thing. You might meditate on the wrong thing. You might be entered into fear and unbelief, and you may be spending your time focusing on that, and that’s what the results you’re going to get.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
But the bottom line is you, have the faith you need. You already have it on the inside of you. The question is, are you going to use it?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Are you going to use the faith that you have?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
There’s a great scripture that highlights this in Matthew 9:29, and it says, “Then he touched their eyes saying, ‘According to your faith, let it be done for you.'” Okay? This is Jesus speaking. “According to your faith,” not your neighbor’s faith, not your spouse’s faith, or mother-in-law’s faith, or your pastor’s faith. “According to your faith, let it be done for you.”

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
In other words, we receive from God according to how we believe it’s going to happen. So, if we’re praying, and let me just give people an example healing. We often have people come to us for ministry, for healing, at an event or however they come, but one thing I ask people is, “What are you believing is going to happen when we pray for you?”

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
Right. How are you seeing it happen?

Speaker 2: Everyday Faith Part 6

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 6
What are you believing for?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 6
You know, one of our key scriptures in this course is Hebrews 11:1. It says, “Now faith. Now faith is the substance of things hopeful, the evidence of things not seen.” I like how it says that in the amplified. Do you have that there, in the amplified?

I will try. What verse?

Hebrews 11:1?


Hebrews 11:1.

… Eleven, verse one.

But this year it doesn’t matter what translation you look up this verse in. They all start with this little phrase: “Now faith.”

And that’s why I ask people, “What do you believe is going to happen when I pray? Like right now, in this moment?” Because that immediately sets people up with an expectation.

What does it say there?

“Now faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of the things we hope for, being the proof of the things we do not see, and the conviction of their reality.

Faith: perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.”


And this is super important. This is talking about faith, a faith that goes beyond our natural senses. It is evidence. It is fact that is not revealed to the senses. Fact has nothing to do with how we feel about a situation.


It doesn’t care whether you’re fat, you’re thin, what color skin you are, how much money you have, what kinds of education you have, what your background is. Faith will work for anybody. It is indiscriminate.


If you believe, if you put your trusting confidence in the word of God, it will work for you.


And that’s what it was saying in Matthew 9:29. According to your faith, your trusting confidence in what Jesus has already done. According to that faith, that trust, that confidence, so let it be it be unto you.

But here’s the thing. The reason I ask people this question, “What are you believing it’s going to happen when I pray for you,” it because what we believe directly impacts what we can receive.


So if, for example, Ashley, I’m praying for you, and you’re believing that you’re just going to get a little bit better every day, then that’s what’s going to happen.

And that’s okay.

That’s fine!

I mean, God wants us well. [crosstalk 00:06:57] That’s okay, but there’s a better way, right?

There’s a better way. You know, I have noticed when Jesus prayed for people, it wasn’t like weeks later they started feeling better.

It was pretty instant.

It was pretty instant. And you could say, “Well, what about the lepers? As they went, they were healed.” There was a process, but we’re not talking like months, years, weeks here, you know? We’re talking about maybe a few hours. A short period of time.

You know, when we traveled and stuff, we’ve prayed for people at conferences, and it’s a year later, we’ll see the same people come up to us and say, “Do you remember me?” And sometimes I lie and say, “Yes.” No, I don’t really, but it’s been a year. I mean, we’ve seen hundreds-

We see lots of people.

Because we travel pretty much every weekend. And you know, they’d come and say, “You prayed for me last year, and it took a month or so, but now I’m completely healed.” Or, “It took six months.” Or, “It took six weeks, but I’m completely healed.” And that’s awesome! God wants you well, and that’s awesome. And if you believe in that way, and a lot of times that’s what happens. Like Carlie said, you’re believing.

I know some people that are believing God’s going to guide the hand to the surgeons, and they’re going to go for surgery, and they’re going to be well. That’s how they believe in. It doesn’t have to be … Sometimes, there’s this whole thing about basically, if you’re going to the doctors, or if you’re taking medication or whatever-

It has to be either or.

… then you [can’t have 00:08:07] faith. It’s either faith, or it’s not faith. And I don’t believe that. I believe God’s best … First of all, God’s best is not to be sick in the first place. Not to need a healing. But, God’s best is instantaneous healing. God’s best is perfect health. God’s best is for you to be healed right away, just as Jesus … We said this in a previous show, but you know Jesus said to Phillip, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.” So, we know God’s will. God’s will is for everyone to be healed, every time, right away. That’s what happened as Jesus ministered. He ministered, and people were healed right away. So that’s God’s best.

But because sometimes, we know we live in a fallen world, we are believing like, “Well, I think I’m going to go to the doctor, and I’m going to get better supernaturally.” You know, “I think I’m going to do this, and that’s going to happen.” If that’s how you see it, that’s what you believe in, that’s how it’s going to play out.

That’s what we give God to work with. Now you can believe, and we’ll get into this in a little bit more depth, but you know, when Jesus ministered to people, he met them in their place of faith. You know? He asked people, “Do you believe I’m able to do this?” He met them in the place where they were at faith.

I’m just thinking about the difference between Jairus and the Centurion. Now, when Jesus met the Centurion, the Centurion said, “Jesus, if you just say the word. You don’t need to come to my house. You can just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Instantly, the servant was healed.

The same hour.

The same hour! [crosstalk 00:09:25].

And Jesus, he marveled at this, saying, “I’ve not seen such faith in all Jerusalem.”

This is a man that understands authority. Well, he turns around in a short space of time and he meets Jairus. Now, Jairus comes to Jesus and his faith is in a different place. He says to Jesus, “Jesus, if you just come to my house, then my daughter will be made well.”

Now, what Jesus didn’t do, which is what I think sometimes we do as believers, is we condemn people for not being somewhere in faith where we think they should be. You know, Jesus could have turned around and said, “Jairus, why are you so lazy? Why can’t you just believe like the Centurion? Why did you want to make me come all the way out to your house? Can’t I just say the word?” But, no. Jesus meets us in our place of faith because that is where we are going to have our “now faith.” This moment.


According to our faith, not Jesus’ faith, according to our faith, that’s how we receive. Sometimes I think we get this mixed up, when we think God is up in heaven trying to determine how we’re going to receive. Whether we’re just going to spend one more night with the frogs and be sick a little bit longer, or whether that plague is going to leave us instantly. And it’s not that way at all. This says the promises of God are “yes” and …?


“Amen.” God’s already made His mind up about you. He wants you to be well. He wants you to be prosperous. He wants you to be walking in freedom, in abundance, in deliverance, in forgiveness, in peace, insecurity, in rest, in every area of your life.

But there are some things about the way that we think that impacts how we receive from God. God’s not deciding how you receive or how I receive. He’s already made His mind up. But how we access the promises of God, how we stretch out our faith, how we believe we are going to receive, directly impacts how we receive.

Yeah, it really does. It’s as you believed, that so be it. And that, you know … So yeah.

That verse, by the way, 2 Corinthians, I love this verse. 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, “For all the promises of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:20: “For all the promises of God-”

Not some of them.

Not some of them. All of them, “Are in him.” In Jesus. Yes. “And in him, amen to the glory of God through us.”

So first of all, God’s already made up His mind. All His promises are yes. I remember being in different churches and different ministries, and people saying, “Well, when you pray, you never can know the mind of Christ. Is it yes? Is it no?”

“Is it maybe?” [crosstalk 00:11:48].

“Is it maybe?” And all that.

I used to hate that.

And God’s promises, what God promises in His word for us, the Sozo life. The healed. They’ve been healed, and whole, and at peace, and provided for. Forgiveness of sins. Freedom. They are “yes” in Christ, and our part is the “amen.”

Our part is, “You know what, we are going to say amen.” We’re going to agree with those things and receive them. And, get this, “To the glory of God for us.” God gets glory when we received the promises of God through faith. He gets glory in that.

Another great scriptures is Psalms, I love this, this is Psalms 35. Psalms 35:27 puts it this way. This is Psalms 35:27. It says, “Let them shout for joy and be glad who favor my righteous cause, and let them say continually”-

So this is how we are meant to be, believe in God, how we may be saying continue, let them say continually, that “Let the Lord be magnified.”

“Let the Lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servants.” That’s not just prosperity just talking about finances. It can be, but it’s also talking about prosper in every area. Prosper in their health. Prosper in our relationships. Prosper and being successful and prospering, God’s way.

God gets magnified. God gets glorified when we receive His promises by faith. And we receive His promises by faith. And that’s where we see them come about.

That’s powerful.

So, what we believe is really important. And when we’re talking about the realm of faith, if we come into this camp with preconceived ideas about who God is and what He will or has done for us, we can actually be the limiting factor to seeing the power of God operating in our life.

God is not holding back on you. He is a good Father. He’s not holding back on His provision, or His power, or His gift. He’s not. He’s not withholding any good and precious promise from from us. But sometimes, because of our preconceived ideas, because of maybe our past negative experiences, or religious doctrines that maybe aren’t so grounded in the word of God, we can actually almost exclude ourselves. Or, it can become our past thinking. Our filters can become a hindrance to us receiving the promises of God because we’ve got these preconceived ideas to get past right.

Ann those may, especially if you’ve believe maybe … I use healing a lot as an example because it’s very real to me, but I meet people sometimes that you know, they’ve been prayed for a hundred times, and so when they come to see me, they carry that past disappointment with them.

In the Scriptures it says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” Some of us today are heartsick. We’re sick at a heart level because we’d been disappointed in the realm of our soul. You know, we’ve tried to believe God before, and nothing’s happened. Those past negative experiences can kind of give faith a bad name. Like, “I tried that faith thing. It doesn’t work.”

“It tried. It doesn’t work.” Yeah.

I want to look at this a little bit. This is in Mark 9, it’s also mentioned in Mark 17 and Luke 9, but this is the healing of the epileptic boy.

This is in verse 14. When he came to the other disciples, a great crowd around them, the scribes disputing with them. Immediately, when all the people saw him, they were greatly amazed and running to him, greeted him, and he asked the scribes, “What are you debating?” They were having this conversation going on. One in the crowd answers is a teacher, “I brought you my son who has a mute spirit. Now, wherever it takes a hold of him, it dashes him on the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. And I told your disciples so that they could cast it out, but they could not.”

You know, many of us today have found ourselves in this situation where we tried to believe God and the results haven’t been good. Nothing’s changed, maybe. There’s disappointment there. There’s frustration there, especially when we know a little bit about faith, or we’ve maybe seen that healing’s available, or if we’ve heard some good things that God has for us, but those promises still feel so out of reach.

Yeah. Sometimes it’s almost easier to believe that it’s all up to God. One of the most twisted doctrines in the body of Christ is that God is controlling. God is micromanaging and controlling everything. So if you’ve received something, it was God’s will for you to receive it. But if you didn’t receive it, it was God’s will for you not to receive it. In some ways, it’s easier to believe that because then it’s like, “Oh well, it’s not God’s will.”

When you find out the truth, when you find out the real gospel, the fact that all the promises of God are “yes, amen,” the fact that God’s provided for you healing, and He’s provided for you provision. When you find those things out, when you don’t see those things in the natural, so maybe when you experience lack in the natural, when you experience pain in your body, you don’t feel the healing or you don’t receive the healing in the natural, it’s harder because you think, “Well, I know it’s God’s will for me to be healed. I know it’s God’s will for me to walk in health. Why aren’t I seeing it?”

It can almost be more difficult when we believe it, but that’s the truth. The truth is it’s God’s will. So if we don’t see it come about, then you know that can, like you said, “Hope deferred can make the heart sick.” It can make us feel like, well, we’re not. Then we start looking at ourselves. “What am I doing wrong?” [crosstalk 00:16:33] “How many times have you heard this? What am I doing wrong? Why am I believing wrong? Do I need more faith? What’s going wrong here?” And we start putting it back on us.

Right. And I just want to bring out here that God’s will is not changed by our experience.


Right? Doesn’t matter what goes on in our natural world, in our life, if we can’t see something, if we don’t receive something, if we struggle or something, it doesn’t change God’s will. It doesn’t mean God didn’t make already make up His mind, or somehow is schizophrenic. No.

God, the promises of God, are “yes” and “amen.” These things that we’re talking … And I know for some people watching today, this might be the first time you’ve heard these things, but let me tell you, God’s only good.


And anyone that’s received a cancer diagnosis or some sort of chronic symptom in their body, some sort of some negative diagnosis from the doctor, no one has taken that report with, “Oh, goodie!” Right? That’s not a good gift. I don’t care which way you cut it.

Those kinds of things … Poverty is not good. It’s not enjoyable. We’ve been through times of poverty, we’ve been through times of abundance, and abundance is better.

And all the way through the Bible, like even Old Testament, provision and having enough, or having more than enough, is always looked at as a blessing. Lack and poverty and not having enough is always looked at as a curse.


All the way through. It’s the same with health and and sickness. Health is always looked at as a blessing, sickness and disease are always looked to as a curse. And it the only religion, really, that could help us twist this around and think, “Well, maybe it just God’s blessing in disguise.”

Now, the good news is, God’s so awesome He can bring good out of poverty. He can bring good at a disease. He can. He can even teach us out of those things. He didn’t bring it on, but He can take what the devil meant for bad and turn it around for good.

But the fact is, all the way through the Bible, you cannot find lack or sickness used in a positive way. It’s always described in a negative light. It’s not God’s best. God’s best is always healing and provision.


God’s nature is good. He does not discipline His kids with sickness, disease, poverty. You know? He’s a restorer. He’s a redeemer. He’s not a disguiser of blessings. If you’re looking for the blessing of God in your life, trust me, it’s not going to be disguised in any way. His blessings are evident. It’s the goodness of God that causes man’s repentance. Amen. It’s that good.


I’ve got here James 1:17, since it seems we were talking about it these sorts of things, is: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and it comes down from the Father of lights, whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

Okay? There’s no variation or shadow of turning. [crosstalk 00:19:04].

Does not change in his mind.

Yeah. It says, “Do not be deceived.” This verse before that, verse 16, James 1:16, says: “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good and perfect gift comes down from heaven.”

You know, God is a good Father.

He’s a giver.

In fact, Jesus put it this way. The way he described it is, “The best earthly parent you can imagine.” So imagine your best earthly parent, one of these dads that never raises his voice, or-

[crosstalk 00:19:26] They show up to all your soccer games. They make all the cakes for the bake sale.

Yeah, one of those really perfect … Imagine the most perfect parent you’ve ever seen, and then compared to God, that perfect parent would be evil. God says even a good father, a good father compared to God, that’s how good God is. God is so good. He’s so loving. He’s such a good father that, even if you’ve had a good father, compared to God, there’s nothing.

God’s goodness is never ending. God’s goodness is perfect, and his goodness is towards you. Praise God. That’s his very nature. His very nature is good and he’s very nature is love. We’ve looked at that previous lessons, about how God’s very nature is love, and he operates out of love to you. Praise God. So, He’s awesome.

Speaker 2:
Faith’s the fruit of that love.

Amen. Faith works by love.

Speaker 2:
Amen. But, here’s the thing. God’s plan, and his promises and his goodness, aren’t changing just because we don’t see something.


Speaker 2:
And so this father of this epileptic child here, you could hear the disappointment there: “I brought my son to your disciples, but they could not cast this demon out.” I think many people can relate to this situation.

Speaker 2:
But look at Jesus’ answer, ’cause it’s a little bit surprising. To me, anyway. He answered, “Oh, faithless generation. How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to me.” And so they brought the boy to him. When he saw him, immediately the spirit dashed him. He fell on the ground, wallowed, foaming at the mouth. If ever you’ve seen anyone having a seizure, they’re very visually disturbing.

Speaker 2:
And here’s the thing. We can be moved at our heart level by what we see with our eyes. In one of the previous lessons, we were talking about how faith has developed spiritual sight. It sees beyond the natural circumstances. And right here in, this instant, the disciples were challenged. They were moved at a heart level by what they were seeing. They were seeing this very visually disturbing sight of this child on the floor having a seizure, and the father very upset, and it just moved them. You know? There was some natural unbelief there.

It can be scary, especially if you never seen a seizure before. It can be scary. I mean, you had grand mal seizure epilepsy. My uncle did. So I’ve seen firsthand. And when someone has a seizure, it can be very scary.

What happened here was the disciples, they prayed for this boy, he had a seizure, and that moved them a heart level. Their natural sense is what they could see, what they were experiencing. The natural moved them. And how this would relate to us nowadays is, possibly to an actual seizure, if you’re dealing with that, but it can look like this. It can look like, the doctor tells you something about your health, you’re moved with that report. Or you look in your bank account and you see how little money you have. That can move you. Or you can look at circumstance.

Anything natural, anything in the natural realm, if you let that move you, it can take you away from what the word of God says.

I had one preacher put it this way. He said, “How do you feel with things? I don’t ask myself how I feel. I tell myself how I feel.” And he’s getting to the point where you’re not denying your feelings, You’re not denying the natural circumstances, but you’re the leader of them. You’re meant to lead instead of letting those things lead you.

Speaker 2:
Right. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:
And so they brought the boy to him. He fell on the ground. Verse 21. He asked this father, “How long” … This is Jesus speaking, “How long has it been since it came to him?” And he says, “From childhood.”

Speaker 2:
Often it’s throwing the boy into the fire and into the water to kill him. Oftentimes unbelief is the enemy of faith, and we can’t walk in unbelief and faith at the same time.

Speaker 2:
This father was dealing with unbelief, and it’s come from his past experience. Many times he’s watched his child go through this. Our past experiences will hinder us if we’re not careful. We don’t realize this. They will actually cloud our judgment and place a filter over us about what we can even expect. Because “hope deferred makes the heart sick,” right?

Speaker 2:
So, he was in this situation. He says, “But if you can do anything, Jesus, if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” This is a father that’s in a desperate situation, and you can hear his heart when he’s talking to Jesus. But look at Jesus’ response. Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” So even though the father was saying to him, “Jesus, if you can do anything,” he put all the responsibility on Jesus in this moment.

Don’t we do that nowadays?

Speaker 2:
We do.

We just pray and say, “God, it’s just up to you. Please.”

Speaker 2:
“Our [inaudible 00:23:34] is all in your hands.”

We just pray and say, “God, save my husband,” or, “Heal my auntie Flo.” Whatever. And we just give it all to God. And you know, that’s the even Christian thing is just, “Give it to God, give it to God.” And I can see what people are saying by that, but this is what this father was saying. He was saying, “Jesus, you do it, if you can do anything.”

And what did Jesus say back to the father?

Speaker 2:
He was saying to him, “You have a part to play in this.”

That’s right.

This is not all up to God. His mind is made up, but we do have to get into partnership with what Jesus has already done.

And Jesus says to him, “If you can believe,” and this is the same word, he’s talking about [inaudible 00:24:07], we’ve mentioned this many times, someone will get faith from. It means to be fully persuaded, so you’re fully persuaded to commit or to entrust. “If you can be fully persuaded, then all things are possible to him who believes. If you can trust me, then all things are possible.”

And the end of the story is, he says, “Lord, I believe, but help my unbelief.” And the end of the story is that the child is healed.

But Jesus is making a point here. We need to get into partnership with what Jesus is already done.

God has made up his mind. But when we bring our faith, we bring our trust in confidence. We become fully persuaded that Jesus is bigger than the circumstance that we are dealing with.


We say, “Look” … Maybe sometimes maybe you’re in this position. You say, “Lord, you know, I believe, but help my unbelief.” And I think it’s really important for us not to try to come to to the Lord and be someone we’re not. You know, if we take a little heart check here and, just for a moment, be real with ourselves, how much can you believe God for today? Where are you today in your journey of faith? What can you believe now when we pray?

And it might not be to get up out of the wheelchair and run around the room. It might be just a wiggle your big toes. But, what can you start with? Where does your faith journey start today for you? Because in that place of faith, that is where Jesus can meet you. He’s going to meet you right where your faith is at, and the breakthrough is just right there in your hands. Amen.

So I want to encourage you today, put your trust in Jesus and let him meet you in your place of faith. Amen.

Amen. Amen. Pray to that solution.

We’re at time for this program, but we’ll be back real soon.

I want to pray for you. You know, just like Jesus said to this boy’s father, he said, “If you can believe,” and Jesus is saying the same thing. God’s saying the same thing to you today. If you can believe, you can believe and receive these things by faith. Praise God.

Let me pray for you. Father God, I thank you for everyone watching and listening to the show today. Father God, I thank you. It’s your will for them to live a victorious life. It’s your will for them to have these things and receive these things, and right now, I think they are able to believe. They are taking that step of faith and they are believing. And I think that they’re receiving. In Jesus’ name. I thank you Lord for people being healed and set free and made whole right now. In Jesus name. Amen.


Isn’t God good? Praise God.

Thanks for joining us today. We’ll be back real soon. And remember, until next time, don’t just settle for living a normal life when you could be living The Abundant Life. We’ll be back soon.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website, TerradezMinisteries.com, or call us at 719-600-3344.

You know Mark 9:23 Jesus said to the father of the epileptic boy, “If you can believe, all things are possible for those who believe.”

We’re teaching everyday faith. This is a course about you believing. And you can believe, praise God. We’re going to show you, in this course, how you can believe God, and how you can receive every promise from God. Praise God.

To get the whole resource, what me and Carlie had been teaching during these programs is a shortened version. The resource on your screen is the whole expansive course. Everyday faith. It’s going to ignite your faith. You’re going to be able to believe, and you’re going to be able to receive from God like never before.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website, terradez.com, or call us at (719) 600-3344.

Speaker 2:
Colorado, are you ready to live an Abundant Life?

Speaker 4:
I had chronic pain in my shoulder. I can’t sleep at night. I’m healed. I can hear better. Praise God.

Thank you!

Praise God.

Speaker 2:
Ashley and Carlie Terradez will be joined by special guests prophet Joseph Z and pastor Lawson Purdue at their Free Abundant Life event.

Yeah, because Jesus came not just to give us life, but to give us life more abundantly.


God’s got provision for everyone to live an abundant life.

Speaker 2:
Abundant Life Event, Colorado Springs, 2019. Saturday, April 27 at Charis Christian Center. Find more details on our website, abundantlifeevent.com.

Speaker 2:
Coming up next on the abundant life program.

Because they can’t understand it with their natural mind, they won’t do it. And you know, the most powerful things of God are foolish. Paul says they’re foolishness to the natural mind. They’re foolishness to the natural world, but they’re the power of God.

God’s ways of doing things often opposite to our ways.