Everyday Faith Part 7

Join Ashley and Carlie in Everyday Faith Part 7. In this series Ashley and Carlie explain what faith is, how it operates , how it impacts everyday life, and how to put trust in the Word of God over your natural senses. You will be blessed!

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Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Did you know it’s by faith that you receive from God? Stay tuned. We’re going to show you exactly how to use your faith and receive everything God has for you.

Speaker: Everyday Faith Part 7
Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life? Welcome to the Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley:Everyday Faith Part 7
Hello and welcome to Abundant Life. We’re so glad you’ve joined us today. We’ve got an exciting program for you today. We’re talking about faith and about how to use the faith we already have. It’s amazing how we can receive from God by faith. God’s already provided it by grace and it’s our job by faith to receive from God, praise God.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Yeah, so we’ve talked about a number of different things over this course on everyday faith. We’ve talked about how we were created to live in relationship with Jesus, how we have the faith of Jesus on the inside of us. We’ve been given the measure of faith, that’s world overcoming faith. How faith is the potent vehicle by which we move the promises of God from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. And we’ve talked about the balance and how to overcome unbelief. But today we’re going to be talking specifically about how to take the word of God and plant it in our hearts. Because Romans 10:17 says that, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Amen. So we read the word of God and that produces faith, that ignites our faith if you like. An example I’ve used before is when our daughter Hannah was sick we heard teaching about how it was God’s will to heal. Until we heard teaching about that, until we saw the Bible verses that showed that, we didn’t have faith for her healing.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
We didn’t know it was God’s will for healing in the first place.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
We didn’t know it was God’s will. So, the word of God has to be the the point we start at. The word of God, when we sow the word in our heart and you may have heard that expression, “Sow the word of God in your heart.” What does that mean? What does that look like? It means one of the ways you can look at it is like this. You read the scriptures that pertain to your issue or what you’re believing God for, whatever that is. You read those scriptures. You find those promises. You read those scriptures for yourself. You meditate on them. Meditating on them means to mull over, it means to utter it, it means to stir it around.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
It means, the word meditate it actually means to speak it, study it, utter it, or roar it like a lion.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
One of the translations is roar it like a lion, roar it like a lion.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
You’re going to hear me roar. Do you want me to hear me sing?

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
No I don’t. Preachers preach, singers sing.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
There you go. I won’t sing. But then, you go over and over these scriptures, you think about them, you utter them, you speak them out. We used to write them out. We’re just giving you some tips here. We used to write scriptures out, the scriptures that we would believe in for. Wherever we was facing a need in our life we would write those scriptures out, write those promises out on post it notes. In fact I heard, I don’t know if this is true or not, but post it notes were invented by a Christian man. He used to take pieces of paper, write scriptures on them, and put glue on one edge, and stick them to things. So, that’s how they were invented. They were invented for Bible verses.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Praise God. He gives us witty inventions.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
That’s right. So use post it notes, things like that. Write out scriptures stick them everywhere. I know people that have three by five cards and they put them in their car, they put them in the mirror in the bathroom, they put them all over the house, they put them at their workplace. They keep the word of God in front of them. In fact it talks about this a lot in the old Testament, it talks about how you keep the word in front of you, you keep it. It talks about how you keep it in front of you, keep it in front of your eyes. This is very important.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Let’s just look at that for a minute. This is Joshua 1:8. We just need to …

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Okay. So, we are meant to keep it in front of us and we are meant to have it on the forefront of our mind. And one of the ways we can do that is practically literally keep it in front of us by writing out and things like that. In fact, it says, “Write them on the tablet of your heart,” or I could say the tablet of your iPad.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
There you go, on your tablet.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Bind them around your fingers. That could be like your iPhone around your wrist, that could be your watch. Anyway go on.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
It says, this book of the law must not depart from your mouth. Don’t quit speaking the word of God is what this is saying. Meditate on it day and night, speak it, study it, utter it, roar it like a lion that you may act carefully according to all that is written in it. For then, and in other words as a result of doing those things, speaking it, studying it, uttering it, roaring it like a lion, this is the consequence of doing those things. It will make your way successful and you’ll be wise. And he says, “Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
You’re using the modern English version.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
That’s the modern English version. In the new King James, we use the new King James as a main Bible I guess guess the new King James. But whatever version you use the new King James ends it this way. It says, “For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success.” So keeping the word in front of us, keeping these promises in front of us, that’s so important. That’s how we sow the word in our heart. We do that, we listened to good teachings, listen to teachings, listen to ministries that are teaching the truth from the word of God. Not these little motivational talks, not just taking some quotes from people.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Now, listening to people, there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s okay. You can get motivated by those types of things. I listen to some motivational stuff that’s fine. But I’m telling you if you want to sow the word to go in your heart you need the word of God and get those words, get those good teachings, get it straight from the Bible yourself. And sow those scriptures in your heart, start meditating on them, start mulling them over, start imagining what it would look like. Start thinking about, Okay this promise came about, this promise was true, which it is, but this promise is true. If I am a giver and not a taker, if I’m healed of the lord, if I am going to live and not die, start imagining.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Start using your imagination. The power of imagination is so powerful. God’s given us an imagination. We can imagine things and often we’ll use imagination in the negative. So, we’ll start thinking, maybe you get a symptom in your body, or maybe you hear a bad report, or maybe you hear something on the news and you start imagining, “Oh, maybe I’m sick. Maybe this is going to happen.” And you imagine yourself going to the doctor, you imagine yourself being in the hospital, you imagine yourself going broke.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Isn’t that what happens when you Google some symptoms?

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Oh that’s bad news. Don’t Google symptoms.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Stay off Web MD. You might have one symptom, by the time you finish reading that webpage you’ve got all 10 it’s like full house bingo.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
And you start managing yourself being sick. I remember you imagined yourself once. You imagined your own funeral because you thought you were going to die.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
And then I had symptoms coming up in my body and man I needed to get my head right.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
I remember one time I had this off-road buggy. It was a terribly dangerous off-road buggy thing.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
That’s what what you told me.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
And I told Carlie I told Carlie, “This thing is safe. Don’t worry about it. It’s safe as houses.” And she borrowed it once without me knowing.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Because he told me it was perfectly safe.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
So when she went off in this buggy I was thinking, “Oh no.” And I didn’t hear from her. I called her, she wasn’t answering her phone. I didn’t hear from her for an hour. So, I got to imagining the worst report. I got to imagine that she’d had a wreck in this thing and that she was dead somewhere. And I got to imagine and by imagining that I really experienced grief, I really experienced fear.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Your body and your emotions we’re following what you were thinking upon.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Exactly. So you take the word and you use it in a positive way. We often know how to use our imagination negatively, we need to use our imagination in a positive way. Take those truth’s, start imagining what it would be like to receive the promise of God. Start imagining what it would be like to be a giver. We love to give. This is one area in provision. When we first got married we got a checkbook and we wrote out some checks. “I wonder what it would be like to give away a thousand pounds.” I guess that’s about $1,200.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Don’t give that check away if you don’t actually have a thousand.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
No, don’t do the whole faith check thing. “Here you go brother. Here’s a check a check for $1,000 don’t cash it yet.” No, no. Just keep it for yourself. We wanted to imagine what would be like to give away $1,000, and then what would you like to give away $10,000, and what’d be like to give away $100,000. we were imagining those things, we were seeing ourselves doing those things. And guess what happened? Those things have come to pass. We’ve been able to give away amounts of money like that. So you have to see yourself doing that.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
This is one of the characteristics of faith isn’t it to develop in spiritual sight? We’ve talked about this. I’ve got a scripture here. This is Hebrews four verse two it says, “For the gospel was preached to us as well to them.” I don’t know about you but have you ever wondered why sometimes in church there’ll be the same message that’s preached and some people seem to get it and some people just won’t seem to get it right. Some people seem to be walking in healing, some people don’t. Some people seem to be walking in prosperity, some people don’t. It’s like the same word that was preached to everyone but it seems to have different effects on people.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
Well look at this. It say’s, “The gospel was preached to us as well as it was to them.” But look at this. “The word preached did not benefit them because it was not mixed with faith in those who heard it.” This is really important. You see, we can all hear the word of God. Romans 10:17 says that, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” But if all we do is hear it and don’t do anything with it it’s not going to benefit us anything. Look at the next verse in verse three it says, “For we who have believed have entered this rest.” You see that rest and peace are a characteristic of faith. When we take the word of God, and plant in our hearts, and mix it with faith, peace and rest or a consequence.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
Amen. Even if the circumstances don’t change right away we can be at peace. And we’ve had this ourselves in our own lives. We’ve been facing terrible things whether it’s been sickness or whether it’s even been all sorts of things, it was in business and had lawsuits against us. We had peace in those times when we didn’t know what the outcome was going to be. We could have been terrible but we still had peace because it was in faith and we knew by faith we was going to overcome and it’s so important. So, putting the word of God, sowing the word in our heart is so important.

Carlie: Everyday Faith Part 7
You have to hold onto it.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
And you hold onto the word, sowing the seed in your heart. I want to read this. I like this. This is a parable Jesus spoke in Mark four and obviously Mark four is the parable of the sower. That’s a great example. We might get onto that in a minute but the second half of Mark four, Mark 4:26. Jesus is talking about what it means to sow the word of God and in context he’s talking about sowing the word of God. The seed is the word of God and then the sower, we get to sow the word or it’s God the father sowing the word, but it’s up to us if we allow the word into our heart. So in this parable we’re the sowers, we’re the farmers. So, this is Mark 4:26 he said, “The kingdom of God.” So he’s talking about the kingdom of God not the place, he’s talking about the principles. The kingdom of God is, the kingdom of heaven is a place. The kingdom of God is the godly principles, the way we do things God’s way, Godly principles.

Ashley: Everyday Faith Part 7
He said, “The kingdom of God is if a man should scatter seed on the ground.” So when you read the word, listen to teachings you’re scattering seeds. “And he should sleep by night and rise by day.” So he’s resting. He’s not fretting, he’s not trying to make it happen, he’s not toiling, he’s resting.

He’s not digging up his seed to see if it’s growing.

No, that’s what we’re going to look at yet. “He should sleep by night and rise by day. The seed should sprout and grow.” So he’s planted the seed, he’s resting, he’s getting up, he’s doing his daily routine, but the seed itself is growing, it’s the seed that’s growing. The seed itself grows. And look at this, “He himself,” so the farmer who started the seed, “He himself does not know how. He does not know how the seed works.”

And so many times I hear people say, “Well, I don’t know how it works. Surely that can’t work. If I just read the Bible and focus on the promises of God I’m going to see these things produce in my life?” Because they can’t understand it in their natural mind they won’t do it. And you know the things, the most powerful things of God are foolish, as Paul says, “They’re foolishness to the natural mind.” They’re foolishness to the world but they’re the power of God. God’s ways of doing things are often opposite to our ways, opposite to the natural ways, and they can seem foolish. They say, “How can that work?” I want more money, I need more money but the word of God says Proverbs 11:24 says, “Give and you’ll increase.”

It doesn’t make sense.

That doesn’t make sense to the natural mind. You’ve got an enemy, the word of God says love them. You want to be first, the word of God says you’ve got to be last. You want to be the greatest leader, you’ve got to be the greatest servant. And so on, there’s so many examples of this. They’re foolishness to the natural mind but it is the power of God. And right here this says he doesn’t know how it works. The farmer doesn’t know how the seed works. Verse 28, “For the earth yields crops by itself.” So it’s the earth that’s yielding the crops, first the blade then the head, after that the full grain in the heads. There’s a process.

And then look at this, verse 29, “But when the grain ripens immediately he puts in the sickle because the harvest has come. He then goes and reaps the benefits of that harvest.” My point I want to make here in this small parable is the fact he doesn’t know how it works but he goes ahead and plants the seed anyway and he gets the harvest from it. He gets the benefits from it even though he doesn’t know how it works. So we don’t have to know how this works, we just have to know it works. The word of God works. It will not return to God void. If we plant the word of God it’s going to work. Amen.

Amen. I like how it’s the same parable but it’s just in Luke chapter eight. It’s in Luke’s account of this, and in verse 12 it says, “Now along the path are those who hear.” Remember we’ve talked about the importance of hearing the word of God. So this is another thing. If somebody’s struggling with something, for example we use healing a lot but if you’re struggling to receive healing then we need to make sure that we’ve planted ourselves in a position, in an environment where we can be encouraged by people that have got healing operating in their life. If you need something hang around with people that seem to have it operating in their life.

So maybe if your church does not believe in healing then go to a church that does believe in healing. Or if you’re lacking some financial provision in your life then get some good teaching of people that have got financial provision operating in their life even if you can’t physically. Even if in your church that doesn’t, no one seems to really know what’s going on with that there’s plenty of online teaching as well. We need to make sure that we’re in a position where we are hearing the word of God. So it says, “Along the path are those who hear.” So hearing is one thing. “Then comes the devil who takes away the word from their hearts least.” This is important. “Least they should believe it and be saved.” And you might think, “Well that’s just talking about salvation and here in the gospel.” There’s more to it than this.

This word saved is the Greek word Sozo and it means healed, made whole, delivered, saved, rescued, and saved from sin. This is talking about a whole lot more than just your ticket to heaven. And here’s the thing. The devil does not have enough power to keep you from the promises of God. He cannot stop you from entering into the promises of God and receiving healing, prosperity, forgiveness, deliverance, all of these things in your life. He doesn’t have the power to do that. What he’s trying to do with these people he says, “Oh my goodness I need to steal the word from them because least they should believe, least they should put trust and confidence in God’s word and then see the fruit of that in their life.”

The devil knows if we would just put more faith, exercise our faith, in these areas and put more trust in confidence, which is really what faith is, in what God says about our situation then we do about what it looks like we’d be unstoppable because he can’t stop us. He can’t stop us from receiving. So they’d be saved, they’d receive. And then it goes through the different types of ground and the different types of circumstances there. But I want to look here at the type of ground that produces the most fruit because we want to be that type of ground don’t we?

Amen yup.

It says in verse 15, “But the seed on the good ground are those who having heard the word of God,” so like you’re hearing today, “Heard the word of God, keep it in an honest and good heart and bear fruit with patience.” Now, this is interesting to me because this is talking about the people that have the most fruit that’s produced in their life or another way we could say that is that seem to have the promises of God operating in their life. These are the people that are receiving from God, these are people that are walking in health, they’re walking in abundance, they’re walking in forgiveness, and the gifts. The people that seem to have things connected in their life the most, these are the people that not only heard the word of God, they went a step further than hearing the word of God. He says, “They keep it.” Now this word keep if you study this out it means to cling to the word of God, to hold it fast, to seize it, to retain it in their hearts and when trouble comes to possess the truth. That’s a lot, isn’t it?

And this is the challenge I think because sometimes we’ll take the word, we’ll hear the word of God, maybe it’s in church. We go to a great church, we come out, we feel pumped full of faith, we’re encouraged in the word, but then we leave church on a Sunday morning and we go back into our situations and back into the environment in which we come. It’s easy to be full of faith in the middle of the church but when you leave church or when you leave the environment that’s of faith and you’re back in the middle of the challenge again. If we haven’t learned to take the word of God and cling to it and place it of a higher value in our lives than the surrounding circumstances what happens is the enemy will steal it from us. You see he isn’t coming after your faith, he’s coming for the word of God that produces the faith in your life.

And so, if we will understand we will cling to the word of God, take the word of God, hear the gospel about the goodness of God, that God loves us, and is for us, and his will is always good for us. If we will hold fast to the truth regardless of what our heart is going through, regardless of what our feelings are telling us, regardless of maybe what our negative imagination is conjuring up on the inside of us. If we will say, “You know what? I don’t care what’s going on in the world I’m not moving away from the word of God.” We will see the word of God manifest and produce fruit and hundredfold in our life.

Amen. It’s true. It’s what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 he said, “Seek first the kingdom of God.” Again, seek first God’s way of doing things and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” It really has to be our first priority is to get the word of God in our lives, in our hearts, and believe in that above the circumstances. That’s what Paul is talking about when he says in Second Corinthians 5:7, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” This whole series we’ve been talking about everyday faith, walking by faith, the just shall live by faith. And the way we do that is we take the word of God, we apply it, we sow it into our hearts, we apply it to our lives and we say, “This is the truth. This is who I really am. This is the truth about things.”

A truth is I may be experiencing this challenge, that’s a truth. I mean whatever the challenge is I’m experiencing a challenge. That’s a truth, but the truth is I’m victorious.. I believe it’s Romans 8:37 Paul says, “In all these things we are more than conquerors.” You are more than a conqueror. You are more than a conqueror as a born again believer. And when you realize that, when you realize that God has made you victorious, when you realize God has given you the victory, when you realize the enemy has been defeated. As Carlie said, “The enemy has been defeated. He cannot stop you receiving the promises of God.”

Now, what he can do is is he can plant thoughts in your head, he can try and deceive you. That’s all he has left is deception. Because only you can can really derail the promises of God in your life. And if the enemy gives you those thoughts and you meditate on them, puts you in fear, or puts you in doubt and unbelief, tries to steal the word from you. Then what can happen is you can meditate on those thoughts, you can meditate on that fear, and before long you can be deceived out of receiving the promises of God.

But it wasn’t the devil that stopped you it was he gave you the deception. He gave you the idea if you like. That’s why when you know the truth the truth will set you free. When you know the truth the truth is going to set you free. You’re not going to be be able to be deceived anymore because once you know the truth you can’t be deceived. So it’s so important to, to realize it’s our job to keep ourselves in the truth, it’s our job to keep our mind stayed on the Lord. You’ll keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you.

I’m telling you when we do this, praise God, it’s not simple, but it’s profound. I’m telling you when you do it it’s something that God set out. This is the natural way to live is living by the word. Just like we read in Joshua 1:8 and all these other examples we’ve given you you live by the word of God. And we’ve been through this so many times and I’m sure we’ll carry on going through it where we have challenges, we have situations arise, and we have a choice to make. Am I going to listen to the circumstances or am I going to listen to the word of God? We look in a natural mirror to see what we look like in the natural, in the flesh, we need to look in the mirror of God, we need to look in the mirror of the word to see who we are in the spirit. And who we are in the spirit is victorious, we have the victory. I’ve read the book, I’ve read the end of the book.

We win. We win.

We win. I’ve read the end of the book. Amen.

Amen. This scripture that I just read, this is talking about patience and I think sometimes we quit too soon. You’re going to win if you don’t quit. This word it says …

A winner is just someone who fell down and got back up one more time.

That’s right. That’s right. You know that scripture says, “Keep the word of God in an honest and good heart and bear fruit with patience.” Patience is not a popular word in our culture. We want to microwave everything, microwave our miracle, microwave our marriage, whatever it is. We want it, and we want it all, and we want it now. But patience it’s not just, “Oh man I’ve just got to hold on. I’ve just got to wait and I’ve just got to hold on and hope that God comes through for me.” No, patience is talking about a confident expectation, a cheerful endurance. And patience and faith go together, these are power twins. Faith is how he access the promises of God that grace has provided. It’s a trusting confidence more in the word of God and what God says about our situation than how we feel about it.

But patience is important because patience holds our faith in place so that it doesn’t waiver. Let’s look at this for a second. This is in Hebrews six verse 12 and it says, “So that you may not be lazy but be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” We’ve been talking throughout this course about the different ways that faith is activated. Speaking the word of God is one of the ways we activate faith. We release faith by the power of our words. Death and life are in the power of our tongue. Amen. But sometimes we speak the word of God and then there is a period of time where that word is working in places where we cannot see before we see the fruit of that. Patience is the thing that keeps our faith in place until we see the manifestation. We have a whole course called manifested miracles that goes through what happens between the point where we say yes and then the amen.

You describe it as a pregnancy. So at the point of conception you are definitely pregnant. There’s no a little bit pregnant you’re a hundred percent pregnant at conception but no one else can see it yet. And then there’s a time when you can see it and then there’s a time when you actually manifest and it comes full and everyone gets to hold the baby. And that is, we receive a promise from God, and we conceive that promise, and then there’s that time before it manifests and that time before it manifests is really important.

And that period from between the point which we speak it and we see it is often the point where people start to waiver in their faith, they start to get discouraged. Because and this is the danger, if we’re looking for a physical condition to determine a spiritual position. Let me just explain what I mean by that. In the realm of healing particularly people are often, you maybe will pray for somebody and they start checking. You can see them start checking, doing a mental check looking for the pain in their body. Am I healed? Well, here’s what faith does. Faith says, “I know I’m healed because the word of God says I’m healed. Whether my body feels like it’s healed or not is irrelevant. I’m healed the minute God said I was healed and I’m going to agree with that over what my body thinks about it.” And then what happens? Our body is going to start to get in line.

It may take a time but it lines up.

It has to line up.

What people often do is we’ll speak the word of God and then they do that body check.

To see if they’re healed.

Oh no.

And they’re judging their physical condition to see if they’re healed.

They’re letting a physical condition determine a spiritual position. Your spiritual position does not change regardless of your physical condition.

That’s why I say there’s two types of Christians. There’s those who are blessed and believe it and there’s those who are blessed and don’t believe it. So, if you’re a Christian you’re blessed, you’ve got all these things, but do you believe it or not. The verse we used about, just now you used, Hebrews 6:12 it says, “Through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Well, that word patience can be being consistent, being the same, not wavering. 23 it says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope.” That’s the promises of God, the word of God. “Let us hold fast without wavering for he who promised is faithful.” Jesus is faithful and I think it’s in First Thessalonians it says, “He who began that good work in you is faithful to see it to completion.” He’s going to finish that good work he started in you praise God.

So, we can hold fast without wavering. We can hold fast the word of God. We can know the word of God is not going to return void. I believe so many of us miss our breakthrough like you were saying because we quit just a little too early. The righteous man gets that one more time it says that in Proverbs 24:16. Proverbs 24:16 says, “A righteous man may fall seven times and rise again.” A righteous man is going to keep on rising.

If you keep on getting up, if you keep on believing the word of God, if you just don’t quit and keep on believing the word God you’re going to see your breakthrough. God’s going to make a way where there seems to be no way. You’re going to see your promise manifest. You’re going to see your provision come about. You’re going to see your healing come about. You’re going to see your victory over this addiction. You’re going to see it if you do not waiver from the word of God/ if you keep your heart on the promises of God, keep your trust in the promises, it’s like an anchor. Keep anchored to the word of God praise God and you’re going to see your breakthrough.

That’s powerful. That is power. Somebody needs to hear that today. Don’t quit. Just don’t quit. Don’t quit believing God. He has spoken a blessing over your life that no one can reverse. Just don’t quit believing the word of God and you will win. The darkest point of the night is right before the dawn. I believe for some people watching today their breakthrough is just around the corner and you’re on the verge of giving up. Don’t give up. The word of God, you’re pregnant with the word of God and it will bear fruit. Just hold onto it, keep it, cling to it, and plant in your heart, and you will see the fruit of it. Amen.

Amen. That’s powerful. We’re out of time. I want to pray for you before we let you go. Father God I thank you for everyone watching and listening today. I thank you Lord it’s no coincidence that they are listening to this. I thank you Lord that they’re receiving the encouragement they need and I thank you they’re taking a step of faith today. They’re planting your word in their heart. They’re not quitting. I thank you Holy Spirit that you’ve given them the ability to be long suffering, the ability to have patience, and I thank you that they are sticking with it. They’re sticking with your promises, they’re not quitting, and they’re going to see their breakthrough very quickly. I speak breakthrough in provision, I speak breakthrough in health and healing, I speak breakthrough in relationships, I speak breakthrough in conquering sin and addiction. I thank you Lord. I thank you Lord that we are blessed Lord and you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Jesus name amen.


We’ll be back real soon. Until next time remember go out today and live the abundant life.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching. Visit our website, Terradezministries.com or call us at 719-600-3344.

Have you ever felt like giving up? Have you ever felt like you’ve believed God for something but hope deferred has made the heart sick and you have become disappointed? It says in Hebrews six verse 12, “By faith and patience we inherit the promises.” God has got awesome and precious promises for you and if you don’t quit you’re going to win, you’re so close. If you need some encouragement today to stay the course and see the fruit of God’s word by planting it in your heart then stay tuned for more and find out how.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching visit our website, Terradezministries.com or call us at 719-600-3344 Colorado, are you ready to live an abundant life?

Speaker 4:
Had chronic pain in my shoulder, I can’t sleep at night. I’m healed. I can hear better. Praise God.

Speaker 5:
Thank you Lord.

Speaker 2:
Ashley and Carlie Terradez will be joined by special guests, Prophet Joseph Z and Pastor Lawson Perdue at their free abundant life event.

Now because Jesus came not just to give us life but to give us life more abundantly.

Amen, God’s got provision for everyone to live an abundant life.

Speaker 2:
Abundant life event Colorado Springs 2019 Saturday, April 27th at Charis Christian Center. Find more details on our website, abundantlifeevent.com. Coming up next on the abundant life program

Well, there are some things that we can do to activate the life that’s in that seat. It’s not dead. Even though on the outside it might look like not a lot of is going on. When you take that seed and put it in the right environment it’ll spring to life.