Find out why God Wants You Rich in part 2 of this series from Ashley and Carlie Terradez. God wants you to have more than enough finances and material possession so that you can fulfill your purpose on the earth. God loves you! If you’re offended or haven’t been experiencing this promise for yourself, be sure to watch all the way through!

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The primary scriptures explored in God Wants You Rich Part 2 are 2 Corinthians 8:9, Deuteronomy 28:8, and Genesis 22:14.


God’s will for you is to be rich. Yes, you heard me. God’s will for you is to be rich. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow to it. Stay tuned and find out why God wants you to be rich.

Speaker 2:
Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life. Welcome to the Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Hello and welcome to the Abundant Life. Hey, we’re so glad you’ve joined us today here in the lounge, praise God. We’ve got an exciting program for you today. We’re talking about God wants you rich.


That’s a big statement, Amen.

That really is.

We’re getting this from Proverbs 10:22. We’re getting it from a lot of scriptures, New Testament, Old Testament. But our key scripture is Proverbs 10:22. It says, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow to it.” God’s will for you is to be rich, and wherever you’re watching from today, whatever part of the world you’re watching from, I’m telling you, it’s God’s will for you to be rich.

We talked about how rich can be a relative term. Basically, 2 Corinthians nine and eight says that all grace is able to… “God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you have in all sufficiency, in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” So really when we’re talking about rich here, what we’re talking about is having your needs met and having extra, having more than enough so that you can be a blessing. And I’m telling you the word rich, when it’s used here in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, the examples we gave, He’s talking about possessions, isn’t it?


He’s talking about actual material possessions.

And this is going to be a new wrinkle in some people’s brains, because when they look around them, they don’t see rich.


They see poverty. Your experience maybe is telling you something different, but we need to look at what the words says. If we want the word of God results in our life, we need to stop basing the truth of our experiences-

So good.

… And our lack, and start basing the truth of what God says about us. And He wants us to be rich. It’s in His word. Are we going to believe God’s word today or not?

So good. How’d you put it when I quoted you the other day and now I can’t remember what, but basically you said-

I’m sure, it’s really good.

… It was so good. I-

It was unforgettable.

… I tweeted it or I did something with it, social media, but you said something about how a position you cannot make a spiritual truth or position, you said.

Right, our physical condition does not determine your spiritual position.

Bam, there it is right there. Say it again, Carlie.

Our physical condition does not determine our spiritual position.


In other words, what is going on in our life, what we experience in a natural and a worldly way, doesn’t change the word of God. It doesn’t change who we are in Christ, what God’s… With the inheritance that we have in the saints, what God has created us to be or the promises that He says are available to us. Our spiritual position in Christ includes wealth and abundance. And it is not moved. The word of God isn’t changed by your opinion of it.

Come on.

It isn’t changed by your experience of it. The word of God’s the word of God. It’s always true, it’s always right and it’s always God’s will.

Amen. Now, how we treat the word of God is how are we going to receive from it.


Because we don’t believe it… If you don’t believe these things, what you don’t understand is going to be abused. What you don’t know the purpose for, the true purpose for, you’re not going to be able to get the benefit. You’re not going to be able to use it right. I used the example in a previous program that an elderly gentleman that got given an iPad for a gift, and he used it as a chopping board. He didn’t know what it’s for. He put it in the dishwasher, very happy.


$500 chopping board.

… It fulfilled a purpose to a degree.


But it didn’t fulfill its true purpose.

No, it should have been a $5 shopping board, but this was a $500 iPad [crosstalk 00:03:24] that he used as a chopping board.

That’s an expensive chopping board.

The point is, if you don’t understand why God wants you rich, if you don’t understand the purpose of it, then you’re either going to just neglect it and just don’t have anything to do with it. And a lot of the body of Christ is doing this. They’re just saying, “I don’t want anything to do with that,” they call it the prosperity gospel. Let me tell you something. The prosperity gospel is a lie. There is no such thing as the prosperity gospel.

There’s the gospel and part of the gospel, part of what Jesus paid for you to have is prosperity, is provision, is your needs met and more than enough. But going around saying there’s a prosperity gospel, is not true. There’s one gospel. Paul talked about this very strong in Galatians. He says there’s one gospel. And I’m saying there’s one gospel and part of that gospel is prosperity.

I was in Africa recently preaching and I had a little protest. And they said, “Don’t bring this American prosperity gospel preacher into your church.”

Well, they’re wrong on both accounts.

I thought this is fun because as you can tell by my accent, I’m not American, I’m not a native America and I’m not a prosperity gospel teacher. I’m a gospel teacher.

Come on.

I teach Jesus. I teach the gospel. And the fact is that the gospel includes your provision, and if you don’t want anything to do with that, that’s fine. You’re just not going to receive it.

And here’s the thing. We can’t pick and choose when it comes to the word of God.


So we either believe all of it or we throw the whole thing out and use it as a doorstop. Right? I mean-

That’s quite extreme.

If you’re going-

To use the Bible as a doorstop. Now the ones that are still watching-

I’ve offended people.

We’ve got a few left that are still watching, they’ve turned off now.

No, you offended those people at the beginning.

I think Carlie, one time I wanted to stand on the word to read something up on a high shelf. I told her don’t. Choose the decks, isn’t it? Her Bible is so thick.

It’s a six pound Bible.

She just used it as other things.

If you’re going to stand on the word of God, make sure it’s a big one.

So you’re not literally talking about throwing the word of God to the ground?

No, but my point is, we either believe it or we don’t believe it. If we are going to throw out prosperity, if you’re going to throw out a whole part of God’s nature and His blessing and His willingness to take care and provide for His children with more than enough, what we’re doing is, we’re discrediting the nature of God. And if we’re going to say prosperity isn’t for us and just rip those pages out of our Bible, then we might as well take out the pages that talk about healing, that talk about forgiveness, deliverance. I mean, either it’s all true or it’s all a lie.


Which way is it?

So good. So really prosperity is just part of the gospel.

You can’t rip it out. It’s part of it.

It’s part of what Jesus [inaudible 00:05:39] for. Second Corinthians eight and nine. If you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, though He was rich, yet for your sakes, He became poor, that you, that’s me and you, that’s you watching, you can experience that riches, through his poverty, you could be made rich. We’re talking about being made rich today. We’re talking about God wants you rich and that can be an offensive term, but I’m telling you, God wants you to rich. It’s the truth. It’s the truth from the word of God. We’re going to explain to you why it’s the truth. We’re going to explain to you what the purpose of it is. So if you’re offended right now, you need to stay watching, because it’s going to really bless you.

I think honestly, the reason people get offended at that is because they don’t see it in their natural experience.

They don’t see in their circumstances.


And we’re not talking about how much money you have or haven’t got. This is not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about the spiritual truth that God wants you to live in. Your natural circumstances have to line up, but they’re not going to line up if you don’t have that basis that God wants you rich. If you don’t understand this, it’s very similar to healing. If you don’t have it deep down inside of you, that God wants you well, then there’s always that room of doubt.


Well, maybe God doesn’t want to hear me this time.


I here to tell you, God wants you well. Every time someone came to Jesus for healing, He healed them. Jesus had a healing ministry. Jesus said to Phillip, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.” Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. God doesn’t change. So basically, you could put all those things together and say, “It’s always God’s will to heal.”

And it’s interesting, isn’t it, that healing and prosperity are both really contentious things in the body of Christ and things that people like to discount because they don’t…


They’re looking for something experiential to confirm the word of God. Third John two, you’ve mentioned this before. He says, “Beloved, I believe above all things that you be in health and prosper, even as your soul prospers.”


Healing and prosperity are right there together. That’s not spiritual prosperity. That’s talking about financial riches.

Amen. That word prosper there actually means that your business may increase, and your business affairs may do well. So I’m telling you, we need to realize that it’s God’s will for us to be rich. If we don’t realize that, just like we’ve talked about healing. If we don’t have that truth deep inside of us, what we ended up doing is we look at our circumstances and we’re, “Look at my bank account or lack of bank account. Look at my circumstances, look at what I haven’t got. It can’t be God’s will for me to be rich.”

The fact is you can’t let those natural circumstance determine the spiritual truth of who you are in Christ. And I’m telling, if you’re born again today… I tell people this, “There’s two types of Christians. There’s those who are born again and blessed and believe it. And there’s those who are born again and blessed and don’t believe it.”

And don’t believe it.

It really is. It’s that simple. If you’re born again, that you are blessed. And it’s the blessing of the Lord that makes one rich.

Come on. It’s a great scripture.

He adds no sorrow to it.

There’s a great scripture that describes it in Deuteronomy 28. This is verse eight. It says, “The Lord will command…” That’s pretty strong, isn’t it?

Amen, command your blessing.

He’ll command the blessing on you in your barns and in all that you set your hand to do. And He will bless you in the land which the Lord is giving you here. There is a commanded blessing over your life today. Before you even existed, before your parents even knew that you were a twinkle in their eye, God commanded the blessing over you.


He commanded a blessing over you and everything that you put your hand to.


It’s powerful.

It really is. It’s powerful. God’s got a commanded blessings on you. It’s God’s will for you to be rich. In a previous program, we looked at the first reason why God wants you rich, is because He loves you. God loves you, and He looks after His kids. He provides for His kids. We looked in Genesis 22 where it talks about God being Jehovah Jireh. One of God’s names, His very name was the Lord, your provider. Very personal. The Lord is your provider.

That’s how He revealed himself. One of these seven names, Genesis 22:14, “The Lord will provide and the Lord’s your provider.” So He loves you. He loves His kids and He provides for His kids. That’s one of the main reasons, that’s one of the anchoring points why God wants you rich, because He loves you.

The second thing we’re going to look at today, is being rich is part of the blessing. And it’s never mentioned as a curse.

That’s true.

It’s always mentioned as a blessing. It doesn’t matter if it’s Old Testament, New Testament, and it’s amazing how we can twist these things around. And all of a sudden, we take something like being prosperous or being rich or having more than enough, as being not holy or in some way, it’s disgraceful. You can’t be proud of it. It’s almost like you have to be ashamed of having money.

Doesn’t that just sound like something that the enemy would do? Take a promise from God and twist it to such a degree that we make it look like it’s not from God?

Totally. In fact, in Isaiah, it talks about how they’ll call… Isaiah 5:20. Isaiah 5:20 says, “They call good evil and evil, good.” And it says in verse 21, this is Isaiah five verse 21, it says, “They being wise in their own eyes.” Religion will make you think that it’s not good to be wealthy. It’s not good to be rich. That’s religion. Religion does that, and it’s the enemy. You’re dead right. The enemy comes along and twists it and makes out that, you know what? You’re more holy if you’re poor.

Well, Jesus said this, “It’s the enemy that comes to kill, to steal and to destroy.” The enemy’s been stealing from some of you. This is Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.


He was always into abundance.

Amen. He really was. From day one, Genesis 1:28, God’s whole purpose for mankind was to increase and have an abundance. I’m telling you, if you understand that being rich, having your needs met and extra, the second Corinthians nine and eight verse, having your needs met and extra, if you realize that that’s a blessing, and then if you realize that having lack and not having enough and not having your needs met, is a curse. It’s always been described that way.

Just like healing. Healing has always been health and healing, and wholeness is always looked at as a blessing, and having disease and sickness in your body and death, is always looked at as a curse.


That’s how it’s described. Deuteronomy 28 describes this.

Yeah, you can read the whole chapter and it’ll go through the blessing and the curses.


And I’ll tell you that being poor was never a blessing. Being sick was never a blessing. Those things were listed as curses. And they’re curses that we’ve been redeemed for. Galatians 3:13 says that Jesus paid for us. He redeemed us from the curse of the law.

Amen. Because Jesus became cursed for our sake, we don’t have to be cursed anymore. So we’re not saying if you’re in lack, you’re cursed. We’re not saying that if you haven’t got enough, you’re cursed, because for those who are born again, there is no curse anymore. Jesus took that curse, Galatians 3:13. So there’s no curse. But what I want to make, the point that you understand, is that being rich, having abundance, having your needs met is always a blessing. It’s always described as a blessing, but not having enough and not being able to pay your way, is a curse.

But we won’t learn to live in that blessing if we don’t know it exists.

That’s right. So it’s there for us, for the taking. The blessing is there. And if you’d be honest with yourself, just think about this for a minute. If you’d be honest with yourself, it’s always better to have money, than to not have money. And if you think, “Oh no, actually I’d rather be poor than anything else.” You’re deceived.

You can fix that pretty easily.

You’re deceived. And first of all, if you don’t like having money, you’re deceive. Not only are you deceived, you’re selfish. Because you’re not going to help as many people if you don’t have money. You can still help people, but not as effectively as if you have money. People say, “I don’t want that filthy [inaudible 00:12:31] I don’t want all that money.”

Well, give it to us. We’ll put it to work. We’ll spread the gospel around the world, praise God. We’ll see people healed and set free and born again.


We’ll feed the hungry. We’ll do things with your money. So if you don’t want that money, send it and we’ll take it. Praise God. We’ll put it to use. Because I’m telling you, money is a tool. Money is a tool for the gospel and it can be used. But if you’re there today, sitting there watching this program… First of all, if you’re watching this program, you’re probably already rich compared to the rest of the world, because you’re watching this program.


If you’re watching this program and you’re saying, “Oh, I don’t really want money.” Then you’re deceiving yourself. You really are. Take a cold hard look, think about this for real. If you’ve had money and you haven’t had money, I’m telling you, you know it’s easier to do things. You can make more decisions. You can help more people. You can do more of the things you want to do when you have money, than when you don’t have money.

Yeah, it’s true.

I’m telling you, when you have lack, it’s going to limit your decisions. It’s going to limit your time. You’re going to have to make decisions. You’re going to have to cut some of your time, so you can go and do things that if you had the money, you could’ve just paid someone else to do. There’s lots of reasons why having money is better than not having money.

My friend, Andrew Wommack puts it this way, “I haven’t arrived, but I’ve left.” We haven’t arrived in this area, but we’ve left. I’m telling you, we have left. And our ministry is debt-free. Praise God, we were able to help a lot of people and give a lot of money away. And we’re blessed.


We’re blessed. We haven’t arrived. We’re not where we want to be, but we’re blessed. I’m telling you, having money is so much better than not having money.

You just go down under the local bridge and ask some homeless people.


Really, if we really believe that, then all those people living under the bridge would be the most holiest of all.



If not having money made you holy.

Isn’t it interesting how the people, that really deep down believe that the poverty is holiness. These are the people that are asking for money, most of the time.

That’s right. Yeah, they actually asked for money. We need money to fix the church roof or do all these things, they ask for money. When we first got married, we didn’t have any money. We got married, was very young. I was a youth pastor and got just paid very little, and you was working voluntary, at a Christian coffee shop.

A church.

A church coffee shop. We didn’t have any money. I’m telling you, it wasn’t fun not having any money. I remember when I asked your dad if I could take your hand in marriage, and he said, [crosstalk 00:14:33] “How are you going to provide for her?”

He’s very romantic.

And I said, “Well, the Lord is going to provide.” He said, “I know the Lord’s going to provide, but how are you going to provide for her?” So I had to start putting my hands to things and start actually getting creative, and doing extra odd jobs and things to create money.

But ultimately we lived without money for the first, probably year of our marriage. We got in a supermarket and we only had enough money to buy cereal or coffee. I remember thinking, it was early in the morning. I was like, “Man, am I going to be tired and hungry?”

That’s before coffee.

Tired and hungry.


Tired or hungry, or hungry and tired? That’s a big decision to make. I had to pray about that one. What you going to do? We didn’t have enough money to pay attention. We were very poor, relatively speaking at the time. We didn’t have money to make choices. We didn’t have money to do the things we wanted to do, and we didn’t have money to give. I’m telling you when you don’t have money, it’s not as good as when you have money.

It’s not a blessing.

It’s really not. If you think being poor is a blessing, that’s religion twisted it. What the truth is, is that having money, having your needs met, being rich is always described as a blessing.

Having abundance for every good work.

Yeah. Having an abundance for every good work, is always described as a blessing, and not having enough and having lack, is always described as a curse. So I’m here to tell you, if you don’t have enough, if you’re experiencing lack, God’s got better for you. He’s redeemed you from the curse and He wants you to have more than enough.


He wants you to be a giver and He wants you to be able to have an abundance for every good word. That’s His will for you, whether you experienced it now or not. The truth is God wants you rich. I’ll tell you, we’ve got some things to share with you that are going to bless you. So let’s go ahead and watch these things. They’re going to empower you in the promises of God.

Speaker 3:
From enslaved to free, poor to rich, sick and broken, to healed and whole. When Jesus redeemed us, we made the most remarkable comeback in history. With our free making a comeback growth track, you’ll discover what’s rightfully yours through Jesus. Access our teachings, get helpful messages and exclusive coupons and product offers. Make your comeback a reality today slash comeback.

Hey, today we’re talking about it’s God’s will for you to be rich. That’s right. We’re looking at it’s God’s will for you to prosper. We’ve been covering this. This is our second program on this, but before we get started, I’ve got a testimony here that’s been really [crosstalk 00:16:45].


If you want to write us, you can go to We’d love to hear your testimonies. We love to hear how this ministry has blessed you and helped you, praise God. So what have you got, Carlie?

This testimony is from Valerie. She wrote in requesting prayer for a newborn baby. A friend of theirs had had a newborn baby that is suffering from deafness. Baby Declan had been given a hearing test in the past and he’d failed them all. He wasn’t able to hear. His parents had noticed that he didn’t respond to any kind of sound while he was at home. And so we prayed. This was actually during one of our power hours. I was ministering that day with my friend, Heather Z, and we were praying on Power Hour. It says after Carlie and Heather Z prayed for Declan during Power Hour, he was given a hearing test and passed. He could hear.

Praise God.


Absolutely. Thank you Jesus.

His hearing was restored.



A baby’s hearing restored, praise God.

That will change his life forever.

Amen. It really will, praise God. That’s awesome. We love to empower believers in the promises of God here at Terradez Ministries. So we want you to go to our website, get all the free resources you can, find out about how it’s God’s will for you to be well. Write us a testimony, let us know how this ministry has helped you, praise God, and we’d love to read them out on air. Thanks for that testimony, Valerie. That’s a real blessing. Amen.

We’re right in the middle here. We’re talking about why God wants you to be rich. It’s God’s will for you to be rich. And we’ve already said that God loves you, and He’s your provider. He’s Jehovah Jireh. He’s your provider. He wants to provide for you because you’re His child. We’ve also looked at the fact that being poor or poverty or not having enough is always looked at as a curse in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, but where as being provided for, and having an abundance and having your needs met, is always looked at as a blessing.


There’s no curse now. We’re not under the curse of the law, praise God. Galatians 3:13, “Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law.” But the fact is, being rich and having wealth is always described as a blessing. And not having enough and having poverty and having lack, is always described as a curse.

That’s right.

But religion has twisted it. I believe it Isaiah 5:20, said they call evil good and good evil. And the very thing God meant for us to be good, religion has twisted it and it’s made to be evil.

Some people have just had some help misunderstand it.

Some people have had some help… That’s right. Some people have had some help to misunderstand the Bible. If we would just really read the Bible, and really take it as it is, and not let religion, and not let man’s ideas get in and actually try and twist things around, we’d do a lot better. We really would. It’s amazing how religion can twist things and make out that to be poor is holy. I’ve heard people say, “Well, we’ll keep the pastor poor and God will keep him humble,” and things like that.

That’s terrible.

It’s really not good at all.

Matthew addresses this. He says, “The tradition of man has made the word of God of none effect.” The word of God is powerful. God has spoken a blessing over you. The only way that blessing doesn’t come to pass is if you don’t believe in it. The devil doesn’t have the power to destroy the blessing that’s been spoken by God.


But if we don’t know what the blessings are, if we don’t know what the promises of God are, if we don’t know what God’s character and nature is, and that He’s a good God who provides for His children in abundance and with riches, materially, not just spiritually, then we won’t enter into that blessing or we’ll actually let the word of God have no effect in our life. Because we’re more interested in the religious ideas, in our preset traditions and our negative way of thinking, than we are on what the word of God has to say about it.

Traditions of man. Yeah, I’ve experienced that a number of times where… I mean, one time I was going to a church… I’m not going to name the church, praise the Lord.

That’s probably wisdom.

We went to one church. It was great. We enjoyed being in that church, but at the time I was buying and selling vehicles. I was actually wholesaling vehicles, and I had this Jaguar. Do you remember that nice Jaguar I had? I just bought it to sell on a profit. I did that for a little while, while we was helping to plant a church. So while I was in ministry, helping plant a church, I did some business on the side.

I was buying and selling cars wholesale, and I had this Jaguar. Anyway, I couldn’t sell it right away. I didn’t have the paperwork yet, but I was legally able to drive it. It was my car. So I drove it to church. I can’t tell you how many people got offended at me driving up in this almost brand new Jaguar. I’d had my old truck. I used to drive my old truck to church. No one said anything, but now I drove this Jaguar to church and everyone said, “Is that your car?” I was like, “Yes.”

Is it paid for? And I was like, “Yeah, I paid cash for it.” They’re like, Oh and they’re getting all offended. How comes you got that car? I was like, I joked with one person, “It’s because I stole it.” They’re like [inaudible 00:20:56]. I said, “No, I paid for it. I paid cash for it.” But they all got offended at me for driving these nice Jaguar.

Well, they’re not really offended at your prosperity. They’re offended at their lack of prosperity.

Oh, Carlie, come on now. You’re hitting on something now. I tell people this, “If you’ve got a problem with your neighbor’s car, it’s probably not your neighbor’s car you got a problem with. It’s your car you got a problem with.” If you had a car as nice as your neighbor’s car, you wouldn’t have a problem with their car.

Come on.

I’ve been there.

That’s covetousness.

I’ve been there. Do you remember that neighbor who had two brand new pickup trucks and I got offended.

Ashley was [crosstalk 00:21:24].

Every day I drove past him and I said, “Why has he got two brand new pickup trucks?

He doesn’t even need it.

One sits on the drive and he uses the other one. I was like, “He’s got two brand new pickup trucks. What’s the deal there?” And one day the kids said to me, “Dad, why are you so mad at his pickup trucks? It’s got nothing to do with you.” And I was like, “Yeah, but it’s just why has he got two?” Deep down, I was jealous, deep down I was offended. Deep down I was like, “I want me a pickup truck, a brand new pickup truck. I haven’t got one.” And that’s why I was mad at my neighbor having two. Praise God.

Well, since then God’s given me a brand new pickup truck, praise God. So I don’t have to get mad at him.

So now you don’t mind that your neighbor has a pick up truck.

In fact, it was very interesting. Once I shifted my attitude, then the blessing started to increase.

That’s the [inaudible 00:21:59], right there.

So that’s probably another whole program right there. But I’m telling you, we need to realize that it’s a blessing to have more than enough, because you can bless others. And it’s a blessing to have your needs met. It’s the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow to it.


The next point I’ve got here is that the reason why God wants you rich, is to establish His covenant. He wants to establish His covenant. He wants to show the world how much He loves them, and He wants the world to have relationship with Him. And He does that by us spreading the gospel, in Deuteronomy 8:18. Deuteronomy 8:18, what this verse [inaudible 00:22:31], “You should not forget the Lord, your God for it is He who gives you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant.”

Deuteronomy 8:18, “Don’t forget the Lord your God, for it is He gives you the power to get wealth, so that He may establish His covenant.” I don’t know what it says in the Modern English. If you use the Modern English Version.


You got the Modern English Version there?

Yeah, it says, “You must remember the Lord, your God for it is He who gives you the ability to get wealth, so that He may establish His covenant, which He swore to your fathers, as it is today.”


He made His mind up about us and He hasn’t changed it.

Amen. He’s given us the power, He’s given you the power to get wealth. Whatever your circumstances, wherever you living right now, He’s given you the power to get wealth. Why? For selfish gain? No. The reason He’s given you the power to get wealth is so that He can establish His covenant. Let me just tell this. It takes money to tell people about Jesus.


Now you can tell some people about Jesus without money. That’s fine. I’m not saying you can’t help anyone without money, but I’m telling you, the more money we have, the more we can spread the gospel. The more we can tell people about God’s love. And I’m unashamedly telling you that this ministry, Terradez Ministries, we are telling the world about how much Jesus loves them. We’re telling the world about the fact that God is a good God. He only has good for you.

He wants you well, He wants you healed. He wants you prospered. He wants you to live in peace and He wants you to live out all the promises that He’s provided for you. And that costs money.


I’m just telling you it costs money. It costs money. We fly around the world. Literally, we travel around the world, hold conferences, we speak at churches. We hold live events. We never charge churches to travel to them. We have this television program here Abundant Life. It’s available to over 350 million households, every day of the week, praise God. Six days a week we’re on air. We’re also on internet channels. We’re on Roku. We’re on GospelTruth.TV. We’re on different local stations across America. That all costs money.

It does.

It’s amazing, to fly around the world. People say, “Well, you know…” It costs money.

We can’t go to the airline and just say, “You know what? I don’t have the money, but let me just give you a hug.”

They’re not going to let you fly in their plane [crosstalk 00:24:28].

They don’t want your hugs, they want your money.

They want your money. That’s what they want, your money. So it costs money to establish God’s covenant. God’s covenant is going to take some money to get out there. And God wants people to realize how much He loves them. God wants His word spread around the world. God wants people to know about His unconditional love for them.

He does.

There’s a great example of this with the good Samaritan. The good Samaritan in Luke 10, the good Samaritan came along and he was able to use his wealth, he was able to use his riches to help someone out. And it’s amazing how now people get mad. Well, the good Samaritan, in today’s… If it was in a modern version of the good Samaritan, he would have pulled up in his SUV or in his vehicle.

And well, how come you got that nice car? Well, he was able to help the man into his car, so they put him on his donkey. He took him into town, okay? Took him to the hotel.

Paid the bill.

Swiped his credit card and said, “I’m going to cover this mans stay at this hotel. And then if he needs room service, he can order room service.” If you can go to the mini bar. Now, the mini bars…

He needs medical help [crosstalk 00:25:27].

When we go our hotel with our kids and they look at those mini bars, and they’re like [crosstalk 00:25:32].

Ashley’s like, “Listen, see all that there, don’t touch anything.”

$5 For one candy bar.

For one pack of M&Ms.

They like 50 cents downstairs.


We’re like, “Kids don’t touch any of this stuff.”

Don’t breathe on that, that doesn’t exist.

The first time me and Carlie went to a nice hotel where they don’t have mini bars, the first time [crosstalk 00:25:45].

It was on our honeymoon.

It was, wasn’t it? It was on our honeymoon.


I thought it was all free. [Crosstalk 00:25:48]. I thought, “Well, this is all included with the room. It’s awesome.”

He’s cracked open that mini bar.

I cleared out the whole mini bar, praise God. I enjoyed myself. Then I found out afterwards we had to pay for it.


Anyway, my point is this.

He ate all the snacks.

The good Samaritan helped this person. He took him into town. He paid for his lodging and he paid for his… And he said to the innkeeper, “Whatever he spends, I’ll cover the bill.” Now I’ll have you know, that took money to do that. It took money to show the love of God to that person. It took money for that person to help the person who was in need.


The person who was in need, he was beaten. He was left for dead. And the good Samaritan came along, used his wealth, used his riches to help him.

The good Samaritan wouldn’t be in the Bible if he didn’t have money.

If he didn’t have any money, he wouldn’t have even been in the Bible. Margaret Thatcher said that if the good Samaritan had no money, he wouldn’t have been able to help that person. And it’s true. He wouldn’t be able to help him. So we need money to be able to help people, to be able to establish God’s covenant. God’s looking to show the world how much He loves them.


You know the old saying, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” And one way we can show the love and care of God is by blessing them, providing for them, giving to them, and that takes money to do that.

It does.

It takes money to share the gospel around the world, it takes money to meet people’s needs. So I’m telling you, God wants you rich because He wants to establish His covenant for you. He wants you to be used to share the gospel around the world. Amen.


Just like Terradez Ministries doing, you can do that too, praise God. So it’s God’s will for you to be rich today. We’re going to come back and share some more points of view about why it’s God’s will for you to be rich. But until next time, we want to pray for you before we let you go.

Father God, I thank You for everyone watching today. Lord, I thank You it is Your will for them to be made rich. And I thank You, Lord that you add no sorrow to it. It’s Your blessing. You get pleasure when we’re rich, Lord. You get pleasure when You provide for us. And I thank You Lord, You love to provide for Your children’s needs. And right now, with people watching and listening to my voice, I thank You Lord, they’re going to understand this truth, that You want them to have their needs met, and not just their needs met, but have extra to meet other people’s needs. That’s Your word? That’s the truth.

Thank You Jesus.

And we receive it right now in Jesus name. Amen.


Praise God. Hey, thanks for being with us today in the lounge. We’ll be back real soon, but until next time, remember, don’t just settle for living a normal life when you could be living the abundant life. We’ll see you soon.