God wants to provide for you even better than you could provide for yourself. He wants you to have so much abundance that you can give to every good work. Be encouraged to trust God to take care of you in part 9 of How to Attack Lack.


Announcer: Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life. Welcome to the Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley: Hello and welcome to Abundant Life. We’re so glad you’ve joined us today in the lounge. We’ve got an exciting program today. We’re talking about attacking lack. We’re talking about getting rid of poverty in your life. And this is part of a series we’ve been talking about this for quite some time now. So if you’ve just joined us, this is your first time you’ve joined us, then be sure to get the product go back, it’ll be advertised at the end of the show, how you can get that and do the rest of the lessons because this has been an in-depth study of how to attack lack, and how to receive prosperity in your life. Amen.

Carlie: I don’t know about you, but I think pretty much everyone watching could probably do a little more abundance in their life. Right?

Ashley: Well, if you, if you don’t want some more abundance of finances in your life, then you’re selfish because you could ask for, however much you’ve got now, you could believe for more and give it away.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: Amen. And give them away and so, anyway… Everyone should be believing God for more, I believe, because God’s limitless and he’s got an abundance for all of us. So in every area, but we’re talking about finances here. We’re talking about how to attack lack and the different ways of attacking lack, and to summarize real quickly. We talked about the three things, we talked about the work of your hand, putting your hand to something. We talked about your stewardship, how you’re spending and how you’re stewarding the resources you currently have. And we’re now looking at giving, and about how you’re giving is so powerful.

And some people, when you start talking about giving, they switch off, like, “Oh no, I don’t want to learn about giving.” But now this is the way you get. This is the way you increase. This is the way you get more. So if you think giving is about just money going and you’re losing that money, you got the wrong concept of giving. Giving is about how you can receive more and increase.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: And as we learn how to give, we can learn how to receive, praise God, and it’s powerful. And it’s been our testimony for our lives. We’re debt-free, 100% debt-free in all areas, in our ministry, in our business, in our house and personal finances. Absolutely zero debt and we’re prospering. We’re able to give more than we’ve ever been able to give before. And it’s all glory to God. And we only say that, we don’t usually share that, but we only say that because we’re teaching on finances here, we’re teaching on prosperity. So you want to tell you that. So anyway, that’s where we’re up to. We’re talking about giving and the power of giving. And to summarize the last time we were talking about giving, the last program. We talked about, God is the biggest giver. When God asks you to give, he’s not trying to take. Givers are not takers. God is the biggest giver. So when he asks you to give it’s because he’s trying to get something more or something better to you.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: God is the biggest giver, and he’s not a taker. He’s a giver by nature. He’s generous. And then we looked at what does giving do? What does giving do for God. Well, when we give, it blesses God. God loves a cheerful giver. He loves it when his children give back to him. It’s a sign of worship, it’s a sign of gratefulness and it’s action to our faith. So God gets blessed. So in Psalms 35 verse 27, Psalms 35 verse 27 says, “Let the Lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants.” That’s us. That’s you. God gets pleasure when you prosper. God gets pleasure when you run with his promises, God takes pleasure when you receive what he’s already given to you by grace. Praise God. I’ll tell you, when we see these things walking out and we bring pleasure to God, we magnify God, we glorify God.

In fact, a friend of mine puts it this way. He says, “God wants to bless you and prosper you, so you can be an advertisement to the world. So God can show the world how he looks after his kids.”

Carlie: That’s a good advert.

Ashley: That’s a good advert, isn’t it? I would want to sign up for the program. I’d take part of that program, but it’s more than just our own stuff. Prosperity is so much more than stuff. Stuff is the least important thing in prosperity. Biblical financial prosperity is about being able to give and being able to about help others, and about being able to help God establish his covenant. Deuteronomy 8, 18 says, “Don’t forget the Lord, your God, for it is he, who gives you the power to get wealth, that you may establish his covenant as you swore to your father this day.” So God wants you to prosper so he can show the world how much he loves them, and so that we can give more and we can bless more people and help more people praise God. And plus he loves us because we’re his kids. So he also wants us to prosper because he loves us. And any loving parent or loving grandparent loves to bless their kids or grandkids.

So part of that is just, God wants to bless us. And often God will look after you better than you would look after you. God’s given me nicer things than I would have never bought for myself, but God’s given me nicer things. And sometimes it’s like, I would have settled for one thing and God’s given me something so much nicer, when it comes to cars, houses, all sorts of possessions, just as like a bonus, God said, “And I want you to have this.”

Carlie: Right.

Ashley: And I’ll be like, “That’s better than I would have bought myself.”

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: So God looks after his people better than his people can look after his people.

Carlie: Amen. I was just thinking about this. Even when Jesus was born, we know that he born into a stable or a cave, whichever translation you look in, but he was born into a place, it wasn’t glamorous, he wasn’t born into a palace. But the first thing that he received was an offering. The Lord sent gold frankincense, myrrh. Jesus was set out for life from his childhood. God provides for his children. And he even provided for Jesus when he was walking on this earth to such a degree that we know throughout Jesus’s life, he had money.

Ashley: Yep.

Carlie: That money carried him through and he had to have a treasurer for his money, right? He had nice clothes. We know that because they cast lots for his clothes at the crucifixion. God provides for his children. So why would we think that he would provide for us any less?

Ashley: Amen, amen. God wants to provide, and he provides for his own household, and we’re his household, praise God. So God wants to provide for you. He wants you to have an abundance. In fact, 2nd Corinthians, nine and eight, 2nd Corinthians, chapter 9 verse 8, talks about having an abundance for every good work, that our own needs will be met. Having all sufficiency in all needs, but we’ll also have an abundance for every good work. So God wants us to have an abundance so we can give and we can bless wherever we want to, wherever there’s a good work. When you see a missionary doing a good work or you see sponsored children program, or you see your church has a special project, or a ministry you love, you want to sow into, whatever it is, God wants you to have an abundance, so you can give to those things and you can help him establish his covenant.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: Praise God. And it’s powerful, when that happens. So giving blesses God and he gets placed in the prosperity of his servants. Giving allows God to give us seed. God has to have permission for us or God wants permission to enter into our finances. And so you say, “Ashley, God needs permission?” Yeah. God’s given us free will. It’s amazing. All powerful God has given us free will so we can make our own choices. And he doesn’t save us against our will, he doesn’t heal us against our will, and he won’t prosper us against our will. We have to invite God into our finances and the way we invite God into our finances, or one of the main ways we invite God into your finances is through giving.

When we give, it allows him to give seed. We talked about this last time, but 2nd Corinthians 9:10, 2nd Corinthians, chapter 9 verse 10 says, “He gives seed to the sower and bread to eat, and he increases and multiplies the seed sown.” Good God gives seed to sower. So if you’re a sower, God will give you seed to sow and it’ll also give you bread to eat. So God wants to supply seed to you, and he wants to give you bread to look after your own needs, and then seed also to sow. And we talked last time about when not to sow. Don’t sow your bread and eat your seed. That’s not a good idea. Eat your bread and sow your seed, that’s the idea. We also looked at what does given do for us? We started looking at, what does giving do for us?

So when we give, how does giving… And really giving, is more to do with us. God wants the impact, if you like, to be on us. God doesn’t need us to give, we already established this. He doesn’t need our money. And most ministries, if they’re a good ministry and they’re good stewards and stuff, they’re not begging for money, just to stay afloat, really giving is more to do with the giver than the receiver. In fact, in Acts 20 verse 35, Acts 20 verse 35, Luke is quoting Jesus here and he says, “You know what? It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” So really the giving is where the blessings at. The person who’s giving, is the one who’s receiving the fruit. I think it’s Ephesians or Philippians 4:17, Philippians 4:17. Paul says, “Not that I seek the gift, not that I seek the money. I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.”

So it impacts us when we give, and this is some of the ways it impacts us. The first thing is we looked at, is it destroys covetousness. It destroys the love of money in our life. And people say, “Ashley, I haven’t got any problem with love of money or covetousness.” We need to guard against it because it’s easily sneaks in there. The devil will use that to sneak in and draw you away from the things of God. Matthew 6:24, Matthew, Chapter 6 verse 24, Jesus said, “You cannot serve two masters. You either are going to love one and hate the other or below to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

And he laid it out, you can’t serve God and money. And what happens is, is sometimes money has a voice and money will start talking to you, saying, you can’t afford this, you can’t afford that. Or would you like this? You can either be wanting more things, covetousness, or it can be fear of lack, but either way money can creep in and can get your attention. And before you know it, you can be allured away and you could be thinking more about money than thinking about God.

Carlie: And it’s interesting because, oftentimes this comes up, where people, whoever it is, get particularly critical about, maybe, ministers or just prominent Christians that live in big houses or have nice cars or have jets or whatever. And especially Christians, they seem to feel like they have a right to judge everyone, even though they live on the graces, and just criticize how believers are spending their money [crosstalk].

Ashley: It’s amazing, Hollywood actors and celebrities, and sports stars, very rarely get criticized about the houses they live in or the cars they drive or the planes they fly. But ministers and pastors and people that are preaching the gospel, yeah, you’re right, Christians feel like they have the right to judge them and to tear them down. And I know this could be some sacred cows going under here, but I’ll just say, one minister who’s very prominent in the body of Christ, I happen to think he’s got a great ministry. He bought a house or built a house that was several millions of dollars, and he got a lot of criticism over this. And it was interesting, first of all, it’s interesting that the church he pastors has never paid him a salary. He’s [crosstalk]. Not there’s anything wrong with pastors taking… I think pastors should take salaries. That’s fine.

But he chose not to take a salary from his church. And the position of authority he’s got in that church, if he was in the world, he would get millions of dollars compensation a year.

Carlie: And no one would question how he spent it.

Ashley: No one would question it. No one would question him earning millions of dollars for looking after that big an organization.

Carlie: He’s effectively the CEO of a mega ministry.

Ashley: Of a mega ministry. So anyway, he doesn’t take a salary, but he gets his money from his book sales and from other things. He doesn’t take any money from the church. And then the second thing as well, he paid cash for his house. So it wasn’t like he went into debt or anything. And compared to how much money his net worth, it wasn’t even that big a stretch, bu because he got this house worth millions of dollars the body of Christ came onto him and criticized him. I remember one guy said to me, “He shouldn’t have a house worth that much.”

Carlie: Why not?

Ashley: And I said, “Well, how much is your house worth?” And he got a little bit offended. He said, “Well, my house is worth about 400,000.” I said, “Why don’t you have a house for 40,000? You could buy a house for 40,000. You could move out somewhere where there’s houses for 40,000.” He said, “Well, I don’t want to do that.” And I said, “Well, he didn’t want to do that either.” But my point was this, I said, when you’ve got problem with someone’s million dollar… Say it’s a $5 million house. You’ve got a problem with someone’s $5 million house, you really haven’t got a problem with their house. You’ve got a problem with your house because if you had a $6 million house, you won’t care about their $5 million house-

Carlie: It’s covetousness.

Ashley: It’s covetousness. You have to be careful when you’re criticizing people. Now I’m not inducing people buying big mansions and big planes and all that-

Carlie: Actually, that’s really none of our business.

Ashley: Amen. Exactly. It’s none of our business.

Carlie: Hats the thing.

Ashley: It’s none of our business about how people spend their money. Most of the time, I know people close to me, I’ve got personal friends who are multi, multimillionaires and they’ve got nice things and they buy new cars and things like that. And you talk about giving, these people are literally changing towns, if not nations in third world countries with they’re giving. Drilling wells, putting pipelines in, building houses, doing all sorts of funding whole projects of the gospel. But you don’t hear about that because they don’t boast about their giving. And it’s interesting that most of the people that are prospering God’s way that are really wealthy and this, most of the time, they are huge givers.

Carlie: Right. I think sometimes there’s an assumption that people are huge givers because they’ve got lots of money to give, but-

Ashley: It’s actually the other way around.

Carlie: It’s actually the other way around.

Ashley: It’s actually the other way around.

Carlie: They didn’t start that way. They were big givers. They didn’t give necessarily out of their abundance, out of their overflow, they just had money to burn, money to throw. Here have some more. A lot of the time people that end up in a very prosperous situation have started out as sacrificial givers. And there is a blessing on obedience. And [inaudible], there is a blessing on giving as we’ve been going through this, and that’s how come that they’ve have been so blessed and that they end up with some of these nice things, but also God’s not going to give us stuff, if it’s going to become an idol in our life.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: And I really think that God is not going to bless us with an abundance of material, wealth and possessions, if it’s going to take us, our heart away from him.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: He’s not going to set us up for failure.

Ashley: That’s right. God’s looking for our heart and he wants our heart, and where our treasure is, is where our heart will be also. And this is interesting, this is Luke 12 verse 15, Luke, chapter 12 verse 15, Jesus says, “Take heed and be aware of covetousness.” Jesus is telling us here, you’ve got to be careful of covetousness business. This is-

Carlie: It’ll sneak in, if you’re not careful.

Ashley: This is the word of God right here. Be careful of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses. And what happens is, with various reasons, we see other people’s stuff and other people’s riches, if you like, and we can get covetousness over those things, we can want that stuff. And I explained last time, jealousy is wanting something someone else has got. I really want what you’ve got. Covetousness is a whole nother level in enviousness. Basically it’s saying, “I want what you’ve got and I don’t want you to have it either. I’m so jealous of you, I don’t want you to have it. You shouldn’t have it because I can’t have it. Because I can’t have it, you shouldn’t have it.” And that’s covetousness and it’s dangerous. We have no right to judge other people, what other people do with their things.

In Exodus, it talks about, don’t covet another man’s a cattle, another man’s wife, all these things. And basically it’s saying, we’ve got no right to judge, another man’s possessions.

Carlie: That’s between them and the Lord.

Ashley: It’s between hem and the Lord. And I’d say most of the time, when people are prospering God’s way, most of the time they’re huge givers, always, their huge givers. A lot of the time they’re given that stuff. my friend, the other day, was given a brand new, brand new Cadillac Escalade. We’re talking tripped out, beautiful cherry red Cadillac Escalade. This thing is probably 80 or $90,000 car. And they drive a little Ford, a little Ford four-door car. So someone gave him this car, just gave it to him, literally. And they would be embarrassed to drive it. And he said, “Well, I’ve got my Ford here.” I said, “But it’s actually cheap of you to drive this Escalade because it was free.” You had to pay for this Ford, but that Escalade was free.

Now, if he drove that, he knows he’s going to get criticized for having these big 80, $90,000 car, but it was free, compared to his $20,000 Ford or $15,000 Ford. So you don’t even know how much that stuff was given to them. You don’t know how much of that stuff they’ve given in the past, and other people have given to them. You don’t know how that money has come about. That might be a very small fraction of their net worth, for instance. And they might not be getting their self-worth from their stuff. But anytime we criticize someone else for their stuff, we’re on dangerous ground because it can hint at love of money and covetousness.

And that’s why Jesus warned us against it. He warns us against it because he doesn’t want us being trapped by it. And here’s an example, this is a great example of this. This is in John 12, this is a story of Mary, in John 12 verses 3 to six. I’m going to read you this passage, John 12:3 to six. Have you got it there? Do you want read it or?

Carlie: Yeah. It says-

Ashley: Okay. This is John 12: 3 to 6. This is Mary coming to Jesus.

Carlie: Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, who would betray him, said, “Why was this fragrant oil not sold for 300 denarii, which is about a year’s salary and given to the poor.” And he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, he had the money box and he used to take what was in it.

Ashley: Wow. I’ve been guilty of this, I don’t know about you listening at home, but I’ve been guilty of this. I’ve said to someone, “Why spend that much money on that building? Or why spend that much money on that airplane? Or why spend that much money on that vehicle??” Or whatever it, I’ve criticized other people. They could have taken that money they spent on that airplane and given it to the poor. In fact, I heard this just the other day, someone said, “Oh, they should have used some of that money to feed the poor children.” When in actual fact, they probably are feeding children. They probably are doing those things and given to the poor anyway, but anytime you find yourself saying they shouldn’t do that with that money, they should have give that money to the poor. It sounds so spiritual. It sounds [inaudible]. In Christian circles we say, “Oh, I don’t think they should have that.” Whatever it is, that $50 million church building.

They should just give that money to the poor. It sounds spiritual. It sounds righteous. Give it to the poor, but guess who said this-

Carlie: [crosstalk] is different. Yeah.

Ashley: Guess who said this? This was Judas Iscariot who said this, when Mary gave that money. It was probably a year’s worth of salary that she gave to Jesus, to worship Jesus. A year’s worth of salary. And what’s that? It could be $30,000, $60,000, $100,000, who knows, but it was a lot of money. It’s a year salary. She broke that alabaster jar and worshiped Jesus, and because Judas had a love of money, because Judas had covetousness and a love of money, he didn’t like that money being wasted. And he said, “We could have sold that and given it to the poor.” But that’s not what he meant, he even says it here in the gospel. He even says-

Carlie: He was going to steal it.

Ashley: His he said, not because he cared for the poor. He didn’t care for the poor, but because he had a love of money, he was a thief and he had the money box, and he used to take what was in it. So Judas wanted to steal that money. He wanted that money for himself, that’s why he criticized Mary spending that money on Jesus, because he wanted that money himself. And get this, right afterwards, this is right after that event, it’s the next thing that happened. This is in Matthew 26:14, the next thing that happened, then one of the 12 called Judas Iscariot. So he saw this, he saw this year’s worth of salary being given to Jesus and it burned him. He had such a love of money, he had covetousness. Remember Matthew 6:24, you can either serve God or serve money. You can’t serve both. Matthew 6:24.

So Judas was burning, he had this love of money on the inside of him and Timothy warns about it. He says, “Many people have strayed from the faith and many people have pierced themselves through transgressions.” Judas would have started off okay when he followed Jesus, but this love of money started to eat him up. So right after Matthew 26:14, this is Matthew 26 verse 14. It says, then one of the 12 Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priest. So Judas went to the chief’s priest. The chief priest didn’t come to Judas. Judas went to him. He went searching for the to the chief priests and he said to them, “What are you willing to give me for me to deliver Jesus to you?” So right now he is offering the priests to sell Jesus to them. What are you going to give me? I’ll turn in Jesus to you. How much money are you going to give me? That’s what we ask them.

And then the next verse he said, and they counted out to him, 30 pieces of silver. So here you go, 30 pieces of silver. Love of money, see. The love of money. He’s trading Jesus for money.

Carlie: 30 pieces of silver.

Ashley: He’s choosing to follow money and let money be his master rather than Jesus, rather than God. And he counted out to him, 30 pieces of silver. So from that time on, he sought opportunity to betray him. That love of money enticed Judas and it got so into him that he couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand the fact that his money was being used on Jesus. He went out and sold him.

Carlie: In James, it says, where envy and strife are, there’s every evil work. And you’re right. I think when Jesus called Judas, he didn’t start out being evil, but it was like a slow change in his heart where this covetousness, this love of money, this envy and strife and every evil work crept into his heart, until eventually he committed the ultimate betrayal. And we know that Judas’ demise was not a pleasant one. It didn’t end well for him.

Ashley: It ended very badly for him, indeed. Yeah. And that was because he had a love of money. That was purely the love of money. In fact, most of the time you see people failing in the Bible and you see people piercing themselves through and having problems, it’s the love of money. [inaudible] in Acts, that was the love of money that caused them to lie about how much they sold the land for. Judas, here, is another great example. So many examples, old Testament, New Testament, you can look it up, so many examples of people having a love of money and it’s happening today as well. So we’re telling you this in love, because we want people to be set free. God wants you to be set free, but don’t allow the love of money into your heart. Don’t allow covetousness into your heart. It can choke the word of God in your life.

This is so [inaudible], i can actually choke the word of God in your life. We’ve already talked about this in a previous program, but in Mark 4, it’s talking about the Parable of the Sower and the third type of ground, it says that the word of God grew up, the crops grew, but thorns came and choked it. And in Mark 4:19, it says, those things that choke the word of God, those thorns that choke the word of God and stop in the word of God, produce in your life. So we’re talking about things that can stop the word of God produce in your life. Things that can stop the promises of God coming to bear your life.

Carlie: And that’s where luck would come in. The promises of God are not coming to fruition and so lack is a symptom of that.

Ashley: You’re not seeing abundance. Maybe not seeing even your healing. Maybe you’re not seeing the promises of God, you’re not seeing your peace, you’re not seeing things happening in your life. And Jesus said, right here, there’s three things, Mark 4:19, the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lust for other things, those three things can actually choke the word of God in your life. So you can test yourself on this, if you like. You can see, do you have the cares of this world? Are you preoccupied all the time of were thoughts about how you’re going to pay your rent? How are you going to buy your groceries? How are you going to do these things? Is that what’s occupying your thoughts? Maybe you’ve got cares of this world. Maybe the cares of this world are taking… I think it’s Matthew 5.

Jesus says, “Take no thought for these things.” Take no thought for what you’re going to wear and what you’re going to eat, let God provide your needs. He’s the one who’s provides the needs of the birds. He closed the lilies of the fields. He’s going to provide your needs. So trust God with your needs, don’t be always thinking about how… Don’t be preoccupied with how… Now, obviously it’s healthy to go out and provide for your family. It’s healthy to put your hands on something, but if you’re always thinking about it and the cares of this world are just playing on you all the time, you’re worried about it and you’re out of faith, then that’s not a good place to be. And then what about deceitfulness of riches? Do you think money is the answer? Do you think, if only I had this amount of money in the bank? If only I had a job that paid this amount, if only I was like one of those rich people. You hear people say that? If only I was like on of those rich people. It’s okay for them, they’ve got money.

Oh, it’s okay for them to give, they’ve got money. I’ve heard people say that a lot. It’s okay [inaudible]. It doesn’t matter to them, they’ve got money. If you think like that, maybe you’ve got a deceitfulness of riches, maybe you’re thinking that riches are your answer. I love this verse in Proverbs 23:5, Proverbs 23:5 says, “Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings and they fly away towards heaven.” That’s often the way. Haggai 3, I think it’s Haggai 3:16. It talks about, or 17, it talks about we put money… We make money, wages, put it in a bag with holes in it. So really you can’t trust-

Carlie: So even-

Ashley: Money.

Carlie: So even the money that does come in, it leaves you quickly.

Ashley: Yeah. You can’t trust it. You cannot put any trust in money and money will deceive you and say, money is the answer you can trust in riches. Don’t trust in riches, you cannot put your trust in riches. Again, the balance of this is, it’s good to have savings. I teach people have savings, have emergency fund, have retirement, have these things in place, save where you can and things like that and do these things. But if you’re trusted in those savings, if you’re trusted in that retirement plan, if you’re trusted in riches, if you think this job with this pay will be the answer to all your problems, then you may have… You may be deceived by riches and that’s not good. And the last one is, the last [inaudible] things, and that’s what we were concentrating on here. The last [inaudible] things, wanting staff, wanting things, wanting more and more of things.

Carlie: The problem is, you’ll never be satisfied.

Ashley: You’ll never be satisfied. It says here, “The eyes of man will never be full. The eyes of man will never be satisfied with stuff.” As I read earlier, Jesus said, “A man’s life does not consist…” This is Luke 12:15, Luke 12:15, man’s life does not consist in the things he possesses. So you cannot trust in riches. You can’t be having a lust for other things, and you can’t be preoccupied with the cares of this world because that can choke the word of God in your life. So we talking about attacking lack, receiving God’s provision, receiving God’s abundance in your life. And one of the things is, you have to make sure you haven’t got any love of money or covetousness in your life. And the antidote for that is give. When you give, it’s like you’re telling money, I’m in charge of you. God’s my master and I’m given to show that I’m the one who’s in charge here, you’re not the one who’s in charge. And you’re telling money what to do.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: It’s powerful.

Carlie: Amen. Before we go then and wrap up this session, we do have a couple of resources that we want to make sure that you know are available to you, through our website, TerradezMinistries.com. And there is a book here that Ashley’s written, this is called Thorns, Bonds and Oil Jars and it specifically… Thank you, darling. It specifically goes through the three key areas that we’ve been talking about, working, saving, and giving. So if you’d like a little more revelation, if you’d like to sit down and digest it slowly over a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, you’ll really enjoy this. This is an easy read, but we’ve had some really great feedback from this. And lots of powerful breakthroughs and testimonies as a result of this teaching. So that’s available on our website and then also, Ashley put together, this is our 20 video lessons, is that right? On a USB.

And so this is a video course. And one of the symptoms of lack that we’ve talked about over this course is stewardship, and another one is a lack of supply. And if you have a lack of supply, this tool is for you because it specifically is designed to help you to find extra income through buying and selling. Now it’s a niche, it’s not for everybody, but this is a really fun video course. Ashley goes through classes on negotiation, how to get items at the best deal, how to list things and sell them online for the best price. So if that’s a tool that will bless you, you can get both of these on our website.

Ashley: Amen. Amen. Praise God. Well, thanks for watching today. We agreeing with you to receive God’s prosperity and you know what? Remember, God’s promises for you are yes and amen. He wants you to prosper. He wants you to have an abundance for every good work. That’s his will for you. Praise God. And if you go through these teachings and you believe the word of God, praise God, put faith out there, put your faith out there, you’re going to receive these promises and you’re going to see them come to pass in your life. So we’re agreeing with you throughout the week. We’ll be back real soon with some more on this teaching, but until next time, remember, don’t just live a normal life, God paid for you to live the abundant life. We’ll see you next time.

Announcer: To order your copy of the book featured in our program. Visit our website, TerradezMinistries.com. Download your free copy of Ashley and Carlie’s teaching notes at our website, TerradezMinistries.com.

Ashley: Hey, I want to thank the partners of Terradez Ministries. Thank you for your support. You know what? By your financial support, we’re able to go out and touch the world for Jesus. We’re seeing people’s lives turned around. We’re seeing people healed. We’re seeing people set free. We’re seeing people born again and your gifts are enabling us to do that. So we want to thank you and thank you on behalf of all the people we’re touching. Praise God. Thank you for your partnership. We appreciate you. We’re praying for you. We know you’re going to increase as you sow seed into this ministry. So we’re praying for you regularly. Thank you for your partnership. We love you all.

Announcer: Visit our website, TerradezMinistries.com and become a partner today.