Did you know that God doesn’t need your money? In part 8 of How to Attack Lack, Ashley and Carlie explain what financial giving does for you, and for God.


Announcer: Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life. Welcome to the Abundant Life program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley: Hello and welcome to Abundant Life. Thanks for joining us today in the lounge. We’ve got a great program for you today. We’re talking about how to attack, lack, and how to receive God’s supernatural provision for your life. We’re talking about a number of different things, but today in particular we’re talking about giving and about the power of giving. And the power of giving and receiving praise God and how it can change your life.

It’s changed our life and I know a lot of you watching can tell testimonies about how giving has really… God’s used giving in your life to give you things and you’ve been able to receive from the Lord that way. So we’ve looked at previous shows, we’ve looked at God doesn’t need your money. We’ve looked to the fact that God doesn’t have needs. God doesn’t need your money. We’ve looked at the fact that you know what, God is the one who invented giving. God is generous by nature that’s who he is. God is love. God is good and God is generous. And he doesn’t operate outside of love. He doesn’t operate outside of his goodness and he doesn’t operate outside of his generosity.

Carlie: He’s the biggest giver.

Ashley: He’s the biggest giver. So if he’s asking you to give it’s because he’s trying to get more to you and he’s the biggest giver. He really is the biggest giver. In fact, a friend of mine had a church and one of the people there was a very wealthy man, a very wealthy businessman and he got offended and left the church. And the pastor was upset and he said, “My biggest giver has left the church. My biggest giver has left the church.” And he was praying he was going, “God, what am I going to do?”

And he felt the Holy Spirit say to him, “The biggest giver is still in your church.” And he’s going, “Well, I’ll get the reports every Sunday and I don’t see… Who’s the biggest giver?” He said, “No, no, no the biggest giver is still in your church.” And he’s looking through it going, “I don’t see it. The biggest giver has left is, he’s left the church.” And finally he goes, “The biggest giver is me. I’m your biggest giver. I’m just using different people to get money to you,” but God’s the biggest giver-

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: … and God’s our source and we need to remember that. God’s our source he’s the biggest giver and he won’t be out given praise God so that’s what we’re up to. Today we are going to look at what does giving do? When we give what does it do? What does it achieve if you like, or what is the purpose of giving? What does it do? So the first thing we look at is what does giving do for God. Now we’ve already established that giving we’re talking about financial giving here, we could relate this to other areas. You can give your time, you can give of yourself. You can give you your talents. You can give of your abilities and things like that. But we’re talking about how to attack lack in your finances. So we’re talking about financial giving here. What does financial giving do for God? We already know God owns the world. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, he owns everything so god doesn’t need our money. But God definitely gets blessed when we give.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: And that’s what I’m going to explain here. So what does giving do for God? The first thing is in Deuteronomy 8:18. This is Deuteronomy 8:18, we’ve read this verse before but it’s a great verse it says, “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for is he who gives you the power to get wealth,” see God has given you the power to get wealth. I love to teach people and show people how to make extra money and how to put their hands to something, and how they have the power to get wealth. God has given you a supernatural ability to get wealth, to gain money. That’s one of the gifts he’s given you. And this is it right here in this scripture. He’s given you the power to get wealthy. He doesn’t give you money directly. He gives you the power to get money and get wealth.

Carlie: That’s really interesting I think because oftentimes we meet people and we’ve been there ourselves where we just kind of feel like… You look at other people that seem to have it all going together and they obviously have an abundance for every good work. You can tell that they’re on a financial different level, and you can look to people and it’s almost like you start comparing yourselves among yourselves, which the scripture says isn’t wise. But that scripture puts everyone on a level playing field. Everyone has the ability to gain wealth.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: Everybody does regardless of what it looks like, regardless if they’ve been to Harvard business school or not. Everyone has the innate ability given by God to gain wealth, that’s powerful.

Ashley: It’s very powerful. And early on in this series we’ve talked about how there’s different things that we can do to appropriate that ability to get wealth, to actually receive God’s supernatural provision through the works of our hands. And there’s different things we can do, and we were talking about diligence and about the spirit of excellence and things like that so it’s not automatic. Everyone’s got the same opportunity, but not everyone gets the same results because not everyone does the same things to appropriate those results.

Carlie: But if everyone did do those things then-

Ashley: The results are guaranteed. The word of God does exactly what it says on the tin. If you follow the word of God just as it tells you to and you believe it, and you do these things the results are guaranteed. I’ve read the back of the book. We win.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: The results are guaranteed but it’s up to us whether we want to receive those results or not. And a lot of times people will see someone prosperous or in a place of prosperity and then might think, “Well, they just got lucky, whatever.” Nine times out of 10 they did the word of God even if they’re not believers, they did the principles of the word of God. And if they’ve prospered God’s way then they’re definitely done the word of God. It’s definitely been God that’s given him that prosperity and it’s amazing how that works out. And it doesn’t matter. I’ve got friends. In fact I’ve got a friend who was illiterate. He was illiterate working in a slaughter house. Couldn’t read or write as rough as you can get. It’s like drugs, drink, all sorts of different things, he was involved in a slaughter house like I said-

Carlie: Biker gang wasn’t he?

Ashley: Couldn’t even read or write. This is the type of guy who wouldn’t want to meet down a dark alley. He was the real deal. Got born again started to believe the word of God, started to put these things into practice. Taught himself how to read and write, I was just him last weekend. And now he’s a very wealthy real estate owner. He owns a bunch of houses in his area. And more than that he’s actually able to help other people own their own houses. And he’s been able to get families on their feet, he runs a network of churches. It just shows you the prosperity of the Lord will work if you put it to work.

It’s amazing if you put these promises to work. At Terradez Ministries this is what our passion is, it’s empowering believers in the promises of God. And these promises they’re always yes and amen to anyone. Doesn’t matter where you’re from, what your education is, what family you’re from, what country you’re from. These will work. These promises will work. If you work them and if you believe them. Amen.

Carlie: God doesn’t show any partiality.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: He’s not up in heaven deciding who’s going to prosper and who’s going to get well, and who’s going to be sick and who’s going to get poor. He’s given us the word of God. He’s given us abundance. He’s given us health and wholeness on the inside of us. There’s are all parts of the atonement that Jesus paid for for us and they’re open to everybody. There is no partiality with God, but it’s who ever will put faith and put belief in the word of God and put faith in that provision that he’s already given us.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: Everybody can access it. So I just feel like somebody is watching that has excluded themselves from the word of God. That’s almost said, “That’s fine for them but it’s not going to work for me. ‘Yeah. It’ll work for you.'” No one’s above the word of God. The word of God will work for you.

Ashley: Amen. And you know what, if you’re there at home and you’re watching and you’re thinking, “It won’t work for me. I don’t believe it I’m this, that or the other,” then you’re going to get what you believing for it’s not going to work for you. But if you choose to change that opinion of yourself and start believing the word of God it will work for you.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: Like Carlie said whatever circumstances you from, I could tell you story after story. Friends in third world countries that it’s worked for. I’ve seen friends that have been imprisoned, incarcerated it’s worked for them. I’ve seen people that were illiterate and it’s worked for them. These promises, this word of God will work for you if you work it praise God. Like you said he’s not partial to people, he’s only partial to faith.

Carlie: He doesn’t play favorites.

Ashley: Doesn’t play favorites. Or he does-

Carlie: They’re all his favorites.

Ashley: … I’m his favorite. We’re all his favorites. Everyone’s favorite. What does it do if you’ve got it? It helps establish his covenant. I didn’t even finish the verse. See I got halfway through the verse-

Carlie: Sorry, I got so excited there for a minute.

Ashley: … and we got sidetracked. I didn’t even finish the verse. Deuteronomy 8:18, hope you found it by now, I’m halfway through that verse, “You will remember the Lord, your God for it is he who gives you the power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers this day.” So why did he give us the power to get wealth so he can establish his covenant. So when we get wealth when we get money and we give it helps God establish his covenant, it helps God show his love to the world. It helps God show the world how much he loves them and show the world that he wants a relationship with them.

And that’s what he does. It costs money to build churches, to send missionaries around the world to put TV programs on, to market the gospel. It costs money to do those things. And when we do those things put that money into the gospel. I’m telling you it’s helping God establish his covenant and showing the world how much he loves them. The second thing I’ve got here is it blesses God, this is 2nd Corinthians nine and seven. It says, “God loves a cheerful giver. God loves a cheerful giver.” It blesses God when we give to him, when we give back to him and say thank you to him. A friend of mine put it this way. He said he’s feeding his little toddler. Thank God we ain’t got toddlers anymore our kids are all teenagers but he was-

Carlie: It’s a messy age.

Ashley: He was what you call it weaning, weaning the toddler. I remember that and food goes everywhere. But he had made this food for his toddler and he was weaning it for him. And the toddler was grabbing the spoon and learning how to feed himself. And he’s really enjoying it, it was really good food. And then the toddler went like this to his dad like, “You take some, I want you to take some.” And the dad was like, “Oh, it’s so sweet.” So he took some he didn’t really need it or want it, but just the fact that the total was given back to him really blessed him. So it blesses God when we give back to him, it’s a sign that we love him. It’s a sign that we’re thanking him, that it’s his anyway that we’re thanking him.

And in fact, it’s a sign of worship. A lot of the times in the Bible there’s times where it said the wise men when they came to Jesus it said they worshiped Jesus and they gave him gifts. Mary worshiped Jesus gave him a gift. There’s a lot of times when giving gifts was part of worship. So it’s thanking God, it blesses God. Another great verse here is Psalms 35:27, Psalms 35 verse 27 says, “Let the Lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. Let the Lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.” So God gets magnified. He gets glorified. He gets pleasure when we prosper, praise God, his way. The third thing I’ve got here that we’re talking about, what does giving do for God? The third thing I’ve got here is it gives God permission to bless us.

You saying to me, “Ashley, you’re saying you’ve got to give God permission?” God’s given us free will. God’s given every man free will. And you know what God wants every man, every person to be born again, to come into relationship with him. He wants everyone to be healed. He wants everyone to be prosperous because that’s what he’s paid for that’s his promises he’s given to us, but not everyone is because it’s their choice.

It’s your choice whether you got born again or not, it’s your choice whether you trusted on Jesus or not. So because it’s your choice God’s given you free will and therefore you have the choice. So when you give you’re giving God permission into your finances. And a lot of the time people with hold and they basically look after their finances themselves and say, “I’ve got it myself. I don’t need your help God.” And what they’re saying is they’re not letting God intervene in their finances. And maybe it’s about fear. Whatever it is they’re not letting God into their finances and God can’t have access into something we don’t give them permission to access.

Carlie: That’s right.

Ashley: So that’s the third reason. And the fourth reason I’ve got here it allows God to give us seed. So when we give it allows God to give us seeds. This is 2nd Corinthians nine and 10, 2nd Corinthians chapters eight and chapters nine, two of the greatest chapters on finances in the Bible you’ll find talking all about money and stewardship and offerings. So this is 2nd Corinthians, chapter nine, verse 10 it says, “Now may he who supplies-” talking about God, “May he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.”

So God supplies seed to sowers. So when sow God is able to give us seed. Now it’d be nice if God gave seed to those who thought about sowing, or gave seed to those who were going to say, “One day.” But no it says he gives seed to sowers because as we sow the seed we sow increases. So it’s the seed we sow that increases, he doesn’t give seed to consumers, he gives seed to sowers. Now there’s a few things in this one thing is is I like how it says here it says, “He gives a seed to sowers and bread for food.” So God not only gives us seed to sow but he also gives us bread to eat. He provides for our needs and he gives a seed to sow. And what happens is sometimes as born again believers we often get the seed and end up eating our seed, which is okay, you get these health food things now, where they’re all seeds and all that, right?

Carlie: It’s at the bottom of the bird cage.

Ashley: It’s bottom of the bird cage stuff. I know some people are like they get the bottom of the bird cage put in a bar-

Carlie: Put some toffee in it.

Ashley: … serve it for like $3 and call it an energy bar, called it a health bar.

Carlie: Bird seed bar.

Ashley: It’s a bird seed bar. So I ate one the other day and it broke my teeth, I was like, “This is suppose to be healthy.” But we are not meant to eat seed, the seed is meant to be sown. And likewise we’re not meant to sow our bread. So there’s two things here we can get out of whack if we’re not careful. We can end up sewing our bread and I’ve seen people do this. I’ve seen people take everything they’ve got and give it away. Now, if God’s directly telling you to do that then go for it, because you know what, when God tells you to do something obey God and leave all the consequences to him. If he’s telling you to do that then he’s got a good reason for you to do that.

Maybe it’s because your heart is with your finances rather than with God. Matthew 6:24 talks about you can only have one master. You’re either going to be loyal to one and hate the other, or hate one and love the other. And that’s talking about is that you cannot serve God and money, that’s Matthew 6:24. So maybe God is trying to win your heart back. You need to give everything to prove that like he did with the rich young ruler, maybe that’s the case.

But most of the time, the typical situation is God will not ask you to give everything. He’ll give you some of your money for bread to eat, to look after your household and to supply your needs and then see to sow. And if we eat our seed and sow our bread that can get us in trouble and that end up short circuiting the system. That’s why it is in a way possible to out-give God. Now in the last lesson, I said, “It’s impossible to out-give God, God is the biggest giver. You can’t out-give God.” Well, you can type of out-give God if you give everything he gives you away and you give your bread away then he’s not going to be a supply your needs. Because he gives you bread to supply your needs then you give it away then your needs aren’t being supplied.

So I guess technically you’re not out-giving God, but what you’re doing is you’re so short circuiting the system and God’s given you bread to eat and you’ve sown it. And if you sow your bread it’s going to rot, it’s not going to work. And if you eat your seed you’re going to be hungry. So we need to understand what’s bread and what’s seed. And this could be another whole series, but just in a nutshell some of the things you need to ask yourself, are you sowing? Are you giving and not taking care of your family, that would be sowing your bread. So I see people and I’ve made these mistakes sometimes where I’ve ended up sowing and giving to other people and other ministries and then my own family has had to sacrifice, my family has had to do without, that’s normally not godly, that’s normally a case of you sowing your bread.

So really you should be looking after your family before you’re giving offerings. And we’re going to look at different types of giving and the priorities on giving. Some giving is a priority ahead of other things. But most of the time if you’re giving extra or giving offerings and you’re not looking after your family, you’re sowing your bread because God gives us bread to eat. And I’ve dealt with a lot of people that their families are suffering. One person, him and two kids were living in their minivan, full time living in the minivan been doing it for weeks because he’d just be giving all his money away. And I said, “Bruv, you need to take some of that money and use it as bread and support your family.”

So this is sidetracked. This is why I think Paul talks about if you’re not looking after your own household you’re worse than an infidel. You’re worse than an unbeliever. And people say, “How can you be worse than an unbeliever?” Well, I think an unbeliever if they’ve got children they haven’t got a God to just trust in, they are going to say, “Well, God’s just going to provide for my needs.” And sometimes as born again believers, as people that believe in the promises of God we can get lazy and think, “Well, I’ll just give all my money away and then God’s going to have to provide for my needs.”

Carlie: We have to give Him our responsibilities.

Ashley: Yeah. We do. We have to give our responsibilities to God and we just say, “God, you got to provide my needs.” When really the way God provides our needs is through our own hands most of the time. It’s through what we do is how God supplies our needs. And when we do that, it can actually be a sign really it’s pride or laziness or a bit of both. And we just giving it away and say, “God’s going to have to look after me now.” And that’s almost blackmailing God. And the point is that worse than an unbeliever, an unbeliever they haven’t got a God to do that with. It doesn’t matter who they are unless they’ve got a mental illness or an addiction they can be the heathen of the heathens, aesthetist of the aesthetist, don’t believe in God at all.

If they’ve got a baby, they’re going to provide for that baby, they’re going to go and do something to get money to feed that hungry mouth. Whereas some Christians are so out of balance they’re like, “Well, God’s going to provide to me,” and their kids ended up going hungry. So anyway, God gives bread to eat. So make sure that you’re using the bread God’s given you to provide for your own needs and for your family. And then make sure you’re sowing the seed that he gives you. He gives you seed to sow and that will increase, so you can be an even greater giver.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: And God gives the best bread. So God can look after your needs better than you can look after your needs. In fact, most of the time in our life our experience has been God’s got given us better things than the word of God ourselves time and time again. When it comes to cars, houses, things like that we do it our way we end up with substandard. We do it God’s way he gives us better things without any sorrow, without any pain or toil involved he just gives us even better things. And he can look after his kids better than you can look after you.

So basically make sure that you’re sowing your seed and eating your bread. So that’s what giving does to God. It establishes his covenant, it helps him establish his covenant. It blesses him. It brings him pleasure. It magnifies him and it allows him to give us seed and it gives him permission to increase us. The next thing I want to look at today is what does giving do for us? So giving has various effects, it has effects on God but giving has effects on us. So when we give financially, what does it do for us? How does giving affect us? This is 1st Timothy 6:10, 1st Timothy, 6:10, one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible. Maybe you’ve heard it this way, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,” or, “money is the root of all kinds of evil,” is how it’s misquoted.

So people with money it’s just evil, it’s riddled with all kinds of evil. But really here, “For the love of money. It’s a love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil.” In fact, in the amplified, in the amplified and the King James this is the New King James we’re reading. But in the amplified and the King James it says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” It says the root of all evil comes from the love of money.

Carlie: That’s a huge statement.

Ashley: That’s a huge statement and I’m going to explain some of that in a minute but, “For the love of money is the root of all evil, which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Wow, that’s a big deal. We talking about people that have strayed from the faith, pierced themselves through with many sorrows because they have a love of money. Let me state this as well. You can have a love of money with no money, or you can have a love of money with a bunch of money. I know people with a bunch of money and have no love of money. You can have money as long as money doesn’t have you. And it doesn’t really matter at this stage, what we’re talking about how much money you have or haven’t got this is your attitude towards money.

Carlie: And you can see that because if you read on down in that same chapter, Timothy gives some instructions to the rich. So God is not saying that money is evil and no one should be rich. Actually there’s instructions here for the rich. It says in verse 17, “Command those who are rich in this present age, not to be haughty, not to trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing, to share storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” So in other words it’s not wrong. Money is not evil, but it’s where is our attention? Where is our passion? And here specifically talking to the rich, not condemning them for being rich but basically saying don’t put wealth and earthly riches above our relationship with the Lord.

Ashley: Amen.

Carlie: That’s the pitfall having an abundance in material possessions. If we’re not careful we can start to idolize those and it can be a distraction from our relationship with the Lord.

Ashley: And people can do it without things. In fact, a lot of the time people without money can have a greater love for money-

Carlie: You can still idolize money-

Ashley: … without money.

Carlie: … having not had it.

Ashley: Because they see people with it and that’s where covetousness comes from. And they want that stuff and they think that stuff will bring them happiness. So no I agree with you totally. We have to be very careful of the love of money and wanting money. I talked about Matthew 6:24, but Matthew 6:24 Jesus says, “You know what, you cannot serve two masters.” And he wasn’t talking about… The devil and God or different things, he was talking about money and God. He was talking about you cannot serve mammon and that’s the old English word for money. You cannot serve money and God, you can’t have two masters you got to serve one or the other. And it’s like money is vying for our attention. Money is the thing that can lead us away from God and actually vie for our attention.

And people don’t realize sometimes when you let the love of money inside you, when you start getting covetous and jealous and there’s a difference. Jealousy is wanting what other people have. Someone has something you haven’t got it and you want it and you think, “I’d love to have that.” Covetousness or enviousness is even worse that’s saying, “I want what you have because I haven’t got it and worse than that I don’t want you to have it either. You shouldn’t have it because I can’t have it.”

Carlie: It’s complete self centeredness.

Ashley: It’s very self-centered and it’s very a strong emotion, very strong pull and it actually leads people to do things they would regret. The story in Acts of Ananias and Sapphiras. They lied they came to the apostle Peter and lied, sold a piece of land and lied about the amount and ended up dying right then and there. And I don’t know all the ins and outs of that story in terms of how that fits in with grace or anything else. But let me tell you this, that was the love of money that caused them to do that. They had a love of money. They didn’t even have to do… They could have kept some of that money and been honest and it would have been okay but because they had a love of money they lied about it and grieved the Holy Spirit. The love of money is a very serious situation.

There’s a number of times here in the Bible you can read about how the love of money really led people to all sorts of different situations and into places they didn’t want to go. And we’re going to look at Judas in a minute. Judas had a love of money and that’s what ultimately led him to sell Jesus and to pierce himself through with many sorrows. 1st Timothy 6:9 the verse before that. So we just read 1st Timothy 6:10, 1st Timothy 6:9 if you back up one verse says, “But those who desire to be rich,” In the amplified it says, “those who crave to be rich,” so this is something that you crave to be rich, you desire to be rich this is a dangerous place to be, “they fall into temptation and a snare.”

So those who desire to be rich and have a craving to be rich it says they fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and harmful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition it’s in the Amplified. It can bring them into harmful and foolish lusts, crave to be rich. This suggests that they’re not actually rich people by the way because they’re craving to be rich. So this doesn’t mean they are rich they’re craving to be rich and they can fall into harmful lusts. So it’s not just the rich people who have got love of money that have to watch this, have to guard against covetousness it could be anyone, we all have to watch but we need money on this world to be able to function. But if we start to have a craving for money and that can come in a number of ways. Discontentment, you can start to get jealousy. You can start to listen to the enemy when he says, “You really need this stuff to be happy to be content.”

Carlie: It’s a lie.

Ashley: It’s the original lie and they need something more than God. He said to Adam and Eve, you need more than God to be happy. You need something more than God and things like that, so we have to really guard against this. And giving it’s one of the most powerful things we can do to crush covetousness and crush the love of money in our lives. When you give your saying you in control of money, money is not in control of you. When you give you’re saying, “Money, you’re not my master. I’m telling you what to do rather than you telling me what to do.” When money is your master Matthew 6:24, when money becomes your master money will tell you what to do.

Money will say, “Don’t give in that offering.” Money will tell you, “Don’t do this, don’t do that. Don’t spend this money on this. You can’t afford it. You haven’t got the money to do that.” Money will start telling you where to spend most of your time in the job. You’ll take a bigger job with more stress and more pressures just for the money. Money will tell you to move. Money will tell you to spend time away from your kids. Money will tell you to.. All these things. Money will start telling you what to do. Money will become your master if you’re not careful. But when you give you’re showing money, “I’m in control of you and I’m telling you what to do.” And it can really help with the love of money. It can really help that situation of money not being your master and obeying God instead.

Carlie: Giving is the fasting in your finances. That’s good. When we’re trying to overcome unbelief fasting is a really powerful tool to overcome unbelief because it says to the flesh, “Listen flesh, you might scream at me because you’re hungry, but I’m just going to starve you out because I’m going to live according to what’s in my spirit. And I’m going to bring my flesh under control.” And so you’re fasting your natural flesh to get it under control and rid of unbelief. But when we give it’s like the fasting in our finances, the fasting is the antidote to covetousness. As our flesh’s natural MO if you like is to hoard, is to keep it all in, it’s to keep all for myself because I’m afraid of having lack, whether that’s real or just perceived. And when we give it’s like the antidote to that temptation to hoard, “You want to hoard flesh? You want to hoard finances? Let me show you. I’m going to give it away.”

Ashley: When you do that it’s showing that you’re putting God first. It’s showing that you trust in God, it’s the action to your faith. James talks about faith without corresponding actions he uses the word works. Faith without works is dead. Well faith without corresponding actions isn’t really faith. If you have faith you’re going to act, there’s going to be some sort of action. If you really believe something you’re going to act. If you really believe in what we’re teaching today you’re going to act, and you’re going to want to give, you’re going to want to give and actually show money that you’re putting God first.

And you’re showing him, you know what… Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” You’re going to be doing that, that’s the action to your faith if you like when you give, so giving is really going to help with that. So giving blesses God and giving blesses you as well, it’s a win-win situation. We’re nearly out of time. So we’re going to come back next time and carry on some of this, the power of giving and how giving can change your life and set you free praise God. We’re going to show you the types of giving. And we’re going to show you when to give, when not to give and things like that. For now we want to pray for you-

Carlie: You’re going to pray for people.

Ashley: Father God I thank you for everyone watching and listening to this show. I thank you Lord that you are showing them where to give. You’re showing them what’s their seed and what’s their bread. And Lord I thank you, your providing for us. You’ve given us seed to sow and you’ve given us bread to eat. And I thank you Lord, you’re a good father. You’re a loving father. You provide for your own household Lord, you provide for us. And I thank you for that Lord. I thank you Lord that giving is so powerful and you’ve set it up this way, that we can have victory over our finances, that we can have victory over any type of covetousness or love of money.

And I thank you Lord that everyone listening today, everyone watching today they’re going to be set free in this area, and they’re not going to have any issue with covetousness or love of money. They’re going to trust you and be set free so they can prosper like never before in Jesus name. Amen.

Carlie: Amen.

Ashley: Amen. Praise God. Well, thanks for being with us. And until next time, remember don’t just live a normal life go out and live the abundant life. We’ll see you soon.

Announcer: To order your copy of the book featured in our program. Visit our website, terradez.com. Download your free copy of Ashley and Carlie’s teaching notes at our website, terradez.com.

Ashley: Hey, I want to tell you about Carlie’s confession card she wrote. It’s a little card, it’s prescription size. And it has verses about who you are in Christ. This is powerful. I use this regularly. You put your name at the top and then you read it to yourself. It says here, “I’m a party waiting to happen.” 1st Peter 1:8. It says, “I’ve been sanctified,” 1st Corinthians 6:11. “I’m a child of the king adopted into his family,” it goes on and on. And I’m telling you if you haven’t got one of these yet go to our website terradez.com. We’d love to give one of these to you as our gift completely free. So go to our website terradez.com and get your confession card today.