Cultivating Your Genius by Terradez Ministries

Cultivating Your Genius

Did you know that you are a genius? You may not be a member of Mensa, you may not have aced your SATs, and maybe you dropped out of high school or flunked the test of life in multiple categories. But none of these things define you.  One thing is for sure, you are a certified genius! However, cultivating your genius requires your participation.

According to the dictionary (which was written by smart people who read stuff) the definition of genius is: a person of exceptional intelligence, creative power or other natural ability.

Regardless of our level of education, upbringing, social standing or Facebook friend status, as believers we have: the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16), an unction from the Holy one who shows us all things (1 John 2:20), access to the wisdom of God (James 1:5), the power to gain wealth (Deut 8:18), miraculous power and supernatural ability (Matt 10:1). By definition, we are geniuses!

Recognize Your Potential

When our children were small, they loved to collect acorns and leaves in the fall. They would stuff their pockets full and plan the creations they could make with them when they got home. Inevitably, many an acorn lost its way, and would be mysteriously rediscovered in a sibling’s private collection. Of course, the lost or found acorn always happened to be the “most favoritist” of both parties, thus necessitating motherhood mediation. It was not unusual to find our little squirrel’s blessed acorns in the strangest of places. They made their way into drains, the refrigerator drawer, attached to the cat, wedged up a nose or even swallowed. I had to make a concerted effort to check every tiny pocket before hurling their dirty laundry in the washer. Otherwise, we’d be listening to those seeds roll around like marbles until the cycle finished.

When the dryer started acting up, I was not thinking, Acorn. However, when we pulled the machine out and took it apart, we found the the source of the breakdown. Sure enough, it was one of those little brown acorns that we had collected six months earlier. It had been washed and dried, and then had found its way through a crack somewhere inside the machine. There, it had settled, undisturbed, amongst some dryer fluff.

Mighty Oak Potential

That tiny seed, which looked so ordinary, had endured a tempest of activity and harsh conditions. It had persevered, and now it was blooming! In the most unlikely of circumstances, that dead-looking seed had begun to grow. And, had we not discovered it, it would have continued to develop, right there inside my dryer!

How is this possible? There was always life contained within that seed. However, it didn’t grow until it found itself planted in the right conditions. One tiny acorn, with mighty oak potential on the inside of it. 

In the same way, you will sprout and grow! Even if right now you are living in conditions that aren’t one hundred percent conducive to growth, you will begin the growth process. As you continue to cultivate your relationship with God, spend time in the Word, and learn to hear His voice more clearly, you will find yourself being transplanted into good soil! The conditions surrounding you will change, and your growth will continue, your roots becoming more deeply planted, and your branches reaching further into the sky. Then, you will begin to bear the fruit of your genius!

You already have the seed of genius inside of you.

 As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.

2 Peter 1:3

Cultivating Your Genius

Your relationship with God is unique to you, and your journey will not look identical to anyone else’s. However, there are still some biblical principles which will help you to begin cultivating your genius inside of you.

  1. Spend time in the Word of God. The Bible is full of wisdom and revelation, and it is also the primary way the Lord will speak to you and give you direction. As you read the Word, it will be “water” to you that will help your seed grow!
  2. Pray. When you identify areas where your genius is not being manifested in your life, pray about the situation. For example, you might pray, “Lord, I know that I haven’t been bearing fruit in this area, but I know you have equipped me with everything I need! I thank You, Lord, that You have predestined me to be conformed to the image of Jesus, and You are working in me today to bear fruit.” Just spend time talking to the Lord and thanking Him for what He has promised to do, and is doing, in your life!
  3. Pray in the Spirit. When you pray in the Spirit, you are praying the perfect will of God. The Holy Spirit will even bring revelation to you regarding what you have prayed. 1 John 2:20 says that you have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things. Does your natural mind know all things? No, but your spirit does! And the way you get that wisdom, knowledge and understanding from your spirit to your natural mind is by praying in the spirit.

Starting today, we can recognize the Mighty Oak potential that God has placed inside of us, and rather than despising our small beginnings, let’s cultivate our genius!

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The God Plan Growth Track

Have you been foolish or weak? Have you been despised or considered to be nothing? If you can answer, “Yes,” that is excellent news—you match God’s qualifications perfectly! 

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