Possessing the Promises – Part 4

In Part 4 of Possessing the Promises, learn how to take the promises of God through the spirit. God has provided great and precious promises to us, but it’s up to us to possess them! Ashley and Carlie Terradez are here to help guide us through this powerful revelation of God’s Word.

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Ashley: Did you know, God’s got promises specifically for you. And today we’re talking about possessing. Those promises stay tuned.
Announcer: Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life. Welcome to the Abundant Life Program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.
Ashley: Hello, and welcome to abundant life. My name is Ashley, Terradez and this is my wife. Carlie. Thank you for joining us in the lounge. We’ve got an exciting program for you today. We’re looking at possessing the promises of God. Do you know, God has given us promises to stand on, promises to live out, praise God, and it’s up to us to possess them.
Carlie: Right. We’ve been talking all this series about the fact that the God’s promises are yes and amen, that he’s made his mind up about you and what he wants you to have. And it’s all good. He has a great plan for you and great precious promises that are for you. These include salvation. These include the baptism of the Holy Spirit. These include prosperity, healing, deliverance, forgiveness of sins, all of these things. But sometimes we fail to walk in everything that God has for us simply because we don’t realize that we have to take possession of them. Last time we looked at the word possession and what it really means. We looked at some different examples of how, when the children of Israel went into possess the land, they had the land, it was given to them, but they still had to take possession of it.
Moses instructed them, “Listen to the word that I’m giving you. Listen to the word of the Lord.” We looked at that in Deuteronomy 4:1, “Listen to what the word of the Lord is to is telling you so that you may live and go take possession of the land.” The very word possession itself means to drive out existing tenants, to evict them.
Ashley: Uh-oh.
Carlie: And so we looked at some of the things that we can evict in our life. Fear, doubt, unbelief, maybe just being carnal. In other words, just only considering what we can feel or see in the natural, rather than putting the word of God above how we feel about it. And so we started to introduce this idea of that possession begins in the heart. We begin to possess the promises of God, in other words, to really take ownership and make them our own by possessing, by captivating, our own heart and bring it into the obedience of Christ of what the word says about it, our situation, rather than how we feel about it.
Now there’s an example of this in Luke chapter 21. And this is in verse 19. It says, “By patience we possess our soul.” By patience we possess our soul. That doesn’t mean that we’re going to wait and hang around for the promises of God to happen and see if maybe God’s in a good mood or something. That’s not what it’s saying. The very word patience, it means cheerful endurance. Cheerful, endurance. I kind of like to think of it like this. When a kid, when it’s Christmas time, when Christmas is coming, do you remember when you were a kid and you’d have, on December 1st, you’d open the little advent calendar and each day you’d open another door and you get more and more excited because you knew it was coming.
Ashley: I had one of these chocolate advent calendars.
Carlie: Oh my goodness.
Ashley: I found out that I could actually undo it and slide the tray out-
Carlie: Slide the whole tray of chocolate out.
Ashley: … take the chocolates and slide it back in again, without actually opening the little perforated window.
Carlie: But what happened when you opened the window?
Ashley: Top tip, kids. If you’re watching, don’t tell your parents, but you can slide that advent candy out, take the chocolate, slide it back in. And none of the windows had been opened.
Carlie: But when you come to open the windows, then what happens?
Ashley: Then you say, “Oh, look, someone’s stolen my chocolate.”
Carlie: Take it back to the store and get a refund.
Ashley: Blame your sibling, blame your siblings for stealing your chocolate.
Carlie: I think our kids probably tried that at one point.
Ashley: They probably have, yeah.
Carlie: But, if you’ve ever waited for … watched a kid at Christmas, as Christmas gets closer and closer, as they open each door of those advent calendars, they start to get more and more excited because Christmas is getting closer. Right? But I think as adults, sometimes we lose that childlike faith and we start to think as each day that goes by, we start to get more and more frustrated that it hasn’t happened yet.
Ashley: I still get excited about Christmas.
Carlie: We haven’t seen it yet.
Ashley: I get excited about all the foods you cook and everything. And I get excited about Christmas.
Carlie: Childlike faith.
Ashley: Okay.
Carlie: Point in case. Case in point right there. But what this means by having a cheerful endurance is to be more and more excited, because we know that the promise is good, it’s just around the corner. I mean, we’re getting closer and closer and closer, rather than getting frustrated if there seems to be a period of time before we start to see something manifest. And so that cheerful endurance, patience is having its working in us. So the word patience is cheerful endurance, and patience is powerful because what patience does is it holds your faith in place between the yes and the amen.
Ashley: Yeah, that’s good.
Carlie: The promises of God, we’ve read this before, this has been our signature all the way through this series, but the promises of God are yes and amen. He said, yes, but we have to say, amen.
Ashley: 2 Corinthians 1:20.
Carlie: Amen.
Ashley: 2 Corinthians 1:20. Great verse, the promises of God are yes and amen.
Carlie: That’s right.
Ashley: The way I look at it is, is that the yes part God has already provided for these promises for us. And it’s his will for us to possess them. The amen is our part by faith saying, “Yes, I believe it. And yes, I’m going for it.”
Carlie: I’m going to choose to agree with your word Lord, even though it might not look like it. And we looked at the example of Abraham and Sarah and how that they were told that they were going to be the father and mother of many descendants, even though at the time that they were barren. Well, let’s look at something here. I want to look here. This is in Romans 4. And I’ll pick this up in Romans 4:18. And this is talking again about … Actually let’s back up into verse 17, “As it is written. I have,” this is talking about Abraham. “I have made you the father of many nations before God, whom he believed and who raises the dead and called those things that do not exist as though they did.” When we really believe the promise of God that he has spoken to us through his word, because remember his word doesn’t return void. He’s a promise keeper.
Ashley: Amen.
Carlie: God always keeps his word and his word will come to pass. If we plant it in our hearts and keep it there with faith, keep believing, don’t quit. You’ll win if you don’t quit, right. But it says he had to call those things that do not exist as though they did. In other words, there was a period of time between when Abraham and Sarah were given the word of God that they were going to be parents, between then and between them seeing the actual child being born. And it’s really easy sometimes for us to get lost in the middle, for us to get disappointed in between.
Ashley: In that waiting period.
Carlie: In that waiting period.
Ashley: And you know what happens, I think a lot of the time is like you said, we get gung ho at the first, when we first hear about it, we think, “This is it.” And then whatever that period of time takes place before we see it in the natural realm, that can be the time when we get discouraged.
Carlie: People can get frustrated really quickly.
Ashley: They get discouraged and frustrated. And God’s will for you is to have it. I mean, that’s his will. He’s provided for you. In fact, you’ve already got it in the Spirit, so really the timeframe is up to us, right? It’s how quick can we receive it? How quick can we renew our minds? How quick can we wrap our heart around it? You’re talking about possessing in your heart. Can we see ourselves with it? Can we imagine having it? Can we believe that it’s ours?
Carlie: Yeah. And so possession starts in the heart. Seeing the promise, seeing the promise that God has spoken, visualizing it. And as Abraham was doing, calling those things that do not exist as though they did. Speaking out the promise that God has given us. For Abraham and Sarah, it would have been like, “We know that we’re having a baby. We’re going to be the father. I’m going to be the father of many nations, of many generations. God’s told me.” Repeating the same things that God has spoken to us, rather than looking around and thinking, “Well, there’s not much going on here. It’s not looking very likely.”
Let’s look at the next verse, “It says against all hope,” against all circumstances in the natural, “he believed in hope that he might be the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, so shall your descendants be. And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body to be dead, which was about a hundred years old nor the deadness of Sarah’s womb. And he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.” We can be thankful. Thanksgiving is a powerful way to possess our own hearts. When we take the promise of God and we start thanking God ahead of time, before we’ve even seen the promise, that’s another way that the power of God starts to operate in our body and in our circumstance and actually bring that promise to pass.
Ashley: Amen, and what it does is when we give thanks, it takes faith to give thanks for things. They don’t see it in the natural realm. You start thanking God when you don’t see it in the natural realm, that [inaudible] say, “Well, you’re just faking it, actually.” You’re not faking it. You’ve already got it in Spirit. You already are possessed with those promises and you start thanking God and start worshiping him and praising him, and that takes faith. And I tell people, “When you’re discouraged, when you feel like there’s too much time between seed time and harvest.”
Carlie: Between the yes and the amen.
Ashley: Between the yes and the amen. When you start to get discouraged, when you least feel like praising God, when you least feel like thanking God, is the most powerful time you can do it, is the most important time you can do it when you at least feel like it because that’ll force you into faith. And I’ve been there so many times where I’ve been waiting for something and I haven’t seen it as quick as I’ve wanted to. And I’ve started thanking God for it. And sometimes the natural circumstances don’t change then and there, but what happens is your heart changes. Your outlook of things changes. Your perspective changes over the situation. You see in the situation differently now, and even though nothing might change in the natural right away, it will. Your natural circumstances will change. But if you don’t see them change right away, the way you look at them will change and your heart will change. And I’m telling you, you can have joy and you can have contentment and you can be fulfilled and you can be happy in that situation, even though the natural circumstances hasn’t changed.
Carlie: Right. And look at what it says here [inaudible] in verse 20. “Though he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was able to perform it.” God is not shy about backing up his promises, right? If he says it, you can take it to the bank. Actually talking about there about thankfulness. We just read that in Luke, in Luke 21:19, “By patience you possess your soul.” Or in other words, by cheerful endurance you possess your soul. The word soul is used interchangeably to mean the heart, to mean the mind, the will, and the emotions. And we take possession of the promises first in our thinking and in our heart, in our mind, our will and emotion.
So we could rewrite it like this by cheerful endurance, we take possession. In other words, we evict the former tenants from our heart of doubt or fear, of negativity and of unbelief. Man, that’s powerful, isn’t it? We stop looking at the circumstances and say, in determining whether the promises of God can come to pass under the circumstances. We’re not under the circumstances, right?
Ashley: Right.
Carlie: We’re above the circumstances and not beneath them. That’s powerful. And when we really have that down in our heart, when a challenge comes that rises up, in Isaiah 54, I think it was 54:17. It says, “No weapon formed against you will prosper. And every tongue,” every tongue, “that rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn it.” And here’s the thing. The promises of God are for us, people. They’re for us. Healing is for us. It’s for you. Prosperity is for you, deliverance is for you. Forgiveness is for you. Happiness, health, wholeness, safety, favor, friendship, they’re for you. Amen. But sometimes there are circumstances in our life that are contrary to that and they rise up like a tongue and judgment. Sometimes it’s our own tongue. We get hung by our own tongue.
Ashley: Own self-talk, yeah.
Carlie: But with Abraham, he had a relationship with God. This all comes back to the very beginning of our series about covenant relationship. See, Abraham had a revelation. He what it meant to be connected with God. He knew what it meant to be in relationship with almighty God and how faithful God is to perform his word. And so, there’s a long story, but eventually Abraham and Isaac, they saw their promise child. Isaac was born.
Ashley: You mean Abraham and Sarah.
Carlie: Abraham and Sarah, thank you.
Ashley: You said Isaac.
Carlie: They saw Isaac born. That doesn’t mean that things will always go easy. In fact, they had a challenge. But because they had a relationship, they had a loving relationship with their Father God, and they knew his character and they knew his nature and they knew here, like it says here, “Being fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was also able to perform it.” When something happened in Genesis 22, Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac, the child of promise. Now I don’t know about you, Ashley. But if that was me, I’d be like, “What? I mean, you told me I was going to be the father of many nations. You told me I was going to have, we were going to have this child. This child was born, this child’s miraculous. And now you want me to kill him? What are you thinking, God?”
Ashley: Yeah. It’s like the very promise that God had given him, he was asking him to sacrifice it, give it over to God. And I think that’s one of those things that, sometimes if we start trusting the natural circumstances, if we start, if we see something start to come about, then oftentimes we’ll feel like this is the way. This is it. And we’re not looking at the spirit. We’re not looking at in God’s eyes for the spiritual world. We’re looking at it from the natural world. And we think, “Now that can’t be right,” and we try and work things out.
Carlie: Right.
Ashley: A lot of the time, whatever you’re waiting for, whatever thing you’re believing God for, whatever promise you really need, what can happen is we try and work out logically. And that’s what happened with Abraham and Sarah, they tried to work out logically.
Carlie: Before Isaac was born, they tried to fix it themselves.
Ashley: They tried to fix themselves in the flesh. That’s never a good idea. Don’t try and work it out yourself by your flesh, make sure that you’re sticking to God’s plan and how God wants you to receive it. Praise God, it’s spirit to spirit. And sometimes we can do that and we can end up [crosstalk] getting into trouble because we’re trying to help God out. And do things in the flesh rather than do things through the spirit, through the word of God.
Carlie: God doesn’t ask us to help him out. He asks us to believe him, right? To believe him, to be fully persuaded, that what he had promised, he is also able to perform it. Not us perform it, but him perform it. Well, Abraham had this on his mind in chapter 22, let’s pick up the story here in verse 1. “After these things, God tested Abraham and said to him, ‘Abraham,’ he said, ‘Here I am.’ ‘Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering or one of the mountains, which I tell you.'” Now I want to kill a sacred cow here.
Ashley: Uh-oh.
Carlie: Because sometimes people use this to say, “Well, God, sometimes God gives and God takes away.” Sometimes God tests us. He’ll give you something, but then he would ask you to hold it and sacrifice it. Let’s just read the whole story. Okay, because at face value you could take that and think, “Well, you know what he did ask Isaac. He did ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.” But look at the outcome. This wasn’t about him sacrificing Isaac. This was about God establishing his relationship with Abraham to a whole nother level. Isaac wasn’t in danger. God knew what was going to happen. He sees the beginning from the end, but in Abraham’s heart, he had to be fully persuaded that God was also able to protect the promise that he had given. Remember when God gives us a promise, he protects his promise, right? Look at this. So verse 3, and you can tell this from Abraham’s response. “So Abraham rose early in the morning,” he was obedient.
He might not have understood. He might’ve been terrified. He was certainly probably didn’t want to do it. Okay. He says, “He rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey. He too two of his young men with him and Isaac, his son. And he split the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place that God had told him. On the third day,” now in my Bible, I’ve underlined the third day. You know what? Three days changes everything, people. I’m saying on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead. Amen. This is a type and shadow, a picture of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. All through the Old Testament it was pointing towards Jesus. We’ve mentioned this before, but everything in the Old Testament always points towards Jesus. And Isaac is a type in shadow, a picture of Jesus, and Abraham was prepared to sacrifice him.
“But on the third day, Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from a distance. And Abraham said to the young men,” and this is key. “‘Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go up over there and worship. And then we’re going to return.'” And I’m thinking, “Hang on a minute, didn’t God tell you, Abraham, to take your son and sacrifice him?” But here he is a man of faith cooling those things that be not as though they are, because he said, “We’re going to go there,” knowing that he’s going to sacrifice Isaac as a form of worship and thanksgiving, but then him and the boy are going to come back. Him and the boy. And the reason that Abraham could say this with such confidence was because he knew that if God had spoken the promise, God was going to protect the promise because his word does not return void.
Remember Isaac wasn’t just any boy. Isaac was the child of promise. Amen. When God gives you a promise, he will protect it. He will nurture it. He will raise it and he will bring it to pass. And that’s why in Romans chapter 4, that Abraham could say with such confidence, he was fully persuaded that whatever God had promised, he was also able to perform it. In other words, even if he’d sacrificed Isaac, he was fully confident that God could raise him from the dead. Man, that’s some bold faith. And we see Abraham in the faith hall of fame. He’s listed throughout Hebrews chapter 11, in the faith hall of fame in the New Testament. But it wasn’t because somehow Abraham was always such a man of faith. I believe that that Abraham had his faith tested because that was what he needed.
You look through Abraham’s life and you see, this is the man that at one point was so afraid that he sold his wife off as his sister. But at some point his relationship with the Lord developed. He started to possess the promise. His relationship with the Lord developed a trusting confidence until he became fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was also able to perform it. He moved past being the scared husband that passed his wife off as his sister so he wouldn’t get into trouble. And he ended up being the father of many nations because he put God’s word above what he saw, above what he felt in the natural, above the age of his body, the age of his wife’s body above any circumstance or any challenge that came against him. In other words, he passed the faith test. That’s how he ended up in the faith hall of fame. Man, that’s powerful.
Ashley: Oh yeah. And I got that right here. This is Hebrews 11. Hebrews 11:8. It says “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place, which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going.” I mean, this is the walk of faith right here. He went out, so he obeyed God, and left without knowing where he was going. I mean, that takes faith and God will show you on the way. Right. And then, but verse nine, “By faith, he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs, with him of the same promise for he waited for a city, which foundations whose builder and maker is God.” So much in here, but I’m going to keep going.
“By faith, Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed. And she bought a child when she was past the age.” She was past the age of childbearing. And this confirms it. Hebrews right here confirms it. You know what, she was barren. She was past the age of bearing children and she couldn’t bear children anyway. But when she was younger, now she’s old, she definitely can’t bear children. And this says, “Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead,” so he’s talking about Abraham, one man, Abraham who’s good as dead. He was 99 years old.
Carlie: That’s pretty old.
Ashley: A hundred years old, he was pretty old. “As good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude, innumerable as the sand, which is by the seashore.” Isn’t that powerful? I mean, this shows you, this is a summary, if you like, of Abraham’s walk of faith of what he did. He trusted God over the circumstances. He trusted God, even though he wasn’t sure about everything God had called him to do. He went out and he said, “Yeah, I’m going to do it. God told me to do it. I’m going to do it. I’m going to receive it.”
Carlie: You bet he had to possess the promise in his heart first. He had to take possession of his own heart, his own feelings and his own emotions in that moment. Because if he hadn’t, he would have acted in fear or disobedience. But look at this back in Genesis 22, a couple of chapters later, it says in verse 15, 16, rather “And said, ‘By myself, I have sworn,’ says the Lord, ‘because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will indeed bless you. And I will indeed multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens and as the sand that is on the seashore. Your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies.'” You see Abraham’s faithfulness to keep with, to cling on, to hold the word of God, of higher esteem in his heart enabled the whole, his whole generation and the generations after that, to really possess the gates of their enemies and see victory in battles, in wars, in land, in prosperity, in every area of their life going on from then on out.
I started studying this out, what this was to mean. And when it says, I’ve written it down here, it says, “God says your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies and everyone is blessed because you obeyed my voice,” is what it says in other translation. This isn’t talking about just outward behavior. This isn’t talking about outward behavior. The word obey, it actually means to hear intelligently.
Ashley: Oh.
Carlie: It’s not just talking about our outward actions. I think this is fascinating. It means to hear intelligently, to declare, to make a noise, to proclaim, to tell, to listen and obey. You see Abraham could possess the promise of God because he had learned first to listen and obey God’s voice above the circumstances. If we are to obey God’s voice, we have to first have heard God’s word. I think we began in one of our very first sessions by quoting Romans 10:17. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” It’s Jesus that said, “My sheep, they hear my voice and they know me and they obey.” They listen. In other words to obey means to hear intelligently the promise of God, what the word of the Lord is you, to hear intelligently and then to proclaim it and then act on it. We hear it. We proclaim it. We act on it.
This is how we begin to possess the promises of God that grace has provided for us. This is a process. God has provided for us good and precious promises. He’s made up his mind about us. It’s yes and amen. He says the yes, but we have to say the amen and this process of possessing the promises of God doesn’t happen automatically. It happens in our heart. It happens in our mind. It happens in our hearing and it happens in our speaking and these things in conjunction will draw the promises of God that you have already on the inside of you in your spirit man.
When you receive Jesus, into your heart as a born again believer, you received the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven came to take residence on the inside of you in the person of Jesus. Man, that’s more than enough faith to move a mountain. That’s more than enough healing to heal the sick and more than enough power to raise the dead or cast leprosy out or cast demons out, whatever it is. That’s more than enough prosperity to pay your rent or to pay your mortgage. God has already defeated the plans of the enemy in our life. The problem, isn’t the enemy that we’re fighting as in the devil, the biggest enemy that we fight is right between our ears.
Ashley: It really is. What we think [crosstalk] That’s why we have to take every thought captive and make it obedient to the word of God.
Carlie: Absolutely.
Ashley: And that’s why Paul tells us what to think. In Philippians 4:8, yeah, 4:8, Paul tells us what to believe or what to think on. And that thinking will create our believing. We’re going to believe what we think on. And he tells us to think on these things, whatever is noble, whatever’s true. Whatever is of good report, whatever is praiseworthy, those are the things we need to think on and spend our mind meditating on. Don’t meditate on the natural circumstances. Jesus puts it this way in the King James version in Matthew 6, he says, “Take no thought.” Take no thought. And that’s one of the things we’re talking about. Don’t worry. We don’t have to get worried about things. If we we go that route, if we start thinking about the negative things you’ll create worry. We think about the positive things ,you think about the promises of God, we meditate on the promises of God, it creates faith in us. So there’s the two … They’re opposites, right?
Carlie: Proverbs says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” But we often think about as it’s a response to what we’ve been listening to. And if we’re not hearing properly, we’re not going to be thinking properly. We’re not going to be speaking properly. And we’re going to start to affect the world around us negatively and find it hard to possess the promises. It says this in Luke 8:18, “Take heed, therefore, how you hear?” What are you listening to? What are you filling your mind with? If we are struggling, if we have a physical battle going on in our life, and all we hear is the doctor’s negative report, that’s going to play on our mind.
Eventually out of the abundance of our heart our mouth is going to speak, but we need to find out, okay, let’s meditate. Let’s change the picture on the inside of us. Let’s listen to God report. He has a good report, amen. And he says, he sent his word and healed you, and that you live and not die and declare the goodness of God in the land of the living. I want to encourage you, whatever weapon has been formed against you, there’s no match for the name of Jesus and the plans and the purposes of God in your life. His promises, if we would just choose to believe them, put our faith in them and agree with them. Amen. They are for you today.
Ashley: That’s awesome. Praise God. We pray for you.
Carlie: Yeah, absolutely.
Ashley: We want to pray for you, watching and listening, wherever you’re watching and listening from, God is with you. He loves you. Praise God. His presence is with you. And we pray right now, Father God, I thank you for everyone. I thank you, Lord, that they are receiving these promises. And I thank you that they’re believing, that their thoughts are about you, Lord. Their minds are focused on you. And they’re believing these promises with our whole heart, Lord. And I’m thankful they’re seeing these promises come about in their natural circumstances. Things are changing. In Jesus’ name.
Carlie: Amen. We speak change, healing, and wholeness in Jesus’ name.
Ashley: Amen. Praise God, We’ll be back real soon. But remember, don’t just live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life. We’ll see you soon.
Announcer: To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website, terradez.com or call us at (719) 600-3344.
Carlie: Thank you for joining us. We’re right here in the middle of our series called Possessing The Promises. We’ve been speaking today about what to do if it looks like the promises of God aren’t manifesting in your life. God has spoken his promises over you, but it’s our job to possess our hearts and mind and our thinking so that our thoughts and our words come into alignment with what God says about our lives, amen. So I hope this has been an encouragement to you. Remember, take the word of God, plant in your heart and you will win if you don’t quit. You can possess the promises.
Announcer: To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website terradez.com or call us at (719) 600-3344.
Ashley: [inaudible] was believing for our daughter Hannah’s healing. We loved God and we loved the word of God, but because no one taught us the truth, we didn’t see that manifest until we understood the truth about healing.
Carlie: Our whole family has been impacted by this understanding of what Jesus has already done.
Announcer: Visit our website, terradez.com to get more resources that will help you live an abundant life.
Ashley: God wants the best for everybody. He wants the abundant life for everyone, and we want to help people walk in those good things.