Healing Hub - Find all our healing-related materials in one place.

39 Reasons Healing Is Yours

Audiobook read by Carlie Terradez

This product includes the audiobook and PDF versions of our best-selling 39 Reasons Healing Is Yours booklet! God wants you to be healed and whole, in both your soul and your physical body! As you hear Carlie read these 39 Bible verses, and associated content, you will receive revelation regarding the healing Jesus provided at the cross.

Each scripture contains bullet points to bring out key themes from the verse. It also includes a prayer and confession so you can make it your own. Carlie has also added some additional thoughts she had while reading it aloud!

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Use this coupon code at checkout: HEALING

Free Healing Confession Card Download

God's Word says you are healed!
This will help you to speak life, healing, and wholeness to your body. Take it like you would medicine and allow the power of God, through the spoken Word of God, to change your life!

Free Healing Confession Card Download

This will help you to speak life, healing, and wholeness to your body. Take it like you would medicine and allow the power of God, through the spoken Word of God, to change your life!

Come To The Cure Event 2025!

April 24–26 | Woodland Park, CO or Attend Online

No matter what the disease, Jesus is the cure! This FREE three-day conference will be a power-packed weekend. At The Cure, you will experience the Healer! Come and participate with other believers in a time of miraculous restoration. Whether you need healing for yourself or desire to grow in ministering healing to others, The Cure is a great place to receive and learn!

Supernatural healing and miracles, both physical and emotional, are not rare occurrences. They’re a normal part of the everyday Christian life, and they’re yours in Christ! This event is completely free but please register to help us best plan this event.

Come To The Cure Event 2025!

April 24–26 | Woodland Park, CO or Attend Online

No matter what the disease, Jesus is the cure! This FREE three-day conference will be a power-packed weekend. At The Cure, you will experience the Healer! Come and participate with other believers in a time of miraculous restoration. Whether you need healing for yourself or desire to grow in ministering healing to others, The Cure is a great place to receive and learn!

Supernatural healing and miracles, both physical and emotional, are not rare occurrences. They’re a normal part of the everyday Christian life, and they’re yours in Christ! This event is completely free but please register to help us best plan this event.


Healing Growth Track

Jesus provided healing for your body at the same time He provided forgiveness of sins! Jesus is the cure. This powerful growth track makes supernatural healing simple – it unmasks healing and reveals Jesus, not as a distant Savior but as your present Healer! This free Digital Kit includes:
  • An exclusive MP3 healing message from Carlie Terradez
  • Miracles Made Easy complete PDF book
  • 39 Reasons Healing is Yours PDF booklet
  • Nine-week email growth track
  • Encouraging mobile wallpapers

Free Healing Digital Kit


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My Body Broken For You by Terradez Ministries

My Body Broken for You

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39 Reasons Healing is Yours

NEW AUDIOBOOK | Read by Carlie Terradez

This CD set includes the physical copy and the audiobook version of our best-selling 39 Reasons Healing Is Yours booklet! Read by Carlie Terradez, she has also added some additional thoughts she had while reading it aloud! As you meditate on and confess these healing scriptures, they will beat sickness to death!

This CD also comes with a FREE MP3 download option as well, so you can easily listen on the go!

Miracles & Healing Made Easy

by Carlie Terradez

Ever wondered if miracles really happen today? Are you or a loved one in need of a miracle or healing? Are sick and tired of being sick and tired? Or just want to become more confident in your faith?

God is a good God, and His power is alive and active in the world today. It is His will for everyone to be healed and for miracles to be an everyday experience in our lives. More than that, miracles are easy for Him— “they’re a piece of cake for Jesus!” His healing, miracle-working power is available today, and He’s not holding out on anyone!

Be inspired as you experience accounts of actual miracles in the lives of everyday believers! This book might just save your life—or someone else’s!

Watch Healed + Whole

Listen to Manifesting Miracles


We’ve received hundreds of healing testimonies this year. Here are some of our favorites. You can read more powerful testimonies on our testimonies page.

Hi, I just wanted to let you guys know that I received healing for my tooth, gums and jaw pain yesterday while Carlie was praying on Facebook during the Peace and Purpose segment and today I called to tell my dentist and cancel the tooth extraction he said I needed. I'm chewing normally on that side now, no pain, no jaw pain, and am able to brush without bleeding or pain! Praise God!
Melissa Lee, USA
I have been following the Abundant Life [program] since last year. Earlier this year I learned how to pray in tongues through you... On my way back home to Zambia, I was met with an accident. I was traveling by bus, and while in Zimbabwe, the bus turned and fell on one side... I came out of that accident with no scratch. In fact, I felt shielded as the bus was falling and I knew it was God's protection... My immediate person next to me had her arm chopped off with blood all over her face... I wanted to cry but the Holy Spirit told me "this is not the time to cry; pray". Then all of a sudden I gained strength and started helping people... Sadly, one person was already very disfigured and dead... I moved around the scene looking for who to help and I found people praying for a baby (probably two or three years old). People were praying for her to live. I just felt the Holy Spirit move me... without even thinking twice, I went to the baby and touched her and said, "Father, you are the resurrection and the life" and then I commanded the baby saying "in the name of Jesus Christ, arise". And the baby immediately rose up.
— James Dimba, Zambia
... I attended the healing conference last year in Portland, OR. I was unable to move my right arm, and was facing a fourth neck surgery to repair a fracture. As soon as Carlie said, "Someone with a major neck injury is being healed right now" my right arm began to beat like a heart. I had a CT scan on my neck done last Friday and the results showed no fracture, and no stenosis... my trainer is in awe that I can do push-ups on my knuckles, which I never have before... [I'm] no longer labeled as "disabled" I'm off [of] government assistance and working two jobs while serving at the church in kids classroom. My life is full and has meaning and purpose! Bless you both and your family! Praise the Lord!!!
Amy Korslund, USA