Father God Will Never Let You Down
Father God will never let you down! You might feel like your earthly dad was the best. Perhaps you think your dad was the worst. Or maybe your earthly father
Father God will never let you down! You might feel like your earthly dad was the best. Perhaps you think your dad was the worst. Or maybe your earthly father
When we hear the word “legacy”, most of us consider the idea of leaving a part of ourselves behind when we are gone. However, we aren’t talking about this concept
We can’t think of a better example of how Jesus set you free than a story our friend Mark Hankins told us. As a boy, living in Texas, he had
As a believer, your light isn’t little, so let your light shine! You have the Spirit of God dwelling inside of you, and wherever you go, the light of God
2 Corinthians 12:7-10 has been used by many to say that even Paul had a physical sickness which God didn’t heal. Or even that God doesn’t always answer us when
The Bible says that we inherit God’s promises through faith and patience (Hebrews 6:12). However, there is some confusion regarding what faith and patience actually looks like. Faith and patience
There are some very common questions in the world today, especially among Christians: Does God allow evil? Why do bad things happen? These are questions that really need to be
When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, He was given a job that was good. After the fall, his work became cursed. However, now you are called to
The promises of God, the benefits Jesus died on the cross for you to have, do not happen by accident! If God’s will came to pass automatically, everyone would be
It’s a new year, and out come the journals with the resolutions full of hope and determination that this year will be better than the last! “This year, I will
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